The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 145 My youth is a bit difficult 07

The principal glared at the head teacher Han Limin, it was really useless. What are you doing to eat? As a class teacher, he is not trusted by students!

Classmate Chen Yi, right?

The principal spoke up.

I am Principal Cai of our middle school! If anything happens, can we come down and talk to you? As the principal, I can definitely help you. You have to trust the principal!

Principal Cai was also complaining in his heart. If something happened, the school's evaluation this year would definitely be gone. There will also be penalties from above, which will affect the reputation of the school and cause many problems such as thorough investigation, student sources, reputation, etc. Of course, the most important thing is that he may be removed! It is not easy to reach this position as the head of a school. He does not want to leave...

So, he put on his standard smile: Classmate, if you don't trust the teacher and the head teacher, you should trust the principal, right?

Principal Cai's mind was racing.

If he handles this crisis well, it might be a blessing in disguise, which is not necessarily a good thing?

Classmate, look at this. Principal Cai will personally bring you down. Then he will make the decision for you, and he will give you justice. What do you think?

When the time comes, it will be a good story!

Guide media reports, shoot videos, and push hot searches.

The principal is not afraid of danger and saves a classmate who has a mental breakdown. Not only will such a topic not be scolded, but it will push his own reputation and image upwards. Maybe he can use this to go even higher?

Stand still, the principal will come up. At this moment, Principal Cai felt that he had shown the greatest sincerity.

No! I don't believe you either!

Tao Ran sneered lightly. You can't help me either!

On the contrary, she was even more excited.

Those bad students in school are doing bad things everywhere, how could the school not know about it? There are so many students who are being bullied, but the school has not helped us at all. You don't care at all. So I don't believe you! I can't go down. I'm afraid Die! They will kill me!

Looking at Principal Cai's pale face, Tao Ran sneered.

Are you afraid now?

As long as something happens to her on school grounds, the school will have nothing to do with it, let alone if she is in a dangerous building...

There are not enough warnings, not enough protection, not enough vigilance, not enough supervision. If the school originally only had to bear 20-30% of the responsibility, now it has to bear at least half of the responsibility.

In the final analysis, we are still irresponsible to the students!

Can these school leaders not be anxious?

So now they can rush over one by one as fast as they can!

This time, Tao Ran leaned back from his crouching position and simply sat down on the concrete slab.

The huge body moved like this, shaking again, dust flew up, and the people below were frightened to scream.

The principal was scolded by his own students for being incompetent in public. After blushing, he could only jump at the onlookers behind him: Why are you arguing? It's class time, which class are you in! What are you doing here!

Wu Hua stammered: Physical... physical education class...

Go back to the classroom, no noise, no coming out!

No! You are not allowed to leave!

Tao Ran became excited again. As soon as he stretched out his legs, several small fist-sized rocks fell down with a crash.

Why do you want to drive away my classmates? You, do you still want to protect those bad guys? Are you afraid that your classmates will know that you are protecting them? I know that if they dare to be so rampant in school, they have someone to support them! Yes! You guys?

She certainly didn't expect these classmates to do anything for her. But these people are at least witnesses.

The more the school wanted to keep things quiet, the more she had to do the exact opposite.

Principal Cai's scalp was numb: Chen Yi, please don't get excited. Don't make wild guesses. Principal Cai promises you that he will not protect those people. Don't worry, don't worry, your teachers and classmates are all here.

What can we do! Leave them all!

Because the school doctor is also here.

He took a look with the binoculars and told him that the student Chen Yi above her was pale, her eyes were empty, and she was trembling with fear and despair. The glass she was holding on to was also very dangerous and seemed to have been cut. Her hands without knowing it.

What the school doctor meant was, Try to follow her instructions and persuade her. You can only induce her. You must not stimulate her any more, and you must not make her excited.

The principal also looked carefully through the telescope.

At this glance, his heart almost jumped out of his chest!

This student, why are the patches on his white T-shirt bright red? Is it all blood? And that face, that neck, that hand... almost all the exposed skin is stained with blood?

This... is not just a matter of whether she can dance or not!

He wiped the sweat from his forehead, feeling anxious.

So, in order to appease Chen Yi, who was almost out of control, the entire class was left behind again.

The school doctor stepped forward and raised the first aid kit: Classmate Chen Yi, I am Doctor Zhang. I saw you were injured. How about we bandage it first? Are you willing to come down? Maybe I can go up.

It's not going to survive anyway, so what's the point of bandaging it?


It's all death anyway, I might as well...choose the way I want to die...

Don't get excited! What do you mean? Principal Cai really wanted to cry. First, someone else wanted to kill her. Now she herself is dying? Homicide and suicide are both the responsibility that the school and he cannot bear!

Your youth is a wonderful time, don't let it get to you! There is nothing you can't overcome!

Principal Cai called the dean of students to come over to persuade him, and then asked the head teacher to contact Chen Yi's parents quickly.

On the other side, under the instruction of Principal Cai, the three overlords Wang Shu, Liu Hua, and Tan Chao have been turned around by several male teachers.

At this moment, the entire school senior management wanted to skin these three people.

These three never stop talking!

These children are incompetent and have never gotten into trouble like this before.

If something happens today, all of them will be held accountable. These days, it is either not exposed, or if it is exposed, the handling cannot be covered up casually. They were fortunate that the mistake was not yet made.

There is still a chance to remedy the situation.

As long as it is handled properly, this matter will be easy to handle.

To be honest, these three guys are really hateful. They made such a big mistake and just wanted to escape. Fortunately, Principal Cai had the foresight to think that the boss was still hanging around there, but he couldn't let these three boys escape anymore.

He was afraid that two of them would be responsible for defaulting on their duties today, so he sent several male teachers to arrest them. Finally, he caught three people who were trying to escape from the school by climbing over the wall, and dragged them over.

Classmate Chen Yi, did you see that? The principal kept his word! Principal Cai personally grabbed the scarred Wang Shu and pushed him forward.

The three people who bullied you have been caught, and they will not hurt you again. Come down now, calm down, and let's have a good chat. Let's see how to deal with the three of them, okay?

No matter what, you have to coax people down first.

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