The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 133 The evil son-in-law wants to cause trouble 65

As the materials were submitted one by one, Ding Yi and Qiao Qiao's initially somewhat confident expressions began to turn into disbelief.

For example: Qiao Qiao's record of helping Ding Yi pay compensation at the police station in his hometown of the provincial capital proved that the two had money exchanges from early on.

For example: there are all kinds of sticky photos of the two of them, from opening a hotel, renting a house, shopping in the supermarket, and traveling... What's especially outrageous is that Yang Yue took his family out to relax, but Ding Yi packed up his luggage and moved to Qiaoqiao. In the rental house, the two of them began to get entangled impatiently as soon as they opened the door...

For example: The real estate agent admitted that Qiao Qiao and Ding Yi signed the rental contract together, and was told that they were the two residents.

For example: a recording of Qiao Qiao personally admitting that Ding Yi is her husband, and a photo of Ding Yi walking out of Qiao Qiao's room wearing only underwear.

For example, the confession from the aunt opposite the rental house stated that Ding Yi and Qiao Qiao treated each other as husband and wife. Ding Yi would go to the rental house to eat or spend the night almost every other day.

For example: For the rental house where Qiao Qiao lives, the rent in recent months has been paid from Ding Yi Card. The same is true for water, electricity and coal.

For example: after Ding Yi stayed at Yang Yue's parents' house many times, he went to the rental house to hang out with Qiao Qiao, sometimes until midnight, sometimes all night long.

For example: Qiao Qiao currently lives with the Ding family, who take care of her daily life.

In addition, Yang Yue also made accusations in court with righteous indignation. Once her parents were admitted to the hospital, but Ding Yi and Qiao Qiao signed up for a tour group outside and stayed for two days and nights before returning.

Of course, the most important thing is that the child in Qiao Qiao's belly is evidence that Ding Yi has another de facto marriage. The child has grown up healthily to four months. Are these two people planning to become parents? …

At this point, what else does Ding Yi not understand?

He was set up.

Yang Yue knew everything early in the morning and had been plotting against him and investigating him since early in the morning. Yang Yue had been waiting for today!

Yang Yue, you femme fatale, your honor, I want to sue her. Sue her for invasion of privacy, sue her for following her, sue her for secretly filming. These private parts were secretly photographed and recorded without my permission, and were directly exposed. In fact, they are all illegal. right?

After hearing the lawyer's advice, Ding Yi couldn't wait to express his attitude. He simply couldn't imagine that this woman even installed cameras in her own home?

Yang Yue's lawyer stood up again: My client is just trying to protect himself. There is no invasion of privacy. Then, the lawyer just made some remarks and introduced the term bullying.

Ding Yi and his family are too scary! Tao Ran began to complain as the plaintiff. Ding Yi often said he wanted to kill me in his dreams in the middle of the night. I was scared awake by him many times in the middle of the night. Many times I heard him cursing my family in my dreams, saying that one day he would kill us all. ”

As a movie queen, Tao Ran's acting skills have improved, and she can interpret the fear from the inside out.

Ding Yi and his family also detained me. They once illegally detained me in a rural home and almost killed me. I have physical evidence of this.

A live connection was made directly to the village where the meeting was taking place. Of course, it was Tao Ran who asked Huang Yaqin for help and asked the village chief to convene everyone for a meeting on today's court day.

So, several enthusiastic aunts came out to testify:

Everyone in our village can prove it. At that time, a few young men broke open the door of Ding's house and rescued Yang Yue who was too sick to stand up.

The Ding family is simply scum. Miss Yang was seriously ill at the time and almost killed someone!

In the end, it was the village chief who sent Miss Yang to the hospital!

The Ding family went out to eat and drink by themselves, but kept their daughter-in-law at home. I heard they even took a lot of money from the Yang family!

After the Ding family came back, they only cared about their chickens, geese, and doors. They didn't even ask about their daughter-in-law.

If I were Miss Yang, I would sue his family!

That Qiao Qiao came to Ding's house that day to look for Ding Yi. It was so shameless...

After a group of people chatted, the village chief also came out to give a testimony.

Yang Yue spoke again: After that time, I began to be afraid of the Ding family and always felt that they would harm me. For this reason, I must protect myself before I divorce him.

So after I returned to Beijing, I installed a camera at home. My family was worried about my safety and hired someone from a security company to protect me. I planned to divorce Ding Yi at that time.

But since all the money in the family is managed by Ding Yi, I want to make it clear to him. But Ding Yi couldn't get our 200,000 yuan deposit. I suspected at that time that he had transferred the family property or used it to start another family.

In this situation, I had to investigate him and find out the truth. Ding Yi said that my intrusion on his privacy was actually my best protection for myself. Through my investigation, I finally found out what kind of person he was.

Several more pieces of evidence were presented to the court.

The first evidence that came up was the surveillance video of Ding Yi losing his temper at home, pushing a table of food to the ground, scolding Yang Yue angrily, and stating that he wanted to kill Yang Yue.

The whole court was in an uproar.

The Ding Yi in the camera is too terrifying, completely different from the pitiful man in the courtroom. How would the plaintiff be helpless if there was not irrefutable evidence of surveillance? Such a man needs to be exposed, the kind that will never be coded.

At that moment, Ding Yi's face turned pale.

How many cameras has Yang Yue installed at home? How many things were captured?

The answer was given to him immediately.

Even the surveillance of him hiding his old mobile phone in the study room to record calls to Yang Yue was included.

It can be seen that the defendant has been using various methods such as following and recording to control my client, which has made my client afraid to return to his home for a long time. He has been living in his parents' home for a long time and endured strong mental pressure and mental bullying.

The lawyer took a step forward: In addition, the defendant Ding Yi also connived at the other defendant Qiao Qiao to provoke, coerce, and intimidate my client several times.

Therefore, the box that Ding Yi brought back to Jing from the countryside and the two audio recordings that Qiao Qiao found with Yang Yue, all with the beginning and end cut off, became evidence.

Tao Ran: My mistress has been forcing me to divorce. She deliberately wore my clothes, left lip marks, and used her hair and perfume to force me. She also kept saying that if I didn't divorce, she would expose his relationship with Ding Yi and make a big fuss. My employer has made me and my whole family lose face...

Qiao Qiao's wild threats were played in the court. At that moment, Ding Yi and Ding's mother wanted to go up and strangle her to death!

They never knew that Qiao Qiao had come to Yang Yue!

Ding Yi was furious. No wonder Yang Yue had never forgiven him. It turned out that he had known about the existence of Qiao Qiao and the child for a long time. Therefore, the culprit of everything was really Qiao Qiao!

In vain, he thought Qiao Qiao was kind and innocent, but he didn't expect to be so selfish and hateful...

Tao Ran: I was so frightened that I didn't dare to go home. Such pressure made me feel in a trance for a long time. Only those who have experienced this kind of bullying will know.

Tao Ran specifically checked the information and found that domestic violence is divided into physical and mental levels. As for Ding Yi, who not only restricts the freedom of his spouse's behavior but also abuses and threatens others mentally, it is almost 100% likely to be convicted.

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