The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 138 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 70 (This article is over, please vot

Qiao Qiao was panicked.

She has also been having a hard time in the past few years. Although Liu Da is very kind to her, Liu's mother hates her because of her past and destroyed the mother-son relationship, so she has been making things difficult for her.

Fortunately, she got pregnant again at the beginning of this year, and Liu's mother was a little more tolerant of her.

Mother Ding also saw Qiao Qiao's belly at a glance. Is it bigger again?

From the looks of it, it must have been at least four months, right?

Dirty thing!

Mother Ding sat down directly with her legs crossed.

Either hand over my grandson, or return my son's money! Otherwise, we will go to your man's workplace to demand an explanation and see if he can keep his job!

I had no money. All the money I had at that time was paid to Yang Yue as a fine.

What about all these years? You haven't caught anything?

I only have five thousand in total.

Give me five thousand then.

If you don't have one at home, go to the bank!

After Mother Ding and others looked at each other, they agreed. There are so many of them, and if the little bitch cheats on them, they will cause a scene. Look who is embarrassed.

Several people followed Qiao Qiao out.

As soon as he walked out of the alley, he saw Qiao Qiao rushing towards the traffic policeman on the side of the road.

Comrade police!

Qiao Qiao was afraid of being caught up from behind, so she threw her legs backwards with all her strength. But she is really unlucky.

It was such a coincidence that a patch of road became loose.



Qiao Qiao rolled to the side of the road.

Mother Ding and others touched their chests and stepped back.

This matter... has nothing to do with them.

Intersection surveillance testifies.

She ran and fell by herself, and they didn't even have time to chase her!

Qiao Qiao's child is gone.

This time, she did not wait for her husband's gentle care. Instead, Liu Da held his head and pulled his hair, constantly asking himself in pain: Is this retribution? Because we killed your child, and now the retribution is on our child! It's all! The four-month-old child just disappeared like this. Is it God’s will?

Of course Liu Da was in pain.

Because he killed an unborn child, he has been feeling guilty in the past few years; because he eloped with Qiao Qiao, he has always felt sorry for his family; because he contradicted his mother many times, he felt very unfilial. He was more than ten years older than Qiao Qiao, and he wanted a child. He had high hopes for the child in Qiao Qiao's belly, but the child just disappeared...

Liu's mother once again forced her son to divorce Qiao Qiao. This time, Liu Da was shaken.

Qiao Qiao panicked. Although Liu Da could not satisfy her greed, and although she still liked reading romance novels and dreaming about the CEO's young wife, she did not want a divorce.

She has long been accustomed to the days of making rice bugs.

She hates the countryside, and she hates working even more.

She knelt down and begged.

Liu Da felt distressed.

Mother Liu cursed: Do you know what trouble the Ding family has caused in the past few years because of this woman? If this continues, your father and I will be pissed to death before our grandson is born!

In the end, Liu's mother took a step back: Two years! If you can't have children, get divorced! Otherwise, we will break away from the mother-child relationship.

Liu Da was a filial son, so he finally nodded...

After Qiao Qiao's miscarriage, Ding's mother was afraid that something might happen, so she didn't dare to come to the house again.

But when she went to find Qiao Qiao a few months later, she found that Qiao Qiao had moved again. She couldn't find Qiao Qiao again...

In addition, there is news coming from the capital.

Father Ding, you can be released from prison early.

Mother Ding was overjoyed, but a second later she felt like she was struck by lightning.

It turns out that my husband is sick.

Seriously ill.

Ding's father had a bad temper. He once had an argument with someone in prison and was beaten. However, he refused to give in and wanted revenge. But in the end, he was beaten to pieces. I already had the old problem of arteriosclerosis, but when I got excited again, I suddenly had a stroke.

Therefore, Father Ding, who returned to his hometown more than a year early, was hemiplegic and had a crooked speech and tongue.

Well, the kind that cannot take care of itself.

The Ding family's life suddenly became difficult again...

Fortunately, Ding Er's boy is about to graduate from junior high school, and Ding Xia feels her shoulders relax. She finally has a man to support her at home, so she doesn't have to suffer like this anymore. It’s great that my brother can go to work and earn money!

But Mother Ding said: The second boy must go to high school and take the college entrance examination, just like his elder brother. Only in this way can our family turn around, become prosperous, and return to the good old days!

Mom, are you still awake at this time? How can our family educate college students? In the past, when her brother went to college, it took the whole village to help. Now that everyone regards his family as a plague, who else will help them?

Ding Xia received a slap in the face.

If our family can train one college student, we can train a second one!

Ding's mother begged the village to sublease all the land, and early raised a sum of money for Ding's son to go to the first year of high school.

Unexpectedly, I woke up one morning and found that the second boy was not at home, leaving only a letter.

Ding Er took the money and said he was going to make a living in the world.

