The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 149 My youth is a bit difficult 11

In order to ensure the safety of students, Officer Feng had to consider other milder methods first.

They cannot act rashly until the air mattress is installed and medical personnel arrive. So we can only focus on persuasion.

Tao Ran: In a word, they just murdered me, will you catch them?

If you accuse them, the police will open a case for investigation. Then are you willing to come down and tell us clearly?

I don't want to!


They are minors, you won't do anything to them! But I am miserable...

As long as they are determined to have broken the law, the police will act impartially.

However, Wang Shu and the others, who thought they had suffered a lot and suffered great injustice, couldn't bear it any longer!

They kept silent, thinking of the overall situation and giving the police face, but if the fat girl opened her eyes and told lies and led her away, they would have to be imprisoned and served jail time without doing anything. What a good thing!

The three of them jumped almost at the same time. One shouted injustice, one warned Chen Yi, and the other cursed Chen Yi...

That Wang Shu was particularly excited.

The last time he stabbed a classmate in the eye with a pen, he had already been sent to a juvenile correctional facility.

When he came out, he was warned that if he went in again, the punishment would be doubled.

Chen Yi! I xxxx! I'm warning you, be careful what you say! If you dare to talk nonsense, you and I will not be finished! If I want you to die, can you still stand up and talk now? I finally showed mercy to you today, You still dare to be so arrogant, do you really want to die? If you don't tell the truth, I will make you regret it sooner or later!

Young man, that's how it is. When the blood is high and impulsive, you don't care about anything.

Chen Jian arrived at this moment.

He saw that the Yasan who was caught by the police was not honest, jumping up and down, spitting sweet things at his daughter, and making evil threats.

The daughter, whose life was hanging by a thread, was standing a few floors up, only one step away from death. She was holding her head and pulling her hair in agony. She suddenly squatted down and the whole cement board shook violently, scaring everyone below to scream.

Several girls were so frightened that they cried.

Chen Yi squatted on the trembling cement floor and screamed:

No! Stop talking! I knew it! I said, I can't live! If I go down, they will kill me. My stepmother will kill me! Everyone wants me to die! No one cares about me, Believe me! The world is so big, but there is no place for me! There are so many people, but no one can help me. I don’t understand, what did I do wrong?

The broken emotions she showed at this moment were not acted by her, but her real feelings.

The moment she saw Chen Jian, she collapsed.

It really collapsed.

From the body, from the inside out.

That kind of pain and hatred, from the heart and brain to the limbs, is like overwhelming... Those are the emotions that this body originally carries.

At that moment, Tao Ran didn't stop.

The emotion was so powerful that her body trembled greatly, and even her legs became a little weak. She subconsciously squatted down to barely maintain her balance.

Feeling heartbroken, Tao Ran suddenly understood at this moment that Chen Jian and Chen Yi were the last straw that broke the camel's back!

Chen Yi can not be accepted by her classmates, disliked by teachers, and can endure all kinds of persecution from her stepsister and stepmother, but she cannot accept the incomprehension and distrust of her only close relative other than her grandmother.

Without her mother, her father is her closest relative. All her tolerance was for the purpose of making dad happy. That was her deepest love and blessing for her father.

But when her grandma passed away and her father beat and scolded her, the last attachment to this world in her heart was broken away. Her father told her to get lost without saying a word, and she suddenly realized that she was redundant. Those four people are a family.

The sky collapses! The ground cracks!

Her death, in addition to following her grandma, was also an accusation against her father!

At this moment, strong pain burst out, and Tao Ran realized how kind, kind and loving this girl was!

Tao Ran is so angry!

She understood Chen Yi's grievances and couldn't bear to suppress these emotions again, so she simply took this opportunity to vent them to Chen Yi in front of Chen Jian.

So many people are torturing me! But everyone chooses to turn a blind eye! After I lost my mother, I lost my father! I live in purgatory every day. I have tried my best to find a place to hide, but I still have no place to hide. . It’s like this in the classroom, it’s like this on the playground, and it’s like this at home.

You all say nice things, but no one reaches out to me to give me a hand, or even looks at me. In fact, you all know how painful I am, but you don’t want to...

As long as one of these people can lend a helping hand and give a little bit of care and help, even if it is greetings, trust, or standing up for once, then Chen Yi may not die.

Perhaps because her sobbing was too heart-wrenching, her two friends at the same table were the first to cry, whispering I'm sorry. They are indeed selfish. Don't they know whether Chen Yi is good or bad? They are just afraid.

Most of the classmates in the class knew that she was being bullied. At this moment, the classmates who were affected, felt pity, and started to reflect could not help but sob softly.

Especially the classmates who had been bullied by those bad guys were so angry that they began to stand behind the police and whispered that Wang Shu and the others did have a history of violence against their classmates...

Xiaoyi, Xiaoyi, what are you talking about...

Chen Jian bit his lip but didn't feel the pain.

He directly pushed away Ma Xiuzhu, who came to explain, and rushed over in stupid strides.

He was dizzy and his heart ached.

There was too much information and he couldn't understand it.

Xiaoyi, daddy is here. Look here, daddy is here! Don't do anything stupid!

When Chen Jian heard that the little ruffian was still spitting feces from his mouth, he knew that he was the gangster who was hunting his daughter according to the head teacher, so he punched him out without saying a word.

He was so angry that he punched Wang Shu in the face with almost all his strength, and Wang Shu's mouth and nose were immediately covered with blood...

Well played! How many people feel relieved when they see it!

His behavior was exactly what Chen Yi said. The behavior of a real relative seeing his daughter being persecuted was really very different from that of Ma Xiuzhu. Everyone saw this and couldn't help rolling their eyes at Ma Xiuzhu, hehe, isn't this the difference between biological children and adopted children?

Wang Shu jumped into a rage and almost knocked over the two policemen who were holding him.

Wang Shu, who was detained, could only be beaten, but he was not allowed to jump around: I am

Sue it! Is it you? Did you hurt my daughter like that? Chen Jian's face turned pale when he saw his daughter's school uniform full of blood. It just so happens that I'm also going to sue you for murder, let's sue you together!

I'm coughing so hard that my lungs are about to come out. I haven't added any more in the past few days. I'll add it tomorrow~ Many thanks to the babies for their monthly tickets. The monthly tickets will be doubled for the three days at the end of this month. If you still have monthly tickets on hand, please save them and give them to me. I'll save some~ I'll add more for you~

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