The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 135 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 67

Qiao Qiao collapsed.

Ding Yi, you liar!

At this moment, Qiao Qiao also wanted to tear Ding Yi and the Ding family apart.

But Ding Yi was in the dock, Ding's mother was also dragged away, and the only Ding family member beside her was Ding Xia.

So she slapped Ding Xia on the head with her paw.

You, the entire Ding family, are all liars! Ding Yi is just a slutty married man, but none of you told me!

Who could she reason with? It was only after the trial that she found out that Ding Yi was nothing but a son-in-law! Everything Ding Yi had was given to him by the Yang family. Apart from his deceptive mouth, he had no other abilities.

All his ambitions were based on the Yang family! There are such rubbish men in the world, she is really blind! She even gave birth to a child for such a man! Is he worthy?

You brag to him everywhere! Bah! You are poor, cowardly and incompetent! What a top student! What a monthly income of 10,000 yuan! What a bright future! They are all lies! You lied to me, you cheated! I will sue you too!

Qiao Qiao slapped Ding Xia beside her like crazy.

Ding Xia was beaten inexplicably and became angry!

Isn't she a victim?

She is the worst, okay? Qiao Qiao at least enjoyed it, what about her? She even lost her husband and children, and all the money she had was confiscated by her mother. She is homeless and has nothing, okay? Why should she be treated like this?

Ding Xia has long hated Qiao Qiao, and the culprit is Qiao Qiao. If it weren't for her, the whole Ding family would be sitting in the stadium and experiencing the Olympic enthusiasm. They all live in a spacious and bright room. She and her husband earn well every month. Thousands, love and harmony, everyone is happy! Who harmed whom?

Ding Xia did not hesitate to grab Qiao Qiao's hair with her claws and spit out her saliva!

Shameless thing! I told you to stay away from my brother a long time ago! You are shameless, and you are asking for help and seduction. We haven't sued you for destroying your marriage, but you still have the nerve to bite back? Ding Xia said. He opened his bow from left to right and slapped Qiao Qiao...

The two men struggled together.

As a result, they met the same fate as Ding's mother. They were warned by the judge for contempt of court and affecting the sentencing and were sentenced to ten days' detention.

At this point, all the Ding family members have shut their mouths and dare not say another word.

Before they came, they never imagined that the result they would get would be that everyone would be imprisoned.

Yang Yue's lawyer also made an application: In view of the fact that Ding's family has detained and mentally controlled the client, our client requested to apply for an injunction. From now on, Ding Yi and his family are not allowed to approach my client and his parents. , grandpa and child.”

The judge saw the behavior of everyone in the Ding family jumping up and down. It was clear that they all had violent tendencies, so this article was passed in court...

Tao Ran took a deep breath as she walked out of the court. The time for her to leave should not be far away...

Because Qiao Qiao was pregnant, she applied for care from the judge and was released after only being detained for one night.

Qiao Qiao has always been a ruthless person. She called the police as soon as she came out, saying that Qiao's mother had robbed her of a bank card with 20,000 yuan on it. That was her salary card from her previous employer, and it was her savings that she had saved for several years. She asked Mother Ding to return the bank card and her ID card.

Ding's mother and Ding Xia, who were still in detention, did not dare to jump around. No matter how unwilling they were, they had no choice but to return the card and ID card to Qiao Qiao.

However, Qiao Qiao didn't expect that just as she was about to leave, she saw Yang Yue already waiting in front of the police station.

Ask her for money.

During the trial, Qiao Qiao's account had already been investigated because it involved Ding Yi's money. In addition to the card robbed by Ding's mother, Qiao Qiao also had a bank account that also had a deposit of 20,000 yuan. And all this money was secretly saved after she followed Ding Yi.

Give me the compensation awarded by the court quickly. Tao Ran said with a smile. The two cards cost 20,000 each, which is 40,000.

I have no money.

Then let's go back to the police station? Tao Ran raised his chin and motioned to the police station building ten meters away. There are two different concepts between not having money and not having money. Don't you want to have your child in prison?

Qiao Qiao had no choice. She now had a record of how much money she had with her. She didn't want to be forced, so she could only grit her teeth and give away all the 40,000 yuan.

I have no money. I still owe you 10,000 yuan in compensation, and I will pay it back slowly.

No, you have money.

Tao Ran smiled. Your current rental house is rented in your name. You pay three deposits and one deposit. The deposit will be refunded and you can sell your jewelry. It's almost the same.

It wasn't that Tao Ran was chasing her closely, but she knew that Qiao Qiao would definitely run away without Ding Xia and the others controlling her at the moment. If she doesn't hurry now, she will probably never get the money.

This is what Qiao Qiao owes Yang Yue and must be repaid.


Indeed, Qiao Qiao had the idea of ​​​​running away. She knew that if she didn't leave now, she would probably be haunted by the Ding family for the rest of her life. Ding Yi is in trouble, those vampires will definitely not let her go, and will definitely force her to give birth to Ding Yi's child. Maybe this child will be used to rely on the Qiao family.

She is still young, and for herself and her family, she must not let this happen.

So while everyone in the Ding family was still squatting, she had to run away quickly.

Qiao Qiao gritted her teeth and said, I'll give you the money and you and I will be cleared. You have to promise not to cause trouble to me again.

Of course. Tao Ran agreed readily. There is no need to cause trouble for her in the future. The Ding family will definitely treat her unmercifully.

Qiao Qiao went to check out the house, and the landlord was nice enough to refund the deposit and one month's rent. After selling the jewelry and other items and paying back Yang Yue's 10,000 yuan, she still had more than 1,000 yuan left.

Taking the money, she returned to her hometown.

She had to go home.

Her belly left her with no other choice.

At this moment, Qiao Qiao finally realized that only her parents are the best. Home is what she relies on.

After arriving home, she knelt down and begged her parents.

After all, she was her biological child. Qiao's parents forgave her and cried with her.

The tummy was once again a problem.

Brother Qiao said: Get married quickly and find a man who can protect you. I have to go to work and can't take care of you and protect you all the time. Especially your reputation is gone. The main thing is not to harm the family. The Ding family has never been kind!

This time, Qiao Qiao thought of the bachelor Liu Da at the head of the village.

She thought for a moment, then went and knocked on the door at the end of the village.

This bachelor is at least a little better. Compared to other people in the village, he is rich. He has been obsessed with her for many years, and he looks so fierce that most people don't dare to bully him. If you follow this person, if the Ding family comes back in the future, at least you won't dare to do anything to her.

When the bachelor saw it was her, his eyes lit up, but when he saw her belly, his eyes dimmed instantly.

I'm sorry. I'm not young. I just want a baby of my own. The man said.

Then if I take away this child, do you want me? Qiao Qiao took a step closer and took the initiative to hold the man's hand.

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