The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 132 The evil son-in-law wants to cause trouble 64

Ding's mother took Ding Xia to Ding Yi's unit again, wanting to settle her son's salary for this month.

No one in Ding Yi's workplace paid any attention to them. Just when Ding's mother wanted to make trouble, she received a letter from Ding Yi's leader - a dismissal letter.

Ding Yi was fired.

The two months' compensation after dismissal was directly paid to Ding Yi's salary card. In other words, the money has already been in Yang Yue's hands.

Ding's mother sat on the ground and cried loudly, saying that their work unit was unreasonable and randomly transferred money without her consent...

In addition, Ding's mother also began to borrow money from Ding Yi's colleagues, begging to help her son tide over the difficulties.

Ding Yi's story has long been spread throughout the work unit. No one should stay away from such a person who stole and hurt others. After going around, I was surprised that no one was willing to borrow it. Mother Ding scolded these people for being impersonal, which aroused laughter from everyone in the office.

In the end, Ding’s mother was escorted out of the office by security guards...

Ding's mother was reluctant to spend money to hire a good lawyer. In the end, the only people who could defend the Ding family and his son were lawyers appointed by the court.

Originally, Ding Yi's divorce case went to trial first, but the divorce case involved several cases. Yang Yue filed a lawsuit against Ding Yi for having a de facto marriage and transferring the couple's shared property, as well as accusations of so-called domestic violence.

These were closely related to the subsequent theft, robbery and murder cases, and the evidence was inseparable, so the cases were not separated but were tried together.

On the day of the trial, Ding Yi showed up.

That knife severely damaged his vitality.

He remained in the hospital until last week when he was transferred to a detention center.

He was sitting in a wheelchair and had no energy at all.

His hair was messy and his beard was unkempt, and he looked more than ten years older.

Not only due to illness, but also due to various blows.

In particular, his leg arteries were damaged and his condition was not good. His leg muscles had shown signs of atrophy in the past few days, which meant that he would probably not be able to return to normal, and he would be disabled!

He has always dreamed of standing high in high spirits and letting everyone who had ever made fun of him crawl at his feet. This dream was like a soap bubble that burst without a trace before it could bloom.

Ding Yi's whole body wilted.

He couldn't accept himself who couldn't see the future!

He doesn't want a divorce.

Not at all.

Now, he just wants to hold on to his marriage and Yang Yue. He knew very well that his dream was broken, and if he didn't catch the Yang family, he would really fall into hell.

So before the trial began, he was still begging to meet with the plaintiff.

Tao Ran refused.

But in the corridor outside the trial court, he saw Yang Yue.

He was so excited that he shouted her name.

Tao Ran glanced at it calmly.

Seeing that his wife did not leave directly, Ding Yi was overjoyed and immediately turned his wheelchair a few steps forward.

Yueyue, give me a chance. I was wrong, I don't want a divorce. Give me five minutes, I have to explain. For the sake of your child, give me this chance!

I know why you are angry, but I have to tell you that everything is because of Qiao Qiao. It was she who seduced me, she who lied to me, and she who forced me to do something wrong. I know I made a mistake, I admit it, and I am willing to change it.

Let's go back to the past. I will treat you twice as well and take good care of you. Yueyue, I swear, I only love you. From now on, I can do whatever the Yang family asks me to do. Let's go sue Qiao Qiao together! OK? I beg you, please...

Tao Ran chuckled.

A scumbag is indeed a scumbag!

Despicable and shameless, no one can match it!

After admiring his ugliness, she turned around.

The ending of this clown is all in her hands. She didn't even want to waste her saliva, she didn't want to say a word.

Ding Yi became anxious when he saw her leaving.

He wanted to move forward, but the guard held him back in his wheelchair.

In anger, he actually stood up, jumped out with his good leg, and reached out to pull Yang Yue...

Tao Ran turned around deliberately and kicked out the scumbag's bad leg while screaming.

Ding Yi rolled to the ground with a puff, holding his legs and howling non-stop.

While he was dragged away by the guards, he was still howling hysterically for Yang Yue to listen to him.

Tao Ran turned around and said to the lawyer: Give him another charge of harassing the defendant before the trial, obstructing the trial process, and trying to affect the process and fairness of the trial!

Otherwise, why would she have to endure this disgusting face and stand here watching his unappetizing performance?

In this way, Ding Yi was not only booked again, but was also warned by the judge before the trial that if he could not control his emotions, his opportunity to appear in court would be revoked.

The trial begins.

Ding Yi naturally denied all accusations.

He still doesn't understand, when did he commit domestic violence? The most he has is an extramarital affair, why is it a de facto marriage? Transfer property? Pooh! He gave all the savings to Yang Yue.

Even if calculated based on the deposit of 200,000, Yang Yue took one 30,000 and the other 60,000. He later gave her two 20,000, which added up to 130,000. It was already more than half. What did he transfer? Already?

So he and the whole family had the same idea. Even if he was found guilty of theft and assault, Yang Yue's claim in the divorce case was absolutely impossible to establish!

Even if he is sentenced to divorce, he can still get half of the property and car payment. In short, it is no problem to get more than one million!

And this is also the biggest reason that supports his family and Qiao Qiao to persist until now.

Therefore, Ding Yi firmly denied it.

Even the theft case was dismissed by Ding Yi.

He had already thought of an explanation and would carry out his shamelessness to the end.

He bluntly said that all this was a trap deliberately created by the Yang family to lure him into the trap.

He simply lied.

All of this is a trap. It was a trap that Yang Yue made to get me out of the house. She gave me the key to the courtyard, and she asked me to get my things at night. I just pressed Yang Yue's key I requested, and went there in the middle of the night, but I didn't expect to be attacked by someone. The Yang family had already installed surveillance cameras and took a video that I can't explain clearly!

I thought the sneaky man in black was a bad guy, and I started fighting with him to protect my family property. I am the one who truly defends myself! I am the one who was wrongly accused and framed! I am innocent!

Ding Yi felt that as long as he bit him to death, it would make sense. As long as the theft and hurting people get over it, everything else won't matter.

Ding Yi burst into tears and accused the Yang family, saying that he was the one who was really bullied. Not only has he not slept with Yang Yue for a long time, but he can only get an allowance of 1,000 yuan a month, and he has not even seen his children for several months.

Ding Yi can lie, and Tao Ran can also confuse time.

Lawyer Yang Yuefang started to give evidence from the article of de facto marriage.

Under Tao Ran's instruction, the lawyer presented evidence that Ding Yi and Qiao Qiao had been cheating on each other since they returned home in April.

There are testimonies from villagers about the affair between the two.

Another recording material was submitted. It was Huang Yaqin who turned on the speakerphone at the police station that day. Tao Ran recorded the quarrel between Ding's mother and Qiao Qiao. One told the two to cut off the relationship quickly, and the other insisted that Ding Yi would not let go. . It can be seen that the Ding family also knew about the relationship between the two and has been helping to hide it.

So, the relationship between the two of them has long been an open secret, both within the entire Five Villages and within the Ding family. Whether it is social or family relationships, these two people can prove their de facto marriage.

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