The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 131 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 63 (please vote)

Mother Ding threw all the pressure away from Ding Xia.

What nonsense are you talking about! It's your father and your brother who are imprisoned. I'm an old woman who doesn't know anything. You should quickly find a solution!

Then what can I, a working girl, do? Ding Xia cried.

Ding Xia, a man standing aside, remained silent. Ding's mother glanced at him and cursed coward in her heart. Then she said to Ding Xia, How much money do you have? Give it to mom first for an emergency. Your brother will pay you back later. For you...

Ding Xia cried: We have children to raise! We didn't bring much money when we came out. We didn't make any money just this month, and now we only have three thousand in total...

Three thousand! Bring it! Mother Ding couldn't help but say.

Ding Xia pulled her man and begged softly: How about three thousand for this money first?

The man stared at her for two seconds, Are you sure?

Ding Xia: My brother will pay us back in the future.

The man finally nodded, haha, if he takes out the three thousand, he will be penniless! They named Ding are really a family!

Can you... borrow some more money from your mother-in-law? Ding's mother gave Ding Xia another idea. Ding Xia's mother-in-law's family's conditions are considered good for Murakami, so they must support tens of thousands of dollars, right?

Ding Xia glanced at her husband. She really couldn't open her mouth, so she could only pull her husband's sleeve.

The man lowered his head and stared deeply for a while before saying:

Mom, let me go home and borrow money. Of the three thousand I just gave you, you can leave some for me to travel back home.

Okay, okay, mom will give you three hundred.

Five hundred, maybe.

In the end, Ding Xia's man got eight hundred, on the condition that he brought Ding Er back to his hometown together.

Who could have imagined that there would be no news about him once he left.

After sending Ding Er to Uncle Ding Yi's house, he stopped answering Ding Xia's calls.

The landline phone at my uncle's home is also out of reach.

Only then did Ding Xia realize the coldness and disappointment in her husband's eyes when he said Are you sure before leaving that day? She was in pain, but Ding's mother was a white-eyed wolf and kept cursing her as a heartless man... …

Ding Xia's husband really has no choice. He is afraid that if he continues to get entangled with this family, this bottomless pit will be completely tied to his family! He has long seen the virtues of the Ding family. He was afraid.

And the evil popularity accumulated by the Ding family in the past was also revealed at this time.

In a blink of an eye, the entire five villages knew what was going on in the capital. The Ding family's behavior was shocking. At this time, how far away could everyone hide?

So Ding's mother and Ding Xia called someone to go to their uncle's house to find someone to ask for money, but no one was willing to help!

Ding Xia was anxious and just wanted to return home quickly.

But Ding’s mother wouldn’t let her.

The man and his son entered the police station, and her backbone could only be placed with Ding Xia. The daughter cannot leave.

For this reason, Mother Ding once again raised the kitchen knife and threatened...

Therefore, not only did Ding Xia not return to her hometown, she had to live in a rental house to take care of her.

In this way, many days passed in a flash.

In the rental house, I suddenly received an air express letter that day.

This time, the recipient was Ding Xia.

When she opened it and took a look, Ding Xia almost died. It was her man who filed for divorce.

The reason is that her relationship broke down because she abandoned her family? Moreover, he wanted to fight for the custody rights of his son on the grounds that Ding Xia abandoned her son in her husband's house and ignored her son.

The man sent her the last text message: I gave you a chance. But so many days have passed, and you haven't come back to see me or the child. I am both disappointed and happy. Even if I am sorry for you, you can take care of your mother's family with peace of mind in the future. Bar.

Ding Xia completely collapsed.

Go home! I have to go home!

No! Is your father and your brother more important? Or is that scumbag more important?

I still have kids!

Since that scumbag is fighting for custody rights, are you still afraid that he will eat your son? Your son is always your flesh and blood and cannot escape. But here, your father and brother may never see each other again if they don't get it right.


Why did I raise such an unfilial daughter like you! Mother Ding cried loudly again.

Ding Xia burst into tears. When she turned around, she saw Qiao Qiao gloating and laughing. She jumped on her and said, It's all your fault! You bastard! You've caused such harm to my family!

Qiao Qiao: Your whole family is the culprit. Why didn't you tell me if you were dragging me down?

Mother Ding stared at Qiao Qiao's belly: Be careful of my grandson!

Ding Xia: At this point, what else do you need for a grandson!

Qiao Qiao: Well, let's all go to hell together! Your old Ding family should have no descendants!

Ding’s mother: “I’ll tear you apart!”

The three women got into a fight.

After all, Qiao Qiao has good health. Although she lives like this every day, her belly is still stable and the child is fine!

In fact, Qiao Qiao originally wanted to abort the child.

But the doctor told her that her baby had taken shape and could no longer be simply aborted, and that an operation was necessary.

She hesitated.

In her current condition, surgery is not possible. And the surgery costs a lot of money, right?

In addition... Yang Yue and Ding Yi's divorce lawsuit is about to go to court. Ding Yi and Yang Yue have so much property. If they are divided, Ding Yi will definitely get a lot of money.

Then if she has Ding Yi's child, she should be able to get a part of it? Even if it’s only tens of thousands of dollars?

So Qiao Qiao thought about it and waited until he got the money to deal with the child!

With this mentality, Qiao Qiao decided to endure it for a few more days to see the situation...

Ding's mother raised money everywhere, but except for the tens of thousands she finally borrowed from her parents' family and uncle Ding's family, no one in the entire village was willing to help.

She took Ding Xia to beg Yang Yue.

Daughter-in-law, as long as you can spare them, Mom can kneel down for you.

Tao Ran watched coldly, thinking that Yang Yue, who was imprisoned in the basement that day, also knelt down and begged them to let her family go, but who had helped her?

They brought it upon themselves. If I let them go, neither will the law!

Yang Yue! That's your child's father after all.

That kind of person doesn't deserve to be a father. My child doesn't have a father like him!

Daughter-in-law, don't be angry. Mom has collected tens of thousands of yuan for you, which is considered as compensation for your grandfather. Can you withdraw the lawsuit? It's all a misunderstanding.

Only tens of thousands of dollars? Tao Ran raised his eyebrows.

You don't have much loss, right? Tens of thousands of yuan is already all the family's savings.

Too little, I don't like it.

Are you really that heartless? Mother Ding bared her teeth again. You little bitch...

Just as she was about to pounce, Ding Xia held her back.

At Ding Xia's signal, she saw not far behind Yang Yue, there was not only a guy who looked like a security guard, but that person was also holding a camera and filming...

If you two don't want to go in and squat with me, stay away from me. I won't argue with you this time! Tao Ran shook his hair, turned around and left.

The extremely aggrieved Mother Ding cried loudly all the way, and could only go to Huang Yaqin, who was still in the capital, for help with a pair of red and swollen eyes.

However, Huang Yaqin was arranged to travel by Tao Ran, and Ding's mother failed several times but had no choice but to give up...

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