The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 136 The evil son-in-law wants to cause trouble 68

Qiao Qiao decided the moment the lawsuit was over, she didn't want this child!

She would not raise a child for someone named Ding!

Of course, the most important thing is that she doesn't want the Ding family to use her child to suck her blood.

The Ding family will definitely return to the village in a few days. She had to have an abortion before then. But after the operation, she heard that she would have to recuperate for a long time, so she had to find a supporter quickly.

This bachelor is just right.

Qiao Qiao hugged the bachelor without saying a word.

The bachelor was in the arms of Wenxiang Nephrite, and he was flattered, so he agreed in a daze, and even took two thousand yuan and stuffed it into Qiao Qiao's hand...

After Ding Xia came out of the apartment, she found that the rental house had been evicted and their luggage had been thrown by the landlord to the gatekeeper of the community. She was so angry that she almost exploded. She wanted to go back to her hometown first and get money from Ding's mother, but Ding's mother was afraid that her daughter would run away after taking the money and leave her alone, so she refused.

So Ding Xia had to wait five more days.

But when Ding's mother was released, they were also blocked by Tao Ran with his lawyer.

Want money!

I know how much money you have in your bankbook! If you don't give it to me, sue me and let the court enforce it. Not only will you have to pay compensation, but you may even have to pay off the debt in your hometown house, and you will also have to squat in it. ! You think about it yourself! Tao Ran threatened them seriously.

Ding's mother was frightened by being imprisoned, and all her savings over the years were wiped out in one day.

But after all, the amount was huge. After paying the fine and Ding's father's compensation, Ding's mother said she was no longer able to repay.

What Ding Yi owes, let him pay it back after he is released from prison. If you force me, I will break away from the mother-son relationship with Ding Yi!

Mother Ding is still tough.

Tao Ran smiled, she had expected this.

I won't force you.

Tao Ran went through the formalities in front of Ding's mother and witnessed by a lawyer, and donated the 160,000 yuan in compensation that Ding Yi still had to pay her according to the court's judgment directly to the village. She gave this ball to the village.

I don't care whether the village settles with you, whether it's with the Ding family or Ding Yi, whether it's settled in one lump sum or in installments, or whether it's settled with your fields, fish ponds, or houses. .

She believes that there will always be a solution in the village.

There are so many bad guys in the world, and the law is not binding enough on them, so we can only let society put pressure on them.

Now they are so poor that they don't even have a place to live. There is no other way out except returning to that mountain village and returning to the life he had ten years ago. But as long as they continued on that land, they had to be restrained by the village.

If the Ding family or Ding Yi want to start a new life and have children who can turn over, they cannot rely on this money. Although Tao Ran couldn't ask for this money, the villagers could. In this case, if this money is sought from the people, it will naturally be used for the people.

Mother Ding was so angry at Tao Ran's actions that she almost spurted blood on the spot, but there was nothing she could do.

However, although they can't deal with Yang Yue, they will never let go of Qiao Qiao!

If you want to go to hell, you need someone to support you!

The mother and daughter hurried to the countryside, but Qiao Qiao was nowhere to be seen.

They only heard people say that Qiao Qiao defected to Liu Da, a bachelor in the village.

I ran to the entrance of the village and took a look. There was not even half a person in Liu’s family...

It should be said that Qiao Qiao is really good at dealing with ordinary men.

In the past half month, not only had she had an abortion, but she had also gotten married to the bachelor.

As soon as her beauty trap came out, she coaxed Liu Dafu into being submissive, and then induced her to apply for a certificate. She only went to the hospital for the surgery after she was guaranteed.

Liu Da even paid for the surgery.

After staying in the hospital for a few days, she tricked Liu Da into developing a career in the town. Liu Datou was so excited that he rented an apartment in the town.

On the other side, Ding's mother, who couldn't find Qiao Qiao, went to the Qiao family and forced the Qiao family to hand over their grandson and Ding Yi's money that Qiao Qiao had defrauded.

Ding's mother has always been a strong fighter. After making trouble with Qiao's family, she ran to Liu Da's parents' house in the neighboring village.

Either you pay for my grandson or money! Mother Ding sat down directly on the ground.

Mother Ding's continuous tossing made everyone in the village laugh.

The Liu family found two big wolf dogs to drive Mother Ding away.

Liu Da's parents wanted to save face, and it was because of this commotion that they found out that their son was being stalked by a vixen. After a phone call, I found out that my son had been abducted. Mother Liu forced her son to divorce Qiao Qiao immediately. But Qiao Qiao insisted on using her tenderness and sweetness to make Liu Da unable to let her go.

It's okay for a filial son to become a rebellious son!

The Ding family is unreasonable, and the Liu family is not a good person either.

When the Liu family got angry, they also approached the Qiao family to ask for an explanation.

The three families had been making trouble for many days.

Several families refused to give in.

Ding's mother, who had no man in the family, was crying and crying. She threatened several times that she wanted to kill him...

This is not the only thing that worries Mother Ding.

On the other side, Ding Xia finally found a husband in the town, but was not allowed to look after the children.

No matter how much she begged, her husband was determined to get a divorce.

It's just a matter of divorce, and they don't want to pay alimony. According to their wishes, they still want to ask for child support from Ding Xia. Mother Ding sighed, why! Since the child has the man's surname, why should the Ding family raise it?

Ding's mother began to force Ding Xia to work. If the family has no money, who will earn money to support the family? It can't be her, right? It doesn’t matter if my daughter gets divorced, at least she can support her parents’ family!

But what made them even worse was that they suddenly received a pile of registered letters that day.

It's all from credit cards.

All seven of Ding Yi's credit cards have expired. These reminder letters were sent back to Ding Yi's work unit, and were also returned to Yang Yue's home. After receiving the collection call, Tao Ran declared her divorce status and reported Ding Yi's home address to the credit card center...

Ding Xia called Yang Yue and said that this was a debt before the divorce, and that she, Yang Yue, and Ding Yi should share half of it.

Tao Ran: I don't recognize this debt. This money was almost all used for you and Qiao Qiao, and it has nothing to do with me. If you don't accept it, you can sue me.

Ding Xia was at a loss. Sue asshole! Just like her brother, she will lose everything she sues. And she was almost penniless. I don’t even have money to file a lawsuit! Even relatives and friends stayed away when they saw them!

These hundreds of thousands of card debts must be paid off.

Let him suffer for the evil that her brother himself has done...

After Tao Ran got the general idea from Huang Yaqin, he knew that in the next few years, each of the Ding family would be in trouble in their own way, and they probably would not go to Beijing again.

Qiao Qiao got married so quickly, obviously transferring all her future plans to the Liu family. Liu Da is still unable to marry a wife to this day, which is obviously inseparable from his family. And just from Huang Yaqin's few words, Tao Ran could feel that Mother Liu might not be another Mother Ding. Qiao Qiao, who had plotted against Liu Da, was afraid that he would suffer a lot.

As for Ding Yi, a person who has been in prison for ten years, has a criminal record, is disabled, and has been blocked by the credit system. It is difficult for him to find a decent job, let alone get ahead. He has been in jail for many years, is out of touch with the times and has no skills. It is even difficult to survive in the capital.

Tao Ran has helped the Yang family apply for a restraining order, so even if Ding Yi is released from prison, as long as he dares to approach, he can just call the police directly. As long as he misbehaves a little bit, his job will be guaranteed.

Ding Yi's life is destined to be ruined!

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