The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 150 My youth is a bit difficult 12

Chen Jian took over his daughter's school uniform, his hands shaking.

Why is there so much blood?

What happened to my daughter after she was killed?

The school uniform was frayed in many places, and the damaged areas were stained with blood. Looking at the tattered ruins in front of me, I imagined my daughter running away on those rubbles, falling and begging, but those scum wouldn't let her go, right?

As a father, he was bursting with tears and furious at the same time, and kicked him out again.

Although the two policemen who were guarding Wang Shu said they were trying to stop him, they actually made no big move, and Wang Shu was beaten several more times.

Me murder?...What the hell... Wang Shu sneered, but as soon as he opened his mouth, he was silenced by the police.

The police dragged him to the other side.

Now is not the time for you to speak. The victim is too emotional. If you stimulate him again, it will really be murder. The police warned. If your life is really going to happen, the minor law can't protect you!

On the other side, under the instruction of the police, Chen Jian began to persuade his daughter.

Xiaoyi, there is a misunderstanding between us. Dad loves you and feels sorry for you. How come you don't have a dad? Chen Jian burst into tears. What's the trouble? Just tell daddy!

I said that!

Chen Yi burst into tears.

Didn't I make it clear enough? But you don't believe me! You only believe in your current wife and have long forgotten that you promised my mother before she died that she would take good care of me. You would rather believe in the daughter brought by my stepmother, you I don’t believe in your biological daughter either! That’s right! You have a new daughter and a biological son. A dragster like me is just a drag on your family. How can you listen to what I say?

Xiaoyi, that's not the case, you really misunderstood...

There's no misunderstanding! Your mind has completely wandered away! You just deliberately didn't look or listen!

While talking, the fire department and ambulance also arrived over there.

A huge air mattress began to be laid, and the police wanted Chen Jian and psychological experts to distract Chen Yi as much as possible so that she would not focus on the police and fire fighters.

Xiaoyi, tell dad what happened?

Do you know that your wife, that woman, abused me? You don't know! Because you are never at home! When you are not at home, they scold me and beat me. Do you know? They have been domestic violence against me. Do you know?

Of course Tao Ran saw that the police needed time to make arrangements, and just in time, she also needed time to put on a good show.

So as soon as she opened her mouth, she hit hard and successfully attracted all the police to look at Ma Xiuzhu.

Tsk, domestic violence is also a crime!

Your good wife, your crimes could fill a book! They force me to work! I do all the work at home, and I won't let you sleep until I finish it! I don't even have time to do my homework, and my grades are so bad Can it be good? And they only have a show as mother and daughter when you come home, acting like a good wife and daughter.

Do you know that your wife forces me to eat all the leftovers at home every day? They treat me like a trash can? They made me drink the remaining oil and water, not even a drop was left! Zhou Qingqing once told me clearly that the uglier and fatter I am, and the less I like you, the happier they will be...

Well, that's a slight exaggeration.

So what?

It doesn't matter.

Anyway, life is like a play, it all depends on acting skills.

Ma Xiuzhu, who has a technical secondary school diploma, can act so convincingly that so many people are convinced. She, Tao Ran, is a real movie queen after all, so she can't be inferior to an amateur, right?

Anyway, there is no proof, it just depends on who is more convincing on the spot!

Dad... There was a hint of drama in her voice, and it rose slightly as she trembled.

Tao Ran revealed several old wounds on his arms: I know you don't believe it! But this is what your wife beat you when you were not around!

Of course not true!

This wound was slapped with a stick when Wang Shu and the others bullied her last week.

After a few days, the pain was less severe, but the bruises remained.

Chen Jian's hands were shaking while holding the binoculars. He couldn't see the injury clearly, but he saw the bruises, which made his heart hurt. Even his throat seemed to be pinched.

Ma Xiuzhu was so excited at the back that she wanted to come up to refute and explain several times, but the police kept her away on the grounds that no stimulation is allowed and told her to hold it in until she could only spit out a few mouthfuls of blood. She was so anxious. If this continued, and if Chen Yi continued to arrange nonsense like this, how many more hats would she be given?

Wang Shu and others were also dumbfounded.

At this moment, they fully realized Chen Yi's ability to talk nonsense. Those injuries earned Zhou Qingqing 300 yuan for them, and of course they have not forgotten it. Now that Chen Yi is talking so freely, will he bite them to death and murder him later?

Liu Hua and Tan Chao behind him also looked at each other, feeling panicked...

Zhou Qingqing has several thousand yuan of pocket money a month, but I only have one hundred yuan. Only you believe that woman's lies about treating everyone equally. But you know, I go to see grandma every day, and I have to go back and forth by bus and subway. This hundred Damn, even a car ride is not enough!

In front of my grandma, I never dared to reveal that I had no money. In order not to worry her or let her know that I was being abused and had no money, I could only do odd jobs, but I was underage and no one dared to use me...

Tao Ran smoked and cried.

Every time you give me pocket money, it disappears for no apparent reason. Even if I hide it in my room, I won't find it for three days at most!

Ma Xiuzhu started jumping around again.

What do you mean, you mean I stole your money? You are so young, why are you so vicious?

Tao Ran ignored her.

Make her mad! Just accuse her wrongly!

Is it possible that she still has a way to disprove it? Does she have evidence to prove her innocence?

Since there are none, let’s see who everyone believes!

I finally found a job distributing flyers, but those gangsters took away the fifty yuan I earned! I don't know why those gangsters knew that I earned fifty yuan. I never understood who told Their!

This time, Tao Ran looked at Zhou Qingqing.

Wang Shu and others: Don't talk nonsense, we didn't steal your money!

Zhou Qingqing: Don't accuse me wrongly!

Tao Ran: I didn't mention you, so why are you so anxious? You're just asking for it, aren't you?

Wang Shu:......

Zhou Qingqing:......

I went to sell the few gold items I got as birthday gifts, but they thought I was a minor and didn't dare to accept them...

I want to help wash dishes in a restaurant, but people think I'm fat and think I'm inflexible...

All I can do is pick up bottles in our community and sell them! My mother-in-law who collects rags sees me as pitiful and will give me a few more yuan every month! Thanks to her, I can occasionally buy my grandma some pastries she likes to eat!

How can a dad like you help me! Have you really cared about me?

As he spoke, Tao Ran turned his trouser pocket inside out. There were only a few steel caddies inside, which fell from the sky. Finally, they clattered to the concrete floor below, making a crisp sound...

This sound hit Chen Jian's heart, and combined with the sounds of teachers gasping and classmates sobbing around him, it made his heart feel dull pain again.

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