The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 129 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 61 (please vote)

Tao Ran had already planned it.

At this moment, her whole body was trembling. She pulled the officer's sleeves, her legs were weak from fear, and she crouched down and hid behind the officer.

Comrade police officer... she cried, you heard it. If I don't follow their wishes, they will torture me. He is threatening me. If you don't arrest them, I won't be able to live. I am tortured by them. I have been bullying them for a long time, and I want to sue them! They are all bad people with a long history of evil...

Bullying? Domestic violence? Full of evil?

The police officers looked at several other Yang family members.

The old man was angry and said nothing. He just sat at the stone table and stared at Father Ding closely. Yang's father clenched his fists in shock, while Yang's mother covered her mouth... Obviously, they were also shocked.

Mother Yang couldn't hold it any longer and finally burst into tears. She went up to hug her daughter, feeling extremely distressed.

The mother and daughter cried together, sobbing continuously, which was heartbreaking to listen to.

Who didn't have a compassionate heart? Seeing Yang Yue slumped on the ground, with fear in his eyes, everyone's heart was shaken. What on earth has this girl been through! What on earth did these beasts do to her to make her so frightened? And if the father and son were really innocent, how could they commit burglary, robbery, and wounding at the same time? What can't such a person do?

Everyone present, including the police officer, came up with a lot of stories.

What are you still doing? Protect the victim! Take the person back to the police station and lock him up! The police officers immediately gave instructions.

Father Ding is going crazy!

He can't go in!

He finally kept explaining everything to the police officers so that he was not taken away immediately, but was dragged until the owner of the house came back. He originally thought that his wife and the Yang family would save face, so he would suppress the matter temporarily.

This matter is obviously very simple. It only takes two words misunderstanding to turn a big problem into a small one. But who knew his wife would bite back? He was furious and panicked at the same time.

If he goes in, who else will come to fish for the father and son?

His son’s “crime” was more serious than his!

In the entire capital, they only knew the Yang family! Now that the two of them have gone in, what else can the old woman do besides cry, make trouble, and hang herself?

Father Ding made the same mistake as Ding Yi back then.

Seeing that he was about to be dragged into the police car, the panicked father Ding kicked the police officers who were holding him with his left kick and right elbow, asking them to let him go. He howled and jumped to argue with Yang Yue.

Yang Yue, on the other hand, was frightened and helpless, sitting on the ground with her head in her hands, crying and begging not to do it.

The police officers were originally motivated to protect the weak, but now they still dared to attack the old man with his hands cuffed. How could they be lenient?

Dare to attack the police? Be honest! The baton swung and hit Father Ding directly! Be honest!

After some questioning, the Yang family learned about the police's preliminary conclusion: Ding Yi had committed theft and attempted murder. Father Ding, an accomplice in theft, sneaked into private houses, beat and threatened people, and robbed antiques.

As for Zhang Chen who stabbed Ding Yi, he stopped the evil act first and fought back in self-defense, so he is not responsible.

In short, monitoring can prove it!

Tao Ran and Zhang Chen's eyes met in the air, with a hint of relief in their eyes.

Tao Ran could finally relax.

Haha, is it easy for her to get into today's situation? She put a lot of effort into it.

Step by step, he lured Ding Yi into the game. He had been acting for a long time and created a lot of conditions for him. Wasn't this the moment he was waiting for?

It was her plan to steal and sell antiques, and it was her intention to travel.

Even the key, she deliberately let Ding Yi get it.

Originally, the keys in the courtyard house had very good anti-theft properties.

In order for Ding Yi to successfully match the key, she also changed all the locks in the courtyard.

Tao Ran was worried that the old man lived alone and had already installed an alarm system. This time, for Ding Yi's sake, he even removed all the systems.

She even watched Zhang Chen adjust the position of the camera again...

Finally, the hard work paid off and everything was perfect.

Since she came to this world, she has been thinking about a society governed by law. How can she take revenge without breaking the law before the bad guys commit any evil?

Ding Yi is so hateful!

Divorce is easy, and it is not difficult for him to get clean and leave the house, but how can this be enough? Not only did the scumbag not get the lesson he deserved, he might even strike back at any time!

Ding Yi in the story kills people and drugs him, which shows his despicable human nature. Now that he has not shown his bad roots, he has not reached that point yet.

Tao Ran didn't want to wait and waste away.

What a waste of time and being passive!

So Tao Ran acted as a catalyst, stimulating the evildoers' desires in advance and allowing them to make mistakes on their own initiative. Just like she contributed to Qiao Qiao and Ding Yi's misdeeds in advance.

it's good now.

Attempted murder - this alone is enough for Ding Yi to spend several years in prison.

The better news is that she just learned from the police officer that during the scuffle between Zhang Chen and Ding Yi in self-defense, the knife that Ding Yi received happened to go straight into the artery of his leg.

As a result of Zhang Chen and Ding's father's procrastination, Ding Yi missed the first moment of treatment.

That's an artery!

Therefore, there is a high probability that Ding Yi's leg will not be fully recovered.

So, this knife is great!

Thanks to Zhang Chen for his precise action.

What a stroke of genius!

Even if Ding Yi is released from prison in the future, he will still have to drag a broken leg... Not only can't he get revenge, but how to live is also a problem!

He hates the Yang family because it only hurts his self-esteem by asking him to marry into his wife! Everything he did was for his poor face and self-esteem.

So Tao Ran took what he cared about most.

A convicted murderer with a disability, will his parents continue to support him? Will his true love continue to love him? Is there anyone willing to support him?

Bearing the feeling of having your self-esteem trampled every day is more uncomfortable than killing him, right?

That night, Qiao Qiao, who was in the rental house, received a call from the police station, asking her to notify Ding's mother to go to the police station to cooperate with the investigation.

Seeing that her husband and son had not returned for a long time, Ding's mother had a premonition that something was going to happen, but the moment the bad news came, she still couldn't accept it.

My son was seriously injured and he is receiving first aid? Both father and son were caught?

Are there many more crimes?

Why is it even involved in murder?

Money, you have to get money! She thought of the last time her son got into trouble, he had to get money to settle the matter. I don’t know if my son’s leg needs surgery, but he still needs money.

She had to get a lot of money quickly!

She packed her bag, and then her eyes stopped on Qiao Qiao, who looked pale.

Money! How much money do you have? Take it out quickly! Mother Ding rushed forward and grabbed Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao shuddered and trembled several times.

She felt like the sky was falling. Not just because Ding Yi went in, but mainly because he thought about the future of her and the child in her belly. Will she continue to follow Ding Yi? Will you follow a tainted person in the future? At this point, his future is completely over, right? Do you want to help him raise his children?

Do you still want to go all the way to the dark side? Should she correct her mistakes while she can and cut her losses quickly? Should we wait and see at the risk of being dragged down? Or leave immediately?

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