The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 147 My youth is a bit difficult 09


Several school senior officials glared at the head teacher, Han Mingli.

What's going on? Is this a pig? Notify her parents, but she notified her stepmother?

Then Chen Yi obviously has a bad relationship with her stepmother, so she asked her stepmother to come over. Isn't this adding fuel to the fire?

Her stepmother...I...

Han Mingli was dumbfounded. She didn't know until now that Chen Yi and Ma Xiuzhu didn't have a good relationship!

She had a good impression of Ma Xiuzhu. This woman is gentle, kind and friendly to others. Whenever something happens in the class, Ma Xiuzhu is willing to come forward. Whenever Chen Yi causes trouble, it is Ma Xiuzhu who comes to deal with the aftermath.

Even when she returned home from several parent-teacher conferences, Ma Xiuzhu would hold her daughter by the arm, looking very harmonious. Everyone said that Ma Xiuzhu was almost a role model for stepmothers, even better than her own mother...

So she just subconsciously called Ma Xiuzhu. And Ma Xiuzhu also told her that there was no need to call her husband, she would bring him with her, so Han Mingli only made one call...

At this moment, Han Mingli took a quick look and saw that there was no sign of Chen Yi's father? Then Ma Xiuzhu didn't lie to herself?

Han Mingli was afraid that she would get into trouble, so she hurriedly rushed forward: Chen Yi's mother, where is Chen Yi's father?

Her dad... is busy at the company and in a meeting. He can't get away. I came here first.

Han Mingli's expression changed when she heard this, and her beautiful image of Ma Xiuzhu collapsed instantly. Pooh! lie! Meeting? Give me a break! His biological daughter is about to die, and he is still in a meeting? She definitely didn't tell Chen Yi's father, right?

Han Mingli, who was under sudden pressure, quickly went aside and made a call: Hello? Chen Yi's father, come to school quickly? What? You don't know yet?...

Han Mingli had the wrong tooth, she really didn't know. This stepmother is not simple! Daqing was always just an act in the past, right?

Thanks to Chen Yi’s father who came back to school to ask about Chen Yi and left a phone number at that time. Otherwise, she would not be able to continue her job as a class teacher...

Ma Xiuzhu's mind was not with her head teacher at the moment.

She saw Chen Yi above, who was only one step away from death or disability. She felt anxious and anxious but still had a glimmer of hope. If Chen Yi fell, it would be all over? But before that, she still had to figure out what happened!

She quickly found her daughter in the crowd.

Qingqing! She took Zhou Qingqing and asked questions...

Did you see it?

Unexpectedly, Chen Yi became excited again and pointed her glass-grabbing hand at Ma Xiuzhu and her daughter.

This mother and daughter, they don't care about my life or death at all. They just want to conspire to see how to get rid of this matter, how to fool it, and how to hide it from my father! How can you find my stepmother? You are so Do it, this will force me to death!

Ma Xiuzhu:......

Zhou Qingqing:......

Just as they stepped aside and prepared to go behind the tree, the mother and daughter holding hands were stared at by hundreds of pairs of eyes. They each took one foot into the grass and didn't know whether to step it down or take it back... I really wanted to swear! What is Chen Yi talking about?

The two of them almost subconsciously let go of their holding hands.

Ma Xiuzhu looked at her daughter.

Zhou Qingqing nodded in response.

Ma Xiuzhu immediately understood that it was bad, today's matter had something to do with her daughter.

Zhou Qingqing almost had a headache.

Because of Chen Yi's complaint the day before, Zhou Qingqing planned to teach Chen Yi a lesson so that she would not dare to cause trouble in the future.

She just spent some money to let Wang Shu and the others get some fierce photos to give Chen Yi some color, completely destroying her self-confidence and making her more autistic, more annoying, and even less popular with her father.

If those photos are interesting, spread them among her classmates to isolate her even more. She has been in a very low mood recently. If this continues, she will fail the high school entrance examination. With her image like this, and a junior high school student with no skills, what can she do in the future?

Dad will be even more disappointed in her. She also had no hope of taking over her father's company, which had done very well in recent years. As for my mother, if she is like that, it will be difficult to get married in the future. The best result in the end is to stay with that old woman and be an old girl for the rest of her life.

That old woman is also hateful, and she never gives my mother a good look. When she got the ugly photos of Chen Yi, she opened the old woman's eyes to see what her biological granddaughter was. She didn't know if the old woman would get excited and die. It would be better if she really died, and she would be able to help her mother and brother clear the way forward!

Zhou Qingqing thought her plan was fine, but she didn't know how it ended up in the current situation.

Why is it that Chen Yi, who is usually timid and cowardly, seems to have taken the wrong medicine today?

She really wanted to ask Wang Shu and the others what happened, but now, let alone approaching those three people, she was just begging her grandfather to tell her grandma, hoping that Wang Shu and the others would not recruit her.

Of course, Wang Shu and the others were kept aside by the teachers, and she couldn't get close to them at all...

So Zhou Qingqing was scared to death.

She has been shrinking her presence and hiding among her classmates. No matter what nonsense Chen Yi is talking about above, she resists saying nothing because she is afraid of attracting Chen Yi's attention.

Sure enough, sure enough!

As soon as mom here came, Chen Yi started!

Look at how vicious she is now, it's right for me to trample her to death in one breath!

Zhou Qingqing bit her lip and stared at Chen Yi. If she hadn't been afraid of dragging her into it, she would have killed her!

Ma Xiuzhu, on the other hand, was busy bowing and apologizing to the school leaders.

This child has been spoiled by me. She has a bad temper and loves to show off her temper. I'm sorry, leaders. When I go back, I will educate her well.

Ma Xiuzhu has kind eyebrows, delicate makeup, soft voice, and mostly beige and brown clothes. She is atmospheric and friendly, so she makes a good impression on everyone. And what she is best at is using her strengths to show her tenderness. This humble attitude at this moment really seems like Chen Yi is messing around.

These words sounded comfortable, and the faces of the school leaders softened a lot.

Then she wiped tears at Chen Yi above her:

Xiaoyi, mom is here for you. If you have any grievances, tell mom. Mom will make the decision for you. Come down and talk to mom. How could the stepdaughter who usually dare not say a word have become like this? ? Ma Xiuzhu couldn't help but glance at her daughter complainingly.

As long as you come down, mom will promise you anything. The principal and the others are busy, so don't mess around, and let's not disturb them. If anything happens, mom is here. She burst into tears, and I felt pity for him.

You are a vicious stepmother, pretending to be a good mother. Do you dare to tell them how you abuse me in daily life?

Tao Ran was talking nonsense.

As soon as these words came out, discussions immediately started.

Stepmother and stepdaughter, this topic is always sensitive. What's more, it is the vulnerable group of underage daughters who are looking for life and death. Most normal people will subconsciously think that the problem lies with stepmothers.

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