The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 144 My youth is a bit difficult 06

“Help—” Tao Ran continued to yell.

The three people jumped: Who wants your life! You either shut up or get down! Otherwise, we will really kill you!

Help, kill - people - la -

The echoes of kill, kill, and kill echoed in circles, calling the three gangsters around.

Boss, if not, let's go.

Yes, boss, fat girl is a little out of control today. Is she crazy? We are here. We are afraid of something happening if something goes wrong...

No. Scar put the tip of his tongue against his cheek, thought for a moment and then shook his head, If she keeps shouting like that, all the school leaders will be attracted in a while. If she talks nonsense then, we will be the unlucky ones. Hurry up. , before anyone comes over, let’s go pull her down together, cover her mouth, and get this matter over with.”

The three of them stepped forward step by step.

Tao Ran turned around: Don't come over here! If you come over again, I'll jump down!

The three of them stopped and hesitated. Scar gritted his teeth and said, Don't we know the virtues of the fat girl? Usually when we bully her, she would just cry. She is so timid, she doesn't dare to jump.

As for Tao Ran, he couldn't help but let out a chuckle when he saw his physical education teacher, who boasted that he was the first in the city in the 100-meter run at a speed of 50 meters.

It came quickly!

Of course it is not because he is responsible, on the contrary, it is because he is afraid of being responsible for what happened today! Now Chen Yi is taking his physical education class, and he has the responsibility of guardianship. But he didn't take care of people, so he was naturally afraid that something would happen...

The physical education teacher Wu Hua's eyes were red as he ran all the way. He didn't know whether it was because he sweated in or because he was anxious and angry.

He just saw someone shouting for help on the abandoned building from a distance, and he was still wondering who was causing trouble.

But several of his students said that the voice seemed to be that of their classmates.

The target girl is too conspicuous, and that width... not many people can relate to.

Then he remembered the fat girl who failed every physical education exam.

At that time, he was so angry that he rushed over. During his free time, he just drank a glass of water. Why did his student come here! When he catches someone, he must teach him a lesson!

Can't you go up or down? What nonsense!

But the more he ran, the more frightened he became, because he gradually saw how terrifying the girl's position was. If you are not careful, your life will be over! In that position, could it be suicide?

But with his naked 2.0 eyes, he could clearly see the blood all over the girl's white T-shirt, which was shocking.

This...this is so...

Could it be murder?

Sure enough, as soon as he came up with this guess, he heard the girl shouting killer.

At that moment, all the hair on his body stood up, and his vest was instantly soaked with cold sweat.

Then he saw three little beasts, who were still pressing on the girl step by step...

Wu Hua just ran to the abandoned downstairs and was about to speak, when a piece of fly ash and rubble was falling above his head.

Don't come over here! I beg you don't come over here!

The fat girl stepped back on the cement stone steps, her weak legs were trembling, and she waved a piece of triangular glass in her hand, feeling a little excited.

God knows, when the cement crumbs fell, Wu Hua's legs also became weak.

Classmate, don't get excited. Wu Hua couldn't remember the girl's name. I'm Teacher Wu!

Professor Wu?

Yes, yes, yes, grab the railing and look down. Your PE teacher, Teacher Wu! Don't panic! The teacher is here.

Teacher, have you seen the three of them? They want to kill me. I have no place to escape! They forced me to this position. I have no way to go away! When I die, you must help me Call the police! From above, Tao Ran was twitching, and when his feet moved, more cement dust flew out.

Wu Hua's heart clenched.

He almost exerted great strength, turning all the energy in his dantian into a roar.

What are you doing! Get off here! Wang Shu, Liu Hua, Tan Chao! I can see you clearly! The three bullies are famous in the school, but no one can do anything about it! He has been causing trouble all day long and doing many bad things, and this time he has started to kill people?

If you don't want to remember a big demerit, please ask your parents to get out of here immediately if you are punished!

Bad luck! The three little overlords spat, no longer daring to act rashly, and shouted down: Teacher Wu, don't listen to her nonsense, we are playing hide and seek! It's okay.

The three of them saw that many classmates had already gathered.

Teachers were coming from the direction of the administration building and teaching building. No matter how unhappy they were, they had no choice but to give up.

Before leaving, the three of them did not forget to warn Chen Yi:

Fat girl, be careful with your mouth! If you dare to talk nonsense, we have plenty of ways to deal with you! By then, unless you transfer to another school, no, unless you go to school in another city, you will never escape from our hands. So. So , you'd better be honest and tell them it was a joke.

Tao Ran hugged his head and screamed again.

Don't kill me. Don't kill me. Teacher Wu, it's all your fault! You scolded them, and they got angry. They said that if I exposed them, they would kill me! Did you hear that?

What the hell... The three of them jumped up.

Asshole! Wu Hua was already scolding from below. You brats! I say it again, get out of here! Otherwise, I will personally twist you and take you to the police station!

Classmate, don't get excited. Just stand still. Wu Hua jumped to his feet. He wanted to cry, he had a bad feeling, he didn't have to think about this year's evaluation.

Seeing that there were more people, the three little ruffians could only start to retreat.

Classmate, the teacher will save you right now. Just stand still and don't move! Wu Hua saw the principal coming and decided to show off.

Don't come up! Tao Ran lifted his foot, causing sand and gravel to fly, which frightened Wu Hua and Chen Yi, the homeroom teacher who had just arrived out of breath, and their hearts almost jumped out of their chests.

I won't go down. Tao Ran continued to cry. They're going to kill me when I get down there!

Will not……

I don't believe you! As a physical education teacher, you can't control them or help me!

Chen Yi. Teacher Han is here. Look at me, Teacher Han is here. Chen Yi's class teacher Han Mingli said quickly.

At this moment, she felt the same as Wu Hua. It's over, it's over, this year's merit evaluation is about to be completed, and the bonuses for this semester are about to go out. If it doesn't work, it will still have to be dealt with. This unlucky kid...

I don't believe you either!

Tao Ran howled loudly. You only scold me and never believe me. I have told you so many times that Wang Shu and others bully me, but you don't care at all! You only keep me away from them, but you don't I have no control over whether they will chase and bully me!

Tao Ran got excited and simply squatted down.

The movement of her chubby body caused the cement board above to vibrate several times, frightening the teachers below and the school leaders who rushed there to weaken their legs...

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