The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 156 My youth is a bit difficult 18 (monthly ticket plus more updates)

People Returning at Night in the City is a program that Chen Yi often listens to.

Chen Yi does not have a mobile phone and there is no TV in her room at home. Every night in the dead of night, she lay in bed unable to sleep, so she could only listen to the radio.

She likes this show, not only because the host has a very upright outlook, but mainly because there are many stories about ordinary people in this show. Through the program, she can hear many joys, sorrows, sorrows and joys, and even those warm, simple, cute and touching blessings are what she likes...

Because those happened to be things that she didn't have in her life.

She knew the phone number of that program by heart. Every year on her grandma’s birthday, she would send her blessings through the radio, even though grandma was usually already asleep at that time...

Tao Ran feels that this media is very suitable for Chen Yi now.

Soon, her call was taken into the live broadcast room.

Welcome this friend.

Hello, Brother Nan, hello, Sister Xi. I'm a big fan of the show.

Wow. What a beautiful voice. She sounds very young. What is your name?

My name is Xiaoyi. Today I want to share a story. I also want to ask Sister Nan Gexi to give me some advice. I also want to ask the listeners in front of the radio to help me make suggestions.

Tao Ran got straight to the point and was mainly anti-customer. It was rare for the two hosts to encounter such an audience that did not require guidance. When they heard that these were fans of their own show, they naturally became more enthusiastic.

Something happened to me recently. Something bad happened. Tao Ran's voice suddenly became serious. I was domestically/violated.

This sentence directly dropped a bombshell.

Even the choreographer, who was thinking about what song to arrange next, suddenly raised his head.

My stepmother beat and scolded me without telling my biological father. I couldn't hold on any longer.

The words domestic violence and stepmother are very sensitive. When the host heard this, he sat upright and became concerned.

Tao Ran Balabala simplified her accusation against Ma Xiuzhu this afternoon into a two-minute story and told it in one breath. Of course she couldn't just say that she had attempted to jump off a building and needed to seek help because she was silenced by public opinion. The radio station is also a media. Can it be so bold as to help her seek justice?

So she had to find another entry point.

Such as domestic violence, such as the relationship between stepmother and stepdaughter.

This kind of point is more common among the people. It is easy to attract listeners, trigger resonance, and win sympathy and sympathy. It is also a topic that radio stations are absolutely willing to help.

Sure enough, the two hosts were filled with indignation, especially after asking her and finding out that she was only a junior high school student.

Classmate Xiaoyi, when encountering domestic violence, we must bravely say no.

That's right, my father doesn't believe you. You can ask the teacher for help, ask the street office for help, or we can help you contact the rescue center...


The host gave a few words of encouragement, but Tao Ran paused for three seconds.

I called the police today.

Then what? the hosts asked all at once, their appetites whetted.

Actually, I haven't said the most important thing yet. Brothers and sisters, can you give me two more minutes? Tao Ran cried again, which sounded inexplicably heart-wrenching.

you say.

The outside directors also nodded.

Their programs all introduce social topics, and the lights in thousands of homes naturally come in various shapes.

The little girl was sober and logical, and her words were fascinating. If the little girl hadn't revealed strong emotions in every word she said, they would have thought that someone had deliberately made up a story for fun.

Those who listen to stories every day are attracted, not to mention ordinary listeners.

I also knew that the listening rate at this moment must be at a high point, as the signal on the director console kept flashing.

In the past few minutes, the external phone lines in front of the director have been busy. They are all enthusiastic listeners who came to give the little girl advice, want to comfort the little girl, and even asked the little girl to give some specific information, so that they can help...

At this time, let alone two minutes, even five minutes must be given.

The little girl's humble request was heartbreaking, and the host Sister Xi asked her to just speak slowly.

Tao Ran grinned.

I'm asking my brothers, sisters, uncles, aunts, grandparents who are listening to the program to help me. Can you post what I'm going to say next on Weibo or the Internet? Help me with Aite or ask for help from some media that can help me. I don’t have a mother, and my father can’t help me, so I can only ask you for help. Everything I say is true, and I can be responsible for my words. Here, I would like to thank you in advance.”

Tao Ran carefully considered his words and deliberately put his request first. Otherwise, if those sensitive issues were raised first and the radio station was afraid of causing trouble, it would directly block her signal. Wouldn't her trouble be in vain?

Sure enough, the host thought that what she was going to say was still about domestic violence, and he was still encouraging her to speak out bravely.

Then...that's embarrassing.

I was bullied again today, and I only found out today that the guy who has been bullying me was instigated by my stepmother...

Tao Ran's speaking speed began to speed up, and at the same time, emotions were injected into him, and his crying voice appeared again.

Those people are not afraid of anything, and no one can control them. As the mastermind, my stepmother gave birth to a son for my father, and my father can't do anything to her, so when I come home, my stepmother will still deal with me.

I have tried my best to fight...

Bala, Bala, Tao Ran told everything about what happened today, including her fall.

Don't think I'm lying. I'm currently in Room 1245, Ward 10, Inpatient Department, People's Hospital. I'm from No. 1 Middle School... She quickly gave her general information.

Today's incident has caused quite a stir, and all my classmates know about it. Just ask around and you will find out.

Classmate Xiaoyi, wait a minute. You just said... the host asked, but Tao Ran didn't stop.

But no one even in the hospital knows about this. I really don't know what to do. If this continues, I will still be dead!

She spoke very fast, and the host tried to interrupt several times but failed.

I don't know who can take care of those bad guys. I beg the host not to hang up on me. I beg all the uncles and aunties who are listening to the show to help me. Help me find an agency that can take care of domestic violence, my stepmother and those bad guys. , help me find the media to expose it, at least help me spread it, or go to Weibo Aite to contact the official, and help me call and complain.


Tao Ran didn't finish his sentence.

Because the person she was talking to had changed from the host to the previous conductor, she knew that she had been ejected live on the radio station.

To be expected.

She has no regrets. In fact, she has basically said all the important points she wanted to say.

It was already good enough to pinch her until now.

My cough is very, very serious. These are all words I typed while coughing... I also really want to read ten or eight chapters in one breath, but the story is all in my head and I have to type it out manually one by one. , it’s too hard, o(╥﹏╥)o

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