Mother Ding was stunned for a few breaths and howled. Her life is so miserable!

Ding Xia's eyes darkened when she received the call. When will these days end?

The burden of the family still rests on Ding Xia's shoulders.

Because of Ding's father's illness, this burden is even heavier.

Daughter, let's get married.

Mother Ding held a wad of money and counted them one by one. Lao Zhu from the village next door said that as long as you marry, I will give you a gift of 50,000 yuan, and you won't need to dowry.

When looking for a matchmaker, Ding's mother patted her chest and promised that her daughter had no other abilities, but she would definitely give birth. My first baby was delivered naturally, and I gave birth to a son who weighed seven and a half pounds in a short time. Moreover, my daughter only had half a month's rest before she could go to work in the fields...Bala, Bala, it was so exciting.

Moreover, Lao Zhu said that as long as Ding Xia gives birth to a son, he will give her 10,000 yuan, and he will give 10,000 yuan to Ding Xia every time she gives birth to a son. The more, the better.

Ding Xia could hardly breathe:

Lao Zhu, does he have two ex-wives and three daughters? Do you want me to be the stepmother of three children, specifically to give birth to sons for his family?

Don't say it so harshly. It's true that Lao Zhu can make money when doing business in the town, right? Our family won't suffer any loss!

The Ding family is not at a loss, but Ding Xia feels it is a loss!

Ding Xia was hurt. She wanted to live her own life, she wanted to be free. She doesn't want to be tied up!

The next day, Ding's mother discovered that Ding Xia was missing.

Since then, there has been no news from Ding Xia, and she only sends 500 yuan back every month...

White-eyed wolves! They are all ignorant white-eyed wolves! Why am I so miserable! These words became Mother Ding's mantra...

Different from the painful days of the Ding family, Yang Yue started a new life.

She did not accept Zhang Chen directly, but after a year and a half, she was sure that she had Zhang Chen in her heart and fell deeply in love with him before agreeing to date him.

Zhang Chen didn't mind that Yang Yue had a wrong marriage and had a child, and he treated Yang Rui as his own.

Another year later, the two got married.

The wedding was simple and warm, and there was an empty seat on the main table. Everyone has a tacit understanding about this. The owner of this position is definitely qualified to occupy a seat at the main table.

After marriage, Yang Yue quit her job and chose to start a business with Zhang Chen.

The two welcomed a baby girl two years later.

Zhang Chen's security company has also developed rapidly. In just a few years, it has occupied a place among similar companies in Beijing and developed into several subsidiaries.

The two never forget to give back to the society. Over the years, they have set up a charity fund to help widows and widowers. This was Tao Ran's wish back then, and it was something they were willing to put into practice.

The old man of the Yang family was in good health, and he moved with his father and mother to a villa that Zhang Chen bought for them with an excellent security system. He became neighbors with the young couple and his in-laws.

The whole family takes care of each other on weekdays, walking the birds and taking care of the grandchildren together, it’s so uncomfortable...

Huang Yaqin's son also successfully passed the exam in Beijing the year after the Olympics.

The boy was very ambitious. Not only did he live up to Tao Ran, but he also had excellent grades and was upright. He made poverty alleviation for his hometown a goal in life, so he resolutely chose Agricultural University.

A boy who graduated from college returned to his hometown with his girlfriend who also had a big heart, and began to enthusiastically help his hometown get rid of poverty.

Lei Er and Ding Yi are both college students with dreams and desire for success. They are in sharp contrast. Lei Er truly became the person that all the villagers praised and respected from the bottom of their hearts.

The villagers never forget to warn their descendants: Therefore, if you want to change your destiny and achieve success, it is never about opportunism, but about being down-to-earth and doing practical things with knowledge, sweat and hard work.

The originally poor five villages gradually took on a new look, and every household began to embark on the road to prosperity.

Of course, except for the Ding family.

Ding Er came back three years ago. He didn't make a penny in the past few years, but he had a lot of bad habits. He actually lay down next to his father, waiting for food and drink every day. He didn't want to work, he only wanted to smoke, drink and drink women, which tortured his mother to the point of crying with a kitchen knife every day...

Time flies.

Ding Yi is released from prison.

He performed well and was released from prison half a year early.

Zhang Chen was worried and sent someone to keep an eye on him.

In more than nine years, the entire capital has changed drastically. Ding Yi walked on the street and almost couldn't find his old home.

Both his and Yang Yue's houses had been sold long ago, and he couldn't find Yang Yue.

He has long regretted it.

Life in prison was too hard. Knowing that he was a college student and lame, he became the target of bullying by the scum of society. Being beaten, starved, frozen, and punished were all commonplace.

His dreams were all about those high-spirited days when he was with Yang Yue. Missed so much!

He planned to admit his mistake and try to get Yang Yue back. After all, he is the child's father. As long as he can go back, he can do whatever he wants.

