The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 139 My youth is a bit difficult 01

Tao Ran finally returned to his body.

Still on the hotel bed, at her feet was the script that had designed her again.

But this time, there were five blood beads in her palm.

There were two more than Ye Qin's last time.

Is it because of her mission to protect Father Yang, Mother Yang and the old man that Yang Yue gave more?

What exactly are these blood beads?

Why can he melt into the palm of her hand and disappear?

What is the approach to this script?

Where does that annoying female voice that appears every time before she enters the script come from?

Logically speaking, it should be a mistake for her to be discovered by the characters in the play, not her real identity. Why does it have no impact on the success of her mission? Does script behavior only look at the results?

The script is the same as last time, the golden light flashes and then disappears. What is this golden light?

Tao Ran always felt that something was strange. This feeling of being manipulated made her uncomfortable.

She looked at the time. Last time she was in Ye Qin's world, a day there was almost one minute in the real world. This time she stayed in Yang Yue's story for almost half a year, which should have been three hours.

But now she looked at the time and saw that she had only slept for two hours at most.

What the hell!

Isn’t the time flow ratio between the plot and the real world fixed?

Tao Ran got up and looked at himself in the mirror. There was a trace of blood on his face, instead of being as white as before.

She has a complexion, is she faintly rosy? She hasn't had such a natural look on her face for a long time.

After running downstairs, she didn't need to ask the doctor for confirmation, and she also found that her body felt much lighter.

She has always had a bad appetite, but her appetite has improved a lot.

The more she ate the salad, the hungrier she became, so she bought another hot dog.

After eating another burger, I was still not full.

She actually wants to eat steak...

The doctor's email was also sent.

Attached is the analysis report of her second blood sample.

He said that her blood cell activity test was not wrong and was indeed increasing, which can be called a medical miracle. If nothing unexpected happens, her remaining lifespan will definitely be more than three months.

She knew her own affairs, so she felt there was no need to ask a doctor to draw blood for a third time.

Tao Ran picked up the script again.

She was really seduced.

She wanted to live.

A gust of wind blew through the window, and the brown paper flipped and stopped on one page.

Another rose flower appears on the blank paper. Just like the previous two times, the petals become three-dimensional, and then the pieces peel off and fly.

Can you give me some explanation? I don't like to do tasks that are so unclear. Tao Ran pressed the page.

On the paper, the strange red lips opened and closed: You are not qualified to ask me for an explanation now. Only when you fully prove your ability will you be qualified to negotiate terms with me.

The familiar female voice appeared in my ears again.

Of course, don't worry, I'm very fair and won't let you lose. Okay, let's get started. Seeing that you completed the previous two tasks well, I'll give you two friendly reminders. First, don't worry about the task time, time flows as fast as It’s nothing for you to worry about, it won’t affect you in reality. Second, haha, hurry up, run! Be fast!”

His ears were filled with harsh laughter, which was annoying.

And after a period of dizziness, there was a sharp pain, but it was not the plot.

Why don't you act according to common sense?

The moment Tao Ran came over, he was flying out, and then his body hit the gravel ground heavily, causing a burst of flying ash.

Oh my god, it hurts!

Dog eats shit?

This is definitely the most embarrassing time she has experienced in almost twenty-four years.

She suspected that the script and the female voice were deliberately playing tricks on her!

This fall was too bad.

She rushed forward too hard, and the momentum actually led her to slide forward for more than a meter.

Her palms, arms, and calves were all bruised with blood. Even his face was scratched.

Tao Ran hissed, it hurt too much.

So angry!

I was injured in a filming scene before, but at least my face was fine. Not like this time.

How can a female star’s face be injured?

So vicious. Why should she enter the role not too early or too late, but at this point? Even if it had been two seconds earlier, maybe she wouldn't have been so miserable.

The palm of her hand felt like pins and needles, so she blew on it, and when she saw it, she froze.

It wasn't the bleeding gash in her palm, but her overly thick palm... and her round fingers, which were cut into pieces, so cute. Like... little carrots.


Looking down, these wrists, these arms, this little belly, these thick legs... they are so round and round!

She noticed that she was now wearing a school uniform.

Blue and white, the most old-fashioned kind.


high school? junior high school?

What makes Tao Ran irritated is that this time, there is no plot for her. She tried to remember, but her mind was foggy.

What shocked her even more was that from the corner of her eye, she saw three people approaching her step by step.

Glancing over, she secretly screamed, Oh no!

The three male students in front of me, wearing their school uniforms crookedly in a Young and Dangerous style, with crazy hairdos on their heads, walking with crooked lips and evil smiles on their faces, clearly have bad intentions!

The heroine fell like this because of them, right?

Are these school gangsters?

The one in the middle was obviously the eldest of the three, with the most evil-looking face and a scar on his face. He was hugging his chest and grinning ferociously. The one on the left was holding a cell phone and snapping pictures at her, while the one on the right was making fun and sarcasm.

Boss, look what the fat girl has become!

Don't worry, boss, we've captured everything!

Should we continue? It's rare that the fat girl hasn't cried yet!

It will definitely be fun to post these photos...

Tao Ran understands.

This is school bullying!

The teaching building is on the other side, more than two hundred meters away. The reason why this area is littered with stones and there are no other people is because not far behind is a dilapidated old building that is being renovated and constructed.

No wonder I was out of breath, after running all the way.

Only then did she remember that before entering this world, the so-called advice given by that sinister female voice told her to run quickly...


Looking within a hundred meters, she couldn't find anyone else except these three people.

The three of them approached, and Tao retreated.

She saw the malice in the three people's eyes.

The enemy is numerous and we are few, and the strength and weakness are clear at a glance.

She knew that with her current body, she couldn't run 100% fast, and she couldn't outrun the three people in front of her.

Tao Ran was a little panicked.

What does she have?

There is only that poor acting.

Try it.

She glanced across the three of them, her dim eyes suddenly lit up, and a hint of joy crawled onto her face. His eyes flickered a few times, switching between the grass and the three people in the flower garden not far away.

As soon as the three of them looked at each other, she quickly looked away with a guilty conscience.

Tao Ran's weirdness made the three of them turn around subconsciously.

But there was nothing.

The three of them quickly turned their heads to look back at Tao Ran, but they happened to see Tao Ran raise his chin towards the grass and quietly gesture with his fat hand in the seam of his trousers.

Seeing the three of them, Tao Ran's eyes flashed again, and he quickly looked away and lowered his head, not daring to look at the three of them.

The three of them looked at each other and stopped temporarily.

Something is wrong. Fat girl is a bit weird! If you don't cry, don't beg, don't make a fuss, and don't run away, are you feeling confident?

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