The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 152 My youth is a bit difficult 14

Zhou Qingqing, do you admit it? You gave this money to Wang Shu! Tao Ran shouted to Zhou Qingqing.'re talking nonsense!

Zhou Qingqing calmed herself down. The money is not connected with her own money, so what is she afraid of! I have never given Wang Shu money. Don't slander me! I have never spoken to Wang Shu. We are not familiar with each other at all!

police officer!

Tao Ran jumped on the cement board twice more and kicked down the last piece of gravel at his feet. Take the wad of money on Wang Shu's body for inspection! It has Zhou Qingqing's fingerprints on it, which can prove what I said. I watched Zhou Qingqing give the money to Wang Shu with my own eyes. And after everything was done, She will also give him a large sum of money! She can’t afford to miss this!

At this moment, Wang Shu and Zhou Qingqing almost jumped up at the same time.

Wang Shu: Why is she so stubborn? If this continues, will he really be bitten to death and become a murderer?

Zhou Qingqing: It’s over! It’s over! The police won't really check fingerprints, right? So she couldn't clean herself up even if she jumped into the Yellow River?

Wang Shu! Do you admit it or not? Tao Ran changed his target again. Did Zhou Qingqing give you your money? Think clearly! I have decided to die. Once I die, your money will definitely be taken for inspection, and Zhou Qingqing cannot escape it! Are you the mastermind of the murder? Accessory, those are two different concepts!”

Wang Shu had already felt that Chen Yi was crazy. At this time, he didn't want to gamble anymore. He was just collecting money to do something, why did he get to this point?

It's Zhou Qingqing! She gave me the money! She is the mastermind! Liu Hua and Tan Chao can both testify to this! It was Zhou Qingqing who wanted to harm Chen Yi, we just used the money to take a few photos... He Recruited.

Liu Hua and Tan Chao on the other side wanted to admit it a long time ago, and immediately insisted that it was Zhou Qingqing who did it.

There was an uproar all around.

Zhou Qingqing?

She is the organizing committee member of the class! He is a good classmate that the teacher often praises! He is the most popular among his classmates and is recognized as a school belle!

Under everyone's gaze, and under the backlash of Wang Shu and others, Zhou Qingqing couldn't hold back any longer.

Wang Shu, you are talking nonsense! Today... it was Wang Shu who lent me money, and I lent him the money. This money was lent to him, and had no other meaning! Zhou Qingqing winked at Wang Shu. I didn't let you harm anyone! Don't accuse me unjustly!

Zhou Qingqing! But didn't you just emphasize that you didn't give Wang Shu the money, and you said I slandered you? Why are you admitting to lending money to Wang Shu now? Tao Ran interrupted her.

Aren't you not familiar with Wang Shu? Then you still lend him money? If you pay him back, it's more than a thousand? What is your relationship with Wang Shu?

Zhou Qingqing's legs went weak, she staggered back and almost fell to the ground.

She can't speak.

The students around him burst into disdain.

yes! what relationship? If it weren't for the relationship between the mastermind and his accomplice, it wouldn't be a relationship between a man and a woman, right?

More than a thousand! It’s not just one or two yuan! How close do you have to be to be so generous?

As expected, people should not be judged by their appearance. I really didn’t expect that the classmate around them, who was known to be kind, beautiful, and outstanding in everything, would be so scheming.

Fortunately, Zhou Qingqing sneered at those little ruffians every day. The last time Chen Yi was bullied by Wang Shu, it was she who stood up to stop him. At that time, she scolded several Wang Shus loudly, and afterwards she won the praise of the whole class...

The whole class knew that she hated those gangsters. Who would have thought that she was the one secretly giving money to the gangsters!

This is too scheming.

If we combine Chen Yi's previous accusations against them, don't they all make sense?

Could it be that, as Chen Yi said, it was the mother and daughter who spent money to kill the original wife's child?

Whether he really wanted to pay for the murder or instigated the violence, it was still terrible!

You don’t even dare to write a novel like this, right?

Everyone involuntarily took a few steps further away from Zhou Qingqing.

Tao Ran: Police officers, have you seen it? This Zhou Qingqing is full of lies! Dad, you have also seen it, this is your well-behaved stepdaughter. Zhou Qingqing spends money so generously, you are not so naive as to think that you have nothing to do with your wife It has nothing to do with it, right? Even Wang Shu has accused her, do you still think they are not the masterminds?

On the other side, Liu Hua and Tan Chao were already confessing, saying that they could go get the mobile phone they had just hidden in the ruins to testify that there were ugly photos Zhou Qingqing asked them to take of Chen Yi, and that Zhou Qingqing paid them to chase them. Follow Chen Yi, punish Chen Yi, and let them take photos that are uglier and more embarrassing, and that make Chen Yi unable to hold her head up, the better! After the incident was completed, Zhou Qingqing promised to give them a sum of money. And the money Wang Shu had with him was the deposit given by her...

In short, everything has been explained!

They even confessed that Zhou Qingqing had ordered them to humiliate Chen Yi before. The police said that if they confessed voluntarily, they would be exempted from certain responsibilities. Otherwise, no matter whether they were the mastermind or the accomplice, they would not be able to get away with it this time... Therefore, in order to seek a lighter consequence, they were very obedient at the moment.

Everyone was in an uproar again.

Lying cannot be so discreet. It is impossible for several people to tell the same testimony without having the opportunity to collude. Looking at it now, the three Wang Shus are obviously more trustworthy than Ma Xiuzhu and her daughter.

Tan Chao also found his cell phone.

Each photo shows Chen Yi crying and begging on her knees, and some showing Chen Yi falling to the ground and unable to get up...

It's true! Otherwise, why would we spend all this time taking ugly photos of Chen Yi? What's the use of making her look embarrassed? We just took some photos and didn't want to kill her!...

As if struck by lightning, Chen Jian burst into tears.

He thought about yesterday.

What did he do? His daughter came to him and said that Zhou Qingqing had paid to collude with the gangsters to harm her, but he didn't even hear the whole story and scolded his daughter. His daughter cried so sadly yesterday, he did not comfort her, and for the first time he saw disappointment in his daughter's eyes.

It turns out that it's all true...

Tao Ran saw Chen Jian's expression and knew that his plan was successful.

Unwilling to do anything, she simply continued to accuse.

Dad, if you have a conscience, how much have you cared about me over the years? You never thought that you would be deceived by that mother and daughter, right? Why am I so fat and can't lose weight? Why was I so cheerful before? Will my character become like this? Why did my grades decline like this?

Why do those mother and daughter hate me so much and want to get rid of me? Even why grandma suddenly fell ill at home back then, was it really a coincidence? Could it be that with grandma at home, the woman couldn't be a real hostess, so she got rid of grandma before the son was born?

After some questioning, only half of it was confirmed to be true, and the remaining half about grandma was Tao Ran's guess plus some nonsense.

It doesn't matter if it's true or false, Tao Ran just wants to let Ma Xiuzhu and her daughter experience the powerlessness of not being trusted, being hard to explain, being unable to prove themselves, and even being unable to speak.

Especially Chen Yi's father is now suspicious. Once a seed of doubt is planted, it quickly takes root and becomes impossible to uproot.

In addition, Chen Yi's biggest wish is to protect her grandma. If Chen Jian can cheer up and pay more attention to the old lady, it will always be beneficial.

Chen Jian's face turned pale, and when he retreated, it was thanks to the police's support that he didn't fall down.

He was frightened again. There was too much excitement today, and his mind hadn't thought about it yet...

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