Ding Yi went to Yang Yue's unit and found out that she had resigned long ago. The courtyard had been deserted for a long time, and the flickering surveillance cameras at the entrance of the courtyard didn't even have the courage to knock on the door.

Ding Yi wandered around for two days without finding Yang Yue, so he could only use the last bit of money Ding's mother sent him to go home.

On the way back home, dragging his broken leg, he was looked down upon. His self-esteem was repeatedly rubbed against the ground by the sneers from the old faces, making him wish he could just die.

When he returned to his hometown, he was even more shocked. Is this happening at home?

It was completely run down and there wasn't even a TV.

After asking, it turned out that all the electrical appliances in the house had been sold by the unsatisfactory second brother.

The home now is the same as it was twenty years ago.

One word: poor.

Listening to Ding's mother talking about the past ten years, the fire in Ding Yi's heart gradually started to rise again.

Yang Yue is standing too high now, so he can't reach it, but why should Qiao Qiao?

Why did she take her own child and marry again? Are you still eating spicy food?

The eldest son doesn’t take his surname? Does the second son also recognize the thief as his father?

He couldn't swallow this breath!

He wants to find Qiao Qiao and get the child back! Get your money back!

Ding Yi left the village that night and went to the town.

He has a brain.

His and Qiao Qiao's child should be in the third or fourth grade of elementary school.

There are only two elementary schools in the town. As long as he waits at the school gate, he will always be blocked by people.

Wearing a hat and a mask, he waited among the parents at the school gate.

After waiting for an hour, he finally found the face in the crowd that he recognized even after it turned to ashes. Although she had a perm and a big wave, was wearing a pink skirt, and was chatting and laughing with the parents next to her... he still recognized her at a glance.

Ding Yi suppressed his anger and waited for her to pick up the child and leave together.

But that child... Ding Yi discovered that he was only in the first grade at most, right?

This is not my child!

What about his children?

Ding Yi followed Qiao Qiao to an apartment building and watched her open the door and enter the house.

Qiao Qiao lived a good life, he could see it.

He was even more unwilling.

After confirming that there was no one else in Qiao Qiao's home, he waited for the opportunity in the corridor.

When Qiao Qiao opened the door to take out the trash, he suddenly held the door and rushed in.

Qiao Qiao didn't expect that he would be released from prison early, nor did he expect that he would find himself right now.

Ding Yi entered the house and started looking for his son.

He even beat Qiao Qiao and dragged the child who had just come out of the bathroom.

Not his child!

Bitch! Where is my son?

This is not your son, let him go.

Hand over my son, or I will strangle him to death! Ding Yi threatened angrily.

Your son...I was not born.

Ding Yi actually expected it. How could someone like Qiao Qiao give birth to a child for him?

You killed my son, you pay with your life. Or give me money!

How much do you want?

Two hundred thousand!

I promise... I will give you ten thousand first, and you let go of the child.

Qiao Qiao went to get the bag.

When Qiao Qiao came closer, taking out the RMB, he found a can of anti-wolf spray in his hand...

Ding Yi was sprayed, Qiao Qiao dragged the child and ran outside. She pushed the door shut and shouted for help in the corridor.

Neighbors rushed to help, the police also arrived quickly, and Ding Yi was kidnapped...

It turned out that after Ding's mother caused a miscarriage last time, Qiao Qiao and Liu Da were both afraid that they would be involved again one day. They moved, and Liu Da kept preparing self-defense gadgets for his wife in her bag.

Thinking that Ding Yi would be coming out soon, the house was even equipped with surveillance cameras...

Ding Yi broke into the house to extort money and injured the child. Once again, the evidence was conclusive, and he went back in a few days after he came out.

This time, he was sentenced to another five years.

Qiao Qiao didn't fare well either.

Back then, Qiao Qiao was in a hurry to have a baby and took too many medicines, causing the baby to remain in poor health. This time, the child fainted from fright after being pinched twice by Ding Yi.

Liu Da and Liu's mother were so frightened that they finally had a son. They started divorcing again at that time.

Mother Liu meant that as long as Qiao Qiao was around, Ding Yi and the Ding family would not give up. For the sake of the children, it should be cut off.

Liu Da agreed, but Qiao Qiao refused, and a lawsuit started...

After Yang Yue heard this, he sighed in relief.

Zhang Chen stroked his wife's belly for another five months: Don't worry, because Ding Yi is too dangerous, I continue to impose additional bans. He will never be able to get close to us. The Ding family can't turn around. From now on, we can live peacefully.

Yang Yue nodded.

She must live a good life and live up to her sister's efforts.

Thanks to Chi Pei Dou, the book club tail number is 22955, Runde, the lovely Niyue Buhui and Shucheng Xiaoyao, Ayan’s daily corpse-laying rewards... I’m so grateful.

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