The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 148 My youth is a bit difficult 10

Tao Ran didn't think he could play Ma Xiuzhu any better.

When her emotions were revealed, who could feel her injustice towards her stepmother.

You are so fake and compassionate. Aren't you afraid that I will reveal all your scandals? Aren't you afraid that everyone will see through your hypocrisy? Do you think the leaders, teachers and classmates of our school are all stupid? You can't see it even if you bow a few times. Is it your fault? Do you think everyone is as blind and dark-hearted as you?

Didn't you hear that I was being hunted and didn't you see that I was dying? Why do you indiscriminately assume that I have a bad temper? It was my fault? Are you sure there is such a mother in the world? As a mother, shouldn’t you protect your children unconditionally?

Everyone was silent, hey, that makes sense!

Ma Xiuzhu didn't react at once and opened her mouth wide. Before she could say no, the emotional Chen Yi shouted loudly to cover up her words.

If you were my mother, my real mother, my good mother, you should have cried and cared about me as soon as I came up, or lost control of your emotions and beat up those bad people, instead of secretly dragging your own daughter away and whispering! Then deliberately pretending to be The principal came in front of me and scolded me in various ways, and even apologized for me! I did something wrong and you apologized? You really went to great lengths to discredit me?

Her acting skills are so bad, but a lot of people still believe in her!

You usually hide your cruelty to me from my father, but now I'm going to die, and you're happy. You can't wait for it, are you very happy? You just plan to seal my coffin and settle the matter before my father comes. Is it on me? When my dad comes later, are you going to start talking bad about me as usual? Are you going to file a complaint again and let him scold me and hit me?

Tao Ran has specially practiced lines and has also dubbed movies and animations.

She spoke these words hoarsely and full of emotion at her fingertips, without giving anyone a chance to interrupt.

Just like you, you don't know, and you think you are the mother of those three guys who bullied me! God is watching what you do, sooner or later you will be struck by thunder and get retribution! Okay, just step on me! I listen! I want to see what excuse you are going to give me this time when my dad is here! Are you trying to say that my mental state is not good and I may be mentally ill?

Tao Ran spoke freely.

She doesn't have any special purpose. She mainly wants to find something for everyone to eat while procrastinating.

She has always only emphasized Ma Xiuzhu's viciousness and again, but did not point out a single instance. Because it's not necessary yet. Among the most popular stories in the world, apart from love, it is probably the story between stepmother and stepdaughter, right?

After all, even fairy tales are not exempt from clichés, and at least six out of ten fairy tales feature evil stepmothers.

Everyone will make up their own minds. She just needs to be a vulnerable group and let everyone imagine.

Judging from the surprised expressions on Ma Xiuzhu's faces, whispers, and now contemptuous expressions on the faces of the people around her, this effect should be pretty good.

But Tao Ran didn't know that she was actually right.

When she was making accusations just now, Ma Xiuzhu, who was embarrassed but couldn't speak, was actually talking to the people around her: The child is a little agitated. It has been a while. Her father and I suspected that it might be depression. She just got pregnant these days. I contacted her psychiatrist, but before she had time to see her, who would have guessed that this happened...

But just as she was saying this, who would have thought that Tao Ran, who was above her, seemed to have heard her and guessed the plot of her mental illness.

Haha, so embarrassing!

Because of this sentence, everyone's hearts went to Chen Yi.

No matter how you look at it, the one above is more convincing.

By this time, many classmates and teachers began to feel sorry for Chen Yi. So pitiful. It must be difficult to have a stepmother at home and be bullied at school.

Ma Xiuzhu opened her mouth wide and felt a little at a loss. Chen Yi, it wasn’t like this before! Had she always been faking it? Her sudden behavior caught her off guard. So difficult.

Xiaoyi... Tears rolled out of her eyes. How can you say that about mom...

But just as she opened her mouth, she was interrupted again.

Shut up! Get out!

Tao Ran waved the glass in her hand. Standing high and looking far away, she saw the police car approaching the school gate.

She decided to do a little trick.

With a little force on his hand, the hand holding the glass overflowed with blood again.

If you don't get out, I will die now! She put the glass on her neck, which frightened several leaders into breaking into cold sweats.

Through the telescope, they saw red dripping down their necks - this scene would kill them.

Classmate Chen Yi, don't get excited. If you don't want to see your stepmother, we'll ask her to step back. Don't get excited. Your father is already on the way. Please be patient.

Several female teachers came up and pulled the reluctant Ma Xiuzhu back thirty steps without saying a word...

The police arrived.

When they saw the situation at the scene, they were drooling. Darling, is it so serious and dangerous? It must have been at least half an hour since the incident occurred, but I didn't know that I had to call the police ten minutes ago. Officer Feng, who was in charge of the operation, scanned everyone in the school one by one, which was really good!

After making a call, they immediately notified the fire department to prepare an air mattress, and arranged for people to call in a psychologist and prepare an ambulance.

Classmate, my surname is Feng, and I belong to the city police station. I can help you... Officer Feng persuaded him calmly, and finally made Tao Ran put down the glass in his hand temporarily.

But he failed when he induced Chen Yi to take the initiative to retreat away from the concrete slab where he was standing.

I can't go back.


Because if I go back, I will die. Unless you promise, I won't die after I go back.

We promise, no one will kill you.

Then arrest those three people first! Tao Ran pointed at the three ruffians again. They want to kill me. If they are good, then I will still be killed by them if I go down. So, as long as they are not arrested, I will not go down!

Tao Ran saw the police winking at each other. She has appeared in public welfare criminal investigation short films and also starred in police movies. She understands the general process. If she doesn't go down, they will definitely have to find other ways to come up and take her.

Don't even think about coming up. If you get to this platform, I'll jump right off. Or... She put the triangular glass she had just put down back around her neck again.

If you stick it for half a second, it may be faster than you can stop me!

God knows, Officer Feng, who had just tried so hard to get her to put down the glass, was feeling aggrieved and depressed now that he thought he had made such little progress. It had been a long time since he had encountered such a difficult victim... They really planned to sneak up from several directions. Abandoned building.

But it's very troublesome because Chen Yi is at the highest point of the building. Whenever someone goes up, it is almost impossible to escape her eyes.

And they just asked for the architectural drawings and contacted the previous construction team. The other party said that the building was very old and part of it was demolished last time. Many structures may not be reliable...

In other words, the place Chen Yi was in was quite dangerous. If one of their men went up and she got excited, an irreversible tragedy would probably occur.

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