The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 137 The evil son-in-law wants to cause trouble 69

Tao Ran suddenly felt as if this world...had nothing to do with her anymore?

She should be able to leave soon.

That day, Tao Ran donated another 50,000 yuan to the village in Yang Yue's name. It was not only a small token of her gratitude, but also a reminder for the village not to forget Yang Yue's kindness. If the Ding family makes trouble in the future, the villagers can help suppress it.

She also treated everyone in the Yang family to a meal.

It was a farewell to her.

Of course, Zhang Chen was also called.

Zhang Chen brought a large bouquet of red roses.

Tao Ran didn't answer, but told him bluntly: Just wait. Yang Yue would be back soon to make his own decision.

That day, Tao Ran toasted several glasses of wine to thank everyone present.

She was happier in this world than in Ye Qin's world.

There is a family affection here that she has never experienced before.

She likes to feel like a family.

She was reluctant to give up.

I don't want to leave Yang's father, Yang's mother, and even Yang Rui.

Probably because everyone was relieved that Ding Yi's affairs were finally resolved recently, so everyone drank too much.

After a few rounds, the old man fell asleep while drinking, Yang's father vomited, and Yang's mother cried, hugging Tao Ran and not letting go.

The atmosphere is a little weird.

They were obviously happy, but everyone seemed to have something on their minds, and felt hesitant to speak.

Tao Ran also passed out from drinking.

In a daze, she heard Mother Yang, who was holding her, murmuring: Baby, are you leaving?

Mom, I always feel that you will leave these nights.

Whether you eat coriander or not, you are still your mother's good daughter!

Mom loves you.

Tao Ran was full of questions. Before she could understand what Mother Yang meant, she was pulled away from Yang Yue's body. Suddenly, she seemed to see Yang's father, mother, and old man surrounding Yang Yue.

Just like last time, it was a dizzying feeling like a roller coaster.

After a trance, she saw Yang Yue in the void.

Did I mess up? Tao Ran was still immersed in the scene just now. What do Yang’s mother’s last few words mean? Have they already discovered that she is not Yang Yue?

You are much better than me, what did you mess up! Yang Yue laughed: But you know, in this world, how can there be parents who cannot recognize their most beloved children? With such blood, it is none of your business.

Yang Yue was the one whom her relatives held in their hands and loved deeply. Her emotions, psychology and actions had long been engraved in their hearts. If the core is changed, it will be difficult not to be discovered.

Ah—— Tao Ran scratched his head. Yes, no matter how good your acting skills are, they are just substitutions, not from the inside out.

Zhang Chen could tell at a glance that she had changed, let alone her close relatives who were connected by blood.

What flaws did I reveal?

For example, I don't eat coriander, not even a hint.

I remembered it, so I haven't eaten it for a long time.

But old man, he deliberately put coriander in the fish he cooked for you last time and picked it out, but you didn't notice it. He also ate a lot. If it were me, I wouldn't be able to eat even one bite.

Test me?


... This kind of subconscious behavior is not controlled by reason and is impossible to guard against. Ancestors are still ancestors!

Tao Ran took a deep breath. So, they discovered it a long time ago. He deliberately didn't expose it and even acted with her.

So Mother Yang really said what she said to her, saying that no matter whether she eats coriander or not, she is still a good daughter of the Yang family? her?

For a moment, Tao Ran's eyes felt uncontrollably sour.

At this moment, regardless of whether the mission was a failure or not, she felt it was worth it.

From now on, help me take good care of my parents and grandpa. Tao Ran sniffed.

Thank you, sister. Yang Yue came over and took Tao Ran's hand, and then Tao Ran had a few cool things in his hand. Thank you for helping me protect my loved ones. I have been learning, and I will take good care of them in the future. For me and for you.

Feeling that Yang Yue was getting weak, Tao Ran became anxious.

The old man is the shrewdest. If you have anything to do in the future, consult with him more often. Remember to take them for physical examinations twice a year. Treat men soberly. After Ding Yi is released from prison, find someone to keep an eye on, and call the police if there is any trouble. Don't forget to maintain the relationship with Murakami. .Zhang Chen is not bad...

This departure came so suddenly that Tao Ran didn't have time to write a letter, so she couldn't help but warn her, but before she finished speaking, the spinning feeling came over that day.

My eyes were dizzy and I couldn't see clearly anymore, and a strong feeling of weightlessness came as promised...

Yang Yue returned to her body.

There is a sister who helped us. Yang Yue smiled sweetly at the family members who gathered around her with nervous expressions on their faces. From now on, I will protect you like a sister.

I want to protect you. Zhang Chen handed her the handful of roses...

On the other side, all the life pressure of the Ding family is passed on to Ding Xia.

Ding Xia once again worked in a factory in the town that provided food and accommodation, raising a mother and a younger brother. Her salary of 1,200 yuan a month was only 300 yuan, and she had to be scolded by Ding's mother. Her life was miserable.

Ding's mother had long been dissatisfied with such a tight life, and began to plan to marry Ding Xia to a good family. At least, you can get a large amount of gift money, right?

But the reputation of the Ding family has long been bad. Ding Xia has been divorced and given birth to children, and was disliked by her husband's family in various ways. Mother Ding's plan to get her daughter married is destined to be difficult.

Ding Xia has gone on dozens of blind dates in the past two years. Those who like her family and are willing to give her a gift of 58,000 yuan are almost all old, weak, sick, and widowers... But what Ding Xia can't stand the most is that Ding's mother has some demons. She only cares about money and thinks she can marry anyone...

For this reason, Ding Xia and Ding's mother had quarrels several times.

Ding Xia's income alone is not enough to support her family. So Ding's mother went to the village and wanted to contract out the fish pond. The village's answer was: Yes, but half of the rent must be used to repay the debt donated by Yang Yue and Ding Yi.

Mother Ding didn't want to agree, but she found that without the village's nod, no one would come to rent her fish pond. In the end, she had no choice but to agree.

In this way, Ding's mother lived on rent and sucking her daughter's blood, and used all her remaining energy to make trouble.

After the quarrel between the Qiao family and the Liu family, his spirit was so strong that the Qiao family and the Liu family were stunned.

However, three years later, Qiao Qiao disappeared from the world and never returned to the village. Ding's mother was unable to get anything out of the Qiao family and the Liu family. On the contrary, people for miles around shunned her.

Mother Ding's hard work paid off. After following Mother Liu for a whole day, she finally followed Liu Da and Qiao Qiao's residence in the town.

Ding's mother learned the lesson and did not alert the snake. Instead, she went back to organize her aunt's sister-in-law and accompanied her to block the rental house.

She asked an unfamiliar sister-in-law to pretend to be an aunt from the neighborhood committee, and tricked Qiao Qiao into opening the door, and then several people rushed in.

Goodbye Qiao Qiao, Ding's mother rolled up her sleeves without saying a word.

Where is my grandson? Hand it over!

I... Liu Da went to work. Facing the menacing group of people, Qiao Qiao, who was alone at home, did not dare to say that the child had been aborted long ago, so she could only lie: The child is not at home and has gone to school.

This part of the plot about the heroine has ended. The next chapter is the fate and ending of all the protagonists in this story. It can be regarded as an extra chapter...

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