The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 154 My youth is a bit difficult 16

Chen Yi flew down, whimpering broke out, and police and medical staff swarmed towards her.

Chen Jian's hands and feet were cold. He sat on the ground helplessly, but could not stand up. He couldn't help it anymore and cried out...

How long has it been since he cried? The last time she cried like this was when Chen Yi's mother passed away, right?

How long has it been since he took his biological daughter seriously?

How long has it been since he greeted his daughter?

The moment his daughter flew down from the sky, his heart hurt as if it was being crushed!

What passed before his eyes were many scenes that he had long forgotten: helping his daughter learn to walk; feeding his daughter rice cereal; making a kite for his daughter; teaching his daughter to ride a bicycle; crying with his daughter in front of his wife's grave...

It was also at this moment that he realized that the beautiful memories between him and his daughter seemed to be interrupted right after that.


What has he done!

Only when it is lost is it valuable.

At this moment, he felt real regret, and great pain filled his heart.

Regret, guilt, and heartache made him realize what he had lost!

A hand climbed up to him, and it was Ma Xiuzhu who had been let go.

Chen Jian felt a chill, and a surge of anger instantly filled his weak hands and feet, causing him to push the person away without saying a word.

Husband, you believe me...

Don't talk! Don't touch me either! I don't want to see you right now! Chen Jian almost climbed up on his hands and feet and rushed to his daughter who was being lifted off the air mattress.

Then he cried louder.

Daughter, why is my daughter like this?

His body was covered with various wounds.

There were old and new injuries, some of which were still oozing blood, and it was terrible to see.

Doctor, please help me see how my daughter is doing? She'll be fine, right? Give her a full body check and take a good look!

Seeing Ma Xiuzhu coming up again, Chen Jian became even more angry.

With one backhand, he knocked the woman to the spot. On the verge of losing control, he didn't notice at all that this was the first time he had ever touched his wife.

Look at the good thing you did! I gave my daughter to you, and this is how you take care of her? Regardless of whether those injuries were caused by her, as a mother, she cannot escape the responsibility of poor guardianship!

But how did she tell lies and still pretend to be a good wife and mother?

Get out! Stay away from me and Xiaoyi!

The doctor gave Chen Yi a general examination and determined that the coma was caused by losing control of his emotions and excessive mental stress. Specifically, he had to be sent to the hospital for examination... This made Chen Jian finally breathe a sigh of relief.

He couldn't take his eyes away from his daughter's wound. When he heard Wang Shu, who was detained by the police, saying that his daughter framed him, Chen Jian rushed over again.

Comrade police, have you seen my daughter's injuries? My daughter was tortured like this by them! Is this just a matter of taking a few photos? As for my daughter, she risked her own life and even left behind her favorite grandma. Really? My daughter said they were murderers. Please detain them quickly and interrogate them! I will also sue them for murder and wounding!

Wang Shu and others jumped up: As I said, we are entrusted by your stepdaughter to do things for her! If you have the ability, ask your wife! What's the use of just biting us! I just use money to do things!


And this is what makes Chen Jian collapse even more.

He was asking himself just now, what should he do if Ma Xiuzhu and Zhou Qingqing really did it to his daughter? Send them to the police station? Accusing them of murder, wounding and domestic violence? Is he going to sue his wife for murder? Doesn’t that son also have a mother?

But how could he bear to hurt Xiaoyi again?

He didn't know what to do!

Just then, several police officers came down from the abandoned building to collect evidence, and they handed the photos to Officer Feng.

It's not just about chasing and taking pictures. The mirror and corner of the bathroom on the fourth floor where classmate Chen Yi hid had blood written on it...

I got a set of photos with the words Help written in blood all over them. The crooked handwriting clearly showed Chen Yi's panic at the time.

The bathroom door was kicked open, and the footprints were compared. It was Wang Shu and others. Chen Yi escaped through the window, and there were her footprints and blood stains on the window sill.

Everyone gasped. It is conceivable that if such a fat girl was not forced to the extreme end, how could she risk her life and climb out of the fourth floor window? Doesn't she know that if she is a little negligent, her life will be gone?

Therefore, Chen Yi was forced to a dead end and had no choice but to climb to the terrace. How could she be so scared if she just took pictures? How could she be so injured just by taking pictures?

This is why when the physical education teacher arrived, he saw three little ruffians forcing Chen Yi, who was already in danger...

Judging from various signs, Wang Shu and others are indeed suspected of murder. Even if there was no murderous intention, it was almost a big mistake and extremely bad bullying!

Take them away! Officer Feng said, Take Ma Xiuzhu and Zhou Qingqing away together for investigation.

Also designated to be taken away to cooperate with the investigation were the physical education teacher and head teacher.

Chen Jian was about to rush to the hospital, but he became angry again.

He saw the dean and a group of teachers driving all the students who were watching to the large conference room to speak. Its purpose is self-evident. To seal it!

Whether my daughter is in trouble or not, this matter is not over yet. Don't think that you can get away with it by hiding your eyes from others! Chen Jian clenched his fists. The school cannot escape the responsibility for poor supervision! I will not give up!

How could Chen Jian not be angry?

He had communicated with the head teacher, but the head teacher not only failed to tell his daughter about being bullied, but also made her unable to support her at all times, saying that everything was her daughter's own problem! What kind of school is this and what kind of teachers are there?

Principal Cai wiped the sweat from his forehead and said that he will definitely fulfill the responsibilities of a principal. This time, the school will be responsible for all Chen Yi's expenses. He will coordinate all issues and ask Wang Shu and several classmates to come to apologize and compensate. I will try my best to protect Chen Yi from now on, but please Chen Yi’s father give the school a chance and let’s sit down and talk...

Tao Ran was in the hospital when he woke up.

Night has fallen.

The person standing guard by the bed was Chen Jian.

He propped his head on his elbows, frowning, with a look of pain on his face.

Am I dead? Tao Ran said coldly.

Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, you finally woke up. Chen Jian burst into tears again. You're not dead. You fell on the air mattress and just fainted. Don't worry, dad is here and you will be fine. Dad will definitely protect you from now on.

How long have I been sleeping? Tao Ran was too lazy to respond to Chen Jian's words.

Been asleep for five hours.

That long?

It was quiet outside the ward, and Chen Yixin couldn't scream.

Why are there no police? No media? Is this all settled?

This body is too messy. According to her original plan, she had to go all the way to the end. Now there should be reporters waiting to interview her inside and outside, police officers should be everywhere to maintain order, and even hot searches should be included.

She was grinding her teeth, but she didn't want to spend so much time in vain.

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