The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 146 My youth is a bit difficult 08

The three little ruffians were very mean-spirited, and they were still jumping up and down at this time, indicating that they were innocent and had been framed.

Principal Cai was annoyed: Shut up!

These people who can't support the wall, no wonder they can only be small exiles, they just have no brains. Now is the time for them to explain and talk back? In case it irritates or arouses the emotions of the person above, let's finish the game together.

Shut up, all three of you! No one is allowed to say another word before Chen Yi comes down!

Tao Ran raised his eyebrows secretly.

Right, if she doesn't cause trouble, who will help her arrest people?

These guys did bad things and walked away, who could she reason with? This place is in tatters, and there are no surveillance cameras in sight. Without evidence, who can believe her?

Just catch it!

She still didn't believe that she couldn't deal with them today!

She is a minor, what else does she have besides this life?

Therefore, she could only use this little life to make a fuss.

If a good person is bullied, then she will be a bad person.

Anyway, it's just a knife to stretch her head and shrink her head, so why can't she be happy? She was desperate anyway, so if she could be ruthless enough, maybe no one would dare to openly bully her in the future. The scoundrels have to go around her! Even the school has to protect her!

Chen Yi was bullied repeatedly at school, and the school did not supervise it well, so she should be held responsible. Who is innocent?

What's the use of catching them? Why don't you just educate them, call their parents to talk to them, and let them go? What about tomorrow? What about the day after tomorrow? I don't have to be punished by them. Bullied, intimidated by them, hunted by them?”

Tao Ran was still unhappy.

Because she has clearly emphasized it too many times.

He said that someone was killing her and she couldn't survive. She was desperate. As long as she wasn't deaf, there was no way she wouldn't have heard it!

Her face was covered with blood, and she had clearly been persecuted just now. As long as she was not blind, there was no way she could not see it!

Her mental state is already very bad, and her situation is even more critical. As long as she is an adult with a brain and common sense, her first judgment now is not to deal with it, but to call the police, call 119, or call 120...

This is a basic operation that even a three-year-old knows!

But what are those people down there doing?

So far, they have not called the police, have not sought rescue and support, and have not taken her injuries seriously.

To put it bluntly, they are still thinking about themselves. They don't want to make a big fuss, but whenever there is a slight chance, they want to cover up this matter, and they will never let this matter have a chance to be exposed!

And isn’t this also the catalyst for many acts of violence?

Isn't this an important reason why many children like Chen Yi are living in hell but have no way to complain?

So these people are not accomplices of the perpetrators?

That's why those scumbags are so emboldened and unscrupulous, and they are repeatedly banned, right?


Tao Ran was angry, but he couldn't let them get what they wanted!

When she got angry, she changed from sitting to squatting.

She grasped the railing tightly with one hand and slipped on purpose.

The dust on the toe was kicked away, causing everyone below to feel nervous.

What a great aunt!

Classmate Chen Yi, you are still young, don't be extreme! What do you really want? As long as you say it...

Just wait for this sentence!

I don't believe anyone! I want the police! she shouted excitedly. I only trust the police. They want me to come down unless all these bad guys are arrested!

She was heartbroken and simply put the triangular glass that she had been holding on to for a long time on her neck.

I'm going to die anyway, I might as well choose the way I want to die. Well, she has prepared a double insurance - jumping off the building and committing suicide. If she is not careful, the responsibility will be on the school~

The school wanted to settle the matter, but she refused to let it go! Tao Ran was sure that after what he did, the school, which was afraid of taking responsibility, would never have the thought of rashly coming to the rescue again...

And she didn't forget to pull off the loose school uniform on her shoulders with a little trick.

The blood-stained school uniform fluttered in the wind, fell down, and finally fell ten steps away from everyone.

Everybody saw it.

The school uniform was stained with blood, and the blood-red color was particularly conspicuous against the original blue and white background. Many girls screamed in surprise, as if they could smell the traces of blood in their noses.

very scary!

At this time, several senior officials in the school looked at each other and exhaled heavily.

Call the police, a vice principal said.

That classmate has been standing there for a long time. I don't know if the cement is strong or not. The main reason is that the classmate is so fat. Don't make a big fuss and end up making a mistake. Then you shouldn't die unjustly? The school also has a big responsibility!

And I saw that her legs were shaking. Could it be that they are numb? Her hands may be tired after holding on to the railing for so long.

The longer it takes, the more dangerous it will be. It's better to be careful.

And it's getting late. This matter needs to be resolved quickly. School will be over in more than an hour. We still need time to suppress the incident, otherwise we will start to pick up and drop off students soon. Once parents come, it will not be easy to cover up. ”

Several principals sighed together.

Struggle to no avail. They tried their best.

Just call the police.

They were really afraid something would happen.

And looking at the scary school uniform, they had to call 120.

To prevent Chen Yi from falling, sponge mats used in all physical education classes in the school were also dragged and laid out.

It’s so frustrating!

The principal took action again and began to comfort Chen Yi.

Classmate, we can't be so excited or reckless when doing things. Think about it, you still have relatives and parents. If something happens to you, what will they do? How sad will they be? We have notified your family and they are on the way. Come.

Next, there was a series of persuasion from the principal, school senior officials, and teachers.

The nearest police station is only ten minutes away from here. Since the police have been called, instead of risking liability to save people, they might as well wait for the police to come to rescue.

When Tao Ran saw that they didn't move, he calmed down a little and pretended to be calmer.

But she was exhausted.

This body is indeed too taxing.

In just such a short time, the T-shirt was completely wet. It was also a good thing that the cement board she chose was very strong, otherwise she wouldn't have dared to jump around like this.

After resting for two minutes, a figure was running towards me from a distance.

Tao Ran cheered up again.

You guys - She became excited and took another step outside. You just said you informed my family, but did you also notify her?

The person coming is none other than Ma Xiuzhu!

I knew you had bad intentions! Tao Ran showed unprecedented excitement!

She burst into tears and tried to stand up, but the cement board shook several times, scaring a group of school senior officials below to the point of having a heart attack.

As expected, no one is really willing to help me! I'm at my wits end, but instead of notifying my dad, you notified my stepmother to come see me! You really want to force me to death! Okay, okay, now , If these plague gods in school can’t kill me, my stepmother will have to kill me too!”

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