The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 128 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 60 (please vote)

A smile flashed in Zhang Chen's eyes, and his legs suddenly exerted force and lifted up.

Ding Yi shrank and was immediately followed by Zhang Chen.

The two rolled into a ball.

Ding Yi was stunned until a sharp pain hit him.

The pain started from his thigh and spread to his limbs, making him howl...


When he touched it, his hand was covered in blood.

He was frightened.

He had no idea how the dagger was inserted deeply into his thigh.

Seeing himself bleeding profusely, he was terrified.

The place where the dagger was inserted... couldn't be an artery, right?

he screamed.

On the other side, Zhang Chen fell on the other side, panting heavily and looking very weak. Then he picked up the phone and called...

Father Ding, who was outside the courtyard, saw that his son had not come out, and he was as anxious and panicked as an ant on a hot pot. No matter cats meowing, birds chirping, or insects chirping, he tried them all, but his son didn't appear.

He didn't dare to knock on the door rashly, didn't dare to call for someone, and he didn't have a mobile phone, so he was almost crying.

Until just now, he suddenly found a light on in the courtyard.

Very bright!

Did your son turn on the light?

No, absolutely not!

Is my son crazy?

He finally realized that something might have happened.

He pushed the battery car under the eaves, stepped on the battery body, stepped on the bridle.

He jumped up and pulled hard again, finally grabbing the top of the wall, and then used his strength to move his men up.

That's what they are good about in rural areas. They are agile and strong. They usually climb trees. Now climbing a wall is a piece of cake!

When he looked inside, he was shocked.

The main room was bright and bright, and he vaguely saw two figures fighting.

So, my son was discovered.

Ding's father yelled Oh no! and quickly climbed up the wall.

Of course he wants to help!

If my son was here, it would be all over. Only if both his father and son escape can they be safe.

With great difficulty, Ding's father managed to slip into the courtyard after falling.

At this time, he happened to hear his son's scream.

Ding's father was so anxious that he rushed towards the main room.

Through the windowpane, he saw his son lying in a pool of blood. The other person, who also seemed to be weak, was lying on the side talking on the phone.

Father Ding grabbed a broom from the corridor and hurriedly knocked on the door.

On the seventh stroke, the door was finally knocked open.

Zhang Chen shouted in a hoarse voice: So you have an accomplice!

When Father Ding heard this, he picked up the broom and hit Zhang Chen.

Seeing that Zhang Chen seemed helpless, he felt relieved. He beat Zhang Chen severely several times and hurried to see his son.

Poor son, why did he bleed so much!

He quickly picked up Ding Yi.

You sensible man, be honest and shut up! Otherwise I will kill you right now! Father Ding threatened Zhang Chen viciously.

Ding Yi was confused and basically semi-conscious due to excessive blood loss.

Father Ding was anxious to take his son away, but as soon as he took a step, he remembered something again. He actually didn't forget to copy it with his other hand. While stuffing the things on the table back into his bag, he also stuffed a bottle on the table into it. I've come here, but my son is injured like this. Isn't it such a loss to not take anything?

You are stealing and robbing again! Zhang Chen warned.

Shut up! Father Ding lifted his mask up, kicked him out, and at the same time picked up a stool and threw it at Zhang Chen, then hurriedly opened the door and left...

At this point, Zhang Chen's tasks have been completed.

He had already ambushed the nearby brothers, all dressed in work clothes, and surrounded the courtyard.

The Ding family father and son who fled outside were immediately blocked.

Faintly, the sound of police cars was getting closer and closer.

Two minutes later, two police cars arrived.

Comrade police officer, these two men broke into the house and stole first, then attempted to kill and silence them, and then attempted to rob and escape!

The detained father of Ding Yi and Ding was taken over by the police.

Everything is settled.

Half an hour later, Yang Yue and others hurriedly arrived.

At this time, Ding Yi had been sent to first aid by 120, while Zhang Chen and Ding's father were still detained at the scene by the police.

I called the police! Tao Ran's eyes filled with water as she looked at the mess, giving full play to her acting skills as an actress.

Mr. Yang pointed at Zhang Chen: He is from the security company I hired. I recently lost some property, so I signed a contract with the security company and asked them to help me monitor my residence and protect my property. Fifty minutes ago, we received a call from the security guard The company phone number said that someone broke into the courtyard and stole it, and asked us to return quickly. My granddaughter was worried and called the police directly on the way.

Several members of the Yang family handed over their mobile phones. The phone records were clear and the timeline was clear.

During this time, the police had confirmed that Zhang Chenfang belonged to a security company, and even brought over the security contract signed between them and Mr. Yang's family to confirm that they were not lying.

The police have also obtained surveillance.

The surveillance video captured everything that happened, and the evidence was conclusive and left no doubt.

When questioning the identities of the two men who broke into the house, the police were also extremely surprised.

Are you robbing your own family? incredible!

The key is to kill people just to steal their own things, which is really unheard of!

Ding's father was detained by the police and was still jumping around. Seeing Yang Yue come back, it was like seeing a savior.

Daughter-in-law! Wife-in-law! Tell these police officers quickly! This is all a misunderstanding! Ask them to let me and Xiao Yi go!

Daughter-in-law, this is a family matter in our family. We don't want to expose the family scandal! There is no need to go to the police station!

Daughter-in-law, Xiao Yi is going to die and is seriously injured. If you don't look at Dad's face, you have to look at Xiao Yi's face!

One night of husband and wife's return of a hundred nights of kindness, can you bear to see the child's father go to jail? Can you bear to see the child's father's life and death unknown? Can you bear to see the child being laughed at because of his father in the future?

Daughter-in-law, please think clearly, your one thought may affect the face of the Ding family and the Yang family! You have to think about your elders and children!

Daughter-in-law, listen to dad! Did you hear me! Otherwise you will regret it! Tell these police officers quickly, it's all a misunderstanding! Did you hear me!

Father Ding howled hysterically.

Tao Ran trembled and hid behind the police officer: Comrade police officer, he... he is threatening me... I'm afraid...

Intimidation? The police officers carefully considered what the old man just said. Is it considered a threat?

It's a threat! Tao Ran's eyes turned red instantly and his shoulders shrugged. My family knows their own affairs. This is not the first time. Arrest them quickly, otherwise, I won't be able to survive!

When she spoke the last word with a trembling voice, two lines of tears just fell down.

Little bitch, what do you mean!

Father Ding was instantly furious. You are talking nonsense! In front of a police officer, do you want to kill our father and son? No wonder we, Ding Yi, say you are not a good person, why are you so vicious!

Father Ding couldn't understand how she could add insult to injury at this time. He was furious and rushed towards Yang Yue. If you dare to talk nonsense again, I will tear your mouth apart!

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