The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 134 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 66

Ding Yi forged investment documents to deceive Yang Yue, and evidence was submitted that he transferred 100,000 yuan.

There was a fake company, fake official seal, and fake signature on it. This was another criminal act, which made Ding Yi's lawyer dumbfounded. Once this thing came out, the transfer of jointly owned property between husband and wife was completely eliminated!

In addition, all of Ding Yi's card usage records were also retrieved. Except for cash withdrawals, almost all of them were the expenses he spent on his family. Even the cost of Qiao Qiao's pregnancy test and the travel expenses of the two of them were also clearly recorded. .

Yang Yuefang determined that Ding Yi used family assets to start a new family and have children.

Ding Yi was anxious. He explained that he did not transfer his property and all his money was used to support his family. But in the face of evidence, denial is meaningless...

At this point, Tao Ran was the first to ask about the three possibilities for the man to get clean and leave the house, and she had fulfilled them all at once. Not only can she get a clean divorce and recover losses to the greatest extent, she can also claim compensation!

She wins!

On the other hand, the trial of the Dings and his son for burglary, robbery with a knife and intentional wounding was very fast due to the solid evidence.

Although Ding Yi made up a story for himself, Yang Yue had already made up a satisfying story.

That is: she followed her grandfather's instructions to sell a batch of ancient coins, but when she handed over the prepared copper coins to the auction house, she found that two coins were suddenly missing.

Auction house personnel can attest to this.

Because of the loss of the copper coins, surveillance cameras were installed inside and outside the courtyard, so there was no theory that Ding Yi was being framed. After investigation, they not only discovered the surveillance of Ding Yi stealing copper coins in the study, but also obtained footage of Ding Yi holding ancient coins to inquire about prices in several stores in the antique market...

Several bosses can come forward to testify.

Therefore, Ding Yi was not a first offender, but a repeat offender. Judging from the series of crimes he committed, including colluding with his father, it was even more premeditated.

As a victim, the old man asks the court to deal with it strictly!

Ding Yi's face was ashen.

Subsequently, surveillance footage of Ding Yi stealing and replacing Yang Yue's keys at home, and sneaking into the study several times after Yang Yue left, were all exposed, indicating that his previous denials were all lies.

Faced with irrefutable evidence, Ding Yi had to admit that he had indeed taken two copper coins.

After all the surveillance systems of Ding Yi and his son in the courtyard were completely connected, the facts were already there.

The outcome of the trial will come soon.

The divorce was decreed, and the child belonged to Yang Yue, while Ding Yi's charges of de facto marriage, property transfer, and mental domestic violence were all established. Due to the huge mental harm caused to Yang Yue and the fact that Yang Yue needed to raise her children, the court supported Yang Yue in obtaining the ownership of the couple's shared property for four years as compensation and alimony.

In terms of compensation, in addition to being responsible for all the costs of the lawsuit, Ding Yi must also compensate the Yang family for a sum of money.

The list of compensation requests submitted by the Yang family was also released.

Tao Ran also understood Ding Yi. They had already guessed what kind of things such a cautious person would secretly take away. In order to make it difficult for Ding Yi to get out once he stepped in, she specially considered the placement of the collection when designing the complete set.

Therefore, after appraisal, the total value of the inconspicuous package Ding Yi stole exceeded one million.

The huge amount is destined to have serious consequences.

In addition, Ding Yi and his son not only broke two doors, but also caused a lot of damage during the fight. These, plus the Yang family's mental damage expenses, round-trip fares from other places, travel expenses, etc., are all responsible for the defendant.

Therefore, the Yang family made a list and demanded that Ding Yi personally compensate 100,000 yuan for various losses and 100,000 yuan for mental losses, totaling 200,000 yuan.

After some verification and trial, the amount of compensation was settled.

The sentencing begins:

Zhang Chen acted in self-defense and does not need to bear any responsibility or compensation.

Ding's father was convicted of burglary and intentional wounding. He was sentenced to three years and six months in prison respectively. He collaborated with his son to commit theft and was sentenced to six months in prison. In addition, he was also sentenced to several crimes including threatening and intimidating the victim in public and assaulting the police. The crimes were added up and he was eventually sentenced to four and a half years in prison.

In addition, Ding's father broke into the house, causing a total loss of 20,000 yuan to the Yang family. He was also fined and another 20,000 yuan in compensation for mental damage to Ding's family. Ding's father had to pay a total of 40,000 yuan in compensation.

As for Ding Yi, he was sentenced to two years for burglary, five years for attempted murder with a knife, one year for intentional wounding, and one year for mental domestic violence, totaling nine years in prison.

In addition, Ding Yi stole two ancient coins from the Yang family, which were found in Ding's mother's rental house. The crime of theft was confirmed, and Ding Yi was sentenced to an additional year in prison, for a total of ten years.

If found guilty of forging documents, pretrial intimidation, etc., a certain amount of fine will be imposed.

In addition, the defendant Ding Yi also needs to repay Yang Yuehe a total of 120,000 yuan for various losses and mental damage caused to the Yang family, Zhang Chen's medical expenses and mental compensation of 10,000 yuan, and pay the Yang family's compensation for Ding Yi's death. The resulting security expenses were 30,000 yuan...

The judge over there hasn't finished pronouncing the verdict, but Mother Ding can't stand it anymore.

What? Both the old man and his son will go to jail? Then the old Ding family must not be laughed to death from now on? If the men in the family are in jail, who will make money in the future? If my son has been in prison for ten years, won’t he be almost forty when he comes out? Then start from scratch? Then isn’t the son’s life completely over? She raised her son in vain and sent her son to college in vain? Will you no longer be able to rely on your son?

Also, how much does it cost?

The old man’s compensation is 40,000 yuan, and his son’s compensation is 160,000 yuan plus legal fees and fines?

The total fines imposed on father and son are more than 200,000?

Where would she get the money?

If it was tens of thousands of dollars, she could still think of a way, but for two hundred thousand, she couldn't get it back even by selling her blood! She can only earn a thousand yuan by going to town to wash dishes in a month, right? She still has to raise her young son, wouldn't that mean that she would have to die to pay for it?

Ding's mother was so excited that she cried for her father and mother in court and made a scene. She kept saying that the trial was unfair. She not only insulted Yang Yue in court, but also questioned the judge's protection. Ding Xia was frightened and quickly covered her mother's mouth.

But Mother Ding not only pushed her away, but also bit her.

Ding's mother was eventually subdued to the ground by the guards.

As for her behavior that disrupted the order of the trial, she was deemed to be in contempt of court by the judge and was detained for fifteen days.

It's not over yet.

Because Yang Yue also sued Qiao Qiao.

So Qiao Qiao was asked to repay some of the money Ding Yi spent on her.

Qiao Qiao is an unemployed vagrant, and Ding Yi has to pay for food, drinks, and accommodation, and this part of the money belongs to the husband and wife. This request is reasonable and reasonable. In the recording of Qiao Qiao threatening Yang Yue, she even confessed that Ding Yi had bought her a large amount of jewelry, designer bags, clothing, etc.

After trial, it was finally determined that in addition to a formal apology to Yang Yue, Qiao Qiao must also compensate Yang Yue in one lump sum, including mental damages, totaling 50,000 yuan...

Qiao Qiao felt like a bolt from the blue.

She is a victim too!

She gave her body and time, she gave her youth, and she still had one in her belly! Who does she ask for money from?

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