The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 153 My youth is a bit difficult 15 (monthly tickets will add more updates)

Tao Ran has regarded his current place as a stage.

It was rare for hundreds of people to be so engrossed in watching her act, so of course she couldn't live up to it.

Of course, she was also paying attention to the actions of the police below.

She had to be tight-lipped and control the progress. She could neither be left in the cold nor give up halfway. Of course, she had to ensure the best and strongest dramatic effect!

Dad, let me tell you, Ma Xiuzhu, who was still at the front desk back then, deliberately committed suicide to attract your attention! You are the boss, and she knew you would definitely save her! She knew that my mother was dead, so she deliberately appeared in front of you with the image you needed most. I'm here just to seduce you and come to our house!

Well, I'm still guessing. True or false is not necessarily true.

But for someone like Ma Xiuzhu, being wronged is not considered wrongful.

They should also suffer the injustice that Chen Yi suffered.

I also tell you that I overheard the conversation between their mother and daughter, saying that I was too much of an eyesore. As long as I am here, I will get half of your property. By then, Zhou Qingqing and his brother will only get half, which is such a loss. So as long as I am here, I will get half of your property. When I'm gone, all your property belongs to their family of three! That's why they keep harming me!

She gave the mother and daughter another motive to go out.

This conversation was of course fake, so there was no such thing as eavesdropping.

But with so much foreshadowing, everyone's hearts have long been focused on her. Now that she is so excited and shouting so loudly, she really can't be serious anymore, can she?

It was after hearing this that I was more wary of Zhou Qingqing, but I saw her hanging out with Wang Shu and the others. Do you know how scared I was when I went to find you yesterday? But you don't know right from wrong, you don't know right from wrong! Too much It’s chilling.”

Of course, Tao Ran noticed that all the air mattresses below had been arranged, and that there were several fewer police officers from the previous group. There is no doubt that the rescue operation has begun.

She also stood up.

This is the last scene before filming ends.

I am so disappointed in this world. I have only one last wish, dad, can you promise me?

Chen Jian shook his head, with a nervous look on his face: You are still young, and you have to realize your wishes by yourself. Dad is waiting for you and will accompany you.

No. I can't live. Wang Shu and the others are underage, so they won't be punished. They suffered a loss today and will definitely take revenge on me in the future. And my stepmother and stepsister will never let me go after they were exposed by me. . My stepmother gave birth to a son for the Chen family, and you will neither divorce her nor pursue her for murder. Therefore, I can’t survive at home. All that is waiting for me is death!

Tao Ran took a step forward.

Dad, I hope you promise that when I die, you must take good care of grandma! Because I suspect that grandma, who has always been in good health, suddenly suffered a cerebral hemorrhage and has something to do with my stepmother. I don't believe that coincidence at all. !”

This was Tao Ran's conjecture, but she just wanted to tell it in public.

Grandma has been hurt once, she can't do it a second time! You can't stay blind all your life!

Tao Ran let go of the hand that had been holding on to the railing and was so sore that it was almost numb.

The legs were really weak, and the cement board shook even more violently, scaring many of the students below into whimpering.

Okay, I've said all I have to say.

This time, Tao Ran smiled.

She laughed with tears streaming down her face.

You failed to fulfill what your mother asked you before she died, but you must not let me down. Otherwise I will not forgive you!

She took another step forward.

Dad, take care of yourself and say sorry to grandma for me. In the next life, I don't want to be your daughter, but I still want to be grandma's granddaughter. My daughter is unfilial and has to go find her biological mother first!

There were tears in her eyes and she smiled brightly.

There was a sudden boiling down below, some were crying, some were shouting, and everyone was asking her to stop.

Officer Feng was extremely anxious. He is making final arrangements. Seeing that his men were about to be in position and had already started to put on the safety rope, they would be able to attack at the same time in thirty seconds at most and save Chen Yi.

But why did Chen Yi, who had always been standing well, change her rhythm all of a sudden?

He hurriedly shouted several orders over the intercom: Hurry up! Hurry! Hurry! Hurry! Action!

He only needed ten more seconds at most.


Thank you, policeman!

Tao Ran turned around and thanked the policeman who appeared out of nowhere and was only five steps away from her, reaching out to touch her. Then, amid everyone's exclamations, he fell straight down the stairs...

For a moment, except for the movement of birds flying around, the air was somewhat solid!

This jump is a must!

After jumping, all her previous scenes will become real.

Only by jumping can she make all the foreshadowing make sense.

Only by jumping can the previous accusation be stamped and be remembered by everyone present!

Only by jumping can all her accusations be taken seriously, be alerted, and be taken seriously.

Tao Ran is not only for Chen Yi, but also for all minors like Chen Yi. Just treat her as someone who is trying to attract others! It would be best to make a big enough fuss and cause some noise in society, then her jump would be of extraordinary significance.

Otherwise, those who have done evil today will have an attempted crime at best and their plans will not come to fruition. Even those three little ruffians will be fine. At that time, under the guidance of the school, everyone will sit down and talk, shake hands, and the other party will apologize, and the matter will be forgotten in a few days.

After all, almost everyone below wants to settle the matter, so under the influence of several parties, this matter may not even be considered a case!

And those scum will soon become good guys again, they may not restrain themselves, and they may even intensify their efforts to counterattack. Then next time, I'm afraid no one will dare to stand up and testify against them.



She doesn't agree!

This matter must be done according to her wishes. She knew it was safe down there, so she decided to put on a show and do the whole thing!

So she must jump!

She didn't think much and just jumped down.

It happened to be stuck in the few seconds when she saw Officer Feng gesturing at the intercom.

The time is right.

Passed by, missed - everyone present was heartbroken.

Screams everywhere!


She fell straight onto the air bed.

But Tao Ran still overestimated the quality of this body.

She had planned to continue acting after the fall.

She had already thought about it, she would roll her eyes and faint in front of Chen Jian. Before that, she had to point out those scum and accuse them again with her resentful eyes. She had to perform the words resentment and injustice.

But she still thought too much.

Perhaps it was because she was relaxed, or perhaps because her body had reached its limit. After several rounds of bouncing off the air mattress, she was so tired that she fainted before the performance even started.

At that moment, only one thought came to her mind: If she is so weak, she must have high blood pressure, right?

lose weight! Must lose weight!

I would like to emphasize again that this article is fictional and purely fictitious. Please do not imitate the protagonist's behavior. If you encounter school violence or domestic violence, please be brave enough to call the police. Comparing your heart!

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