The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 127 The evil son-in-law wants to cause trouble 59

But how could Ding Yi escape?

The man in black grabbed his collar from behind and held him as if he were a three-year-old child. The disparity in strength was too great. No matter how hard he tried, he just couldn't break away.

And because the arm lengths were so different, even though Ding Yi tried his best to hit back with his elbows, he still missed the target every time. He couldn't even touch the clothes of the person behind him.

Let me go! Why are you holding me! I know what you are here for. I won't expose you! Just let me go! Ding Yi was completely panicked.

That's not okay.

I'll give you the bag of things. I'll just pretend I've never seen you, okay?


What on earth do you want!

I caught a thief, what do you want me to do?

You... Aren't you a thief? I told you that I am from this family, and I am not a thief. I don't know you, who are you?

The man came up and pulled off Ding Yi's hat and then his mask.

Ding Yi's face was exposed under the light.

I am a guest of this family! The man in black said: I don't know you either! I will call the old man and ask them to come back to see if you are from this family! But before they come back , you can’t leave!”

Let me go! I really belong to this family!

In that case, there is no need to worry. When they come back, they will naturally know that it was a misunderstanding!

The man let go of Ding Yi, but kicked the door shut.

He was the only two people left in the whole room.

Ding Yi's whole body trembled.

guest? Ding Yi thought of the man and turned on the living room light. He obviously knew where the switch was!

He believed it. He believed that this man had been at this house all along, so he was caught!

What to do?

He watched as the man took out his cell phone and dialed.

Uncle, it's me. You'd better hurry back first. There are uninvited guests in Grandpa's courtyard here, who steal things. Yes, I caught him...

Ding Yi was completely panicked.

When Yang Yue and the others come back, if they see him stealing things, he will be completely finished. Let alone marriage, let alone money, even your job will be lost.

With such a stain on his life, it would be completely ruined!

He must leave!

As long as he walks out of this courtyard, he will be a good man again!

As long as he leaves before Yang Yue and the others come back, no one will know it's him!

Yes, he has an alibi. Just relying on the confession of a stranger, there is no way to catch him!

He had to leave quickly.

But he can't beat this man at all!

While the man was on the phone, Ding Yi tried to run away again.

As a result, just like before, he was kicked out by the man before his fingers could reach the door lock.

Ding Yi hit the coffee table directly.

The entire coffee table slammed to the ground following him.

The teapot was broken and the fruit plate was overturned.

He also fell to the ground.

what to do?

Ding Yi cried.

He can't afford to lose!

When he was at a loss, he saw the fruit knife at hand...

While the man is on the phone...can he give it a try? ...As long as I can escape.

Thinking of this, Ding Yi reached out and grabbed the knife tightly in his hand, hiding it in his sleeve.

He gathered momentum, stood up suddenly, and walked towards the door again.

Sure enough, there was wind behind me again.

This time, Ding Yi turned around fiercely, and the fruit knife was stabbed out by him with a cold light...

Zhang Chen was agile and avoided the vital point by turning sideways. He was already on guard, but the fruit knife just grazed his arm.

Ding Yi used all his strength with this sword, so Zhang Chen's arm was instantly opened and blood overflowed.

And Ding Yi's second sword has arrived as promised...

At this moment, Zhang Chen's eyes were filled with cruelty!

He has always been merciful.

He always thought that Ding Yi was just greedy, just deceitful, just shameless, but he never expected that he could be so vicious and unscrupulous.

He was angry, angry.

Not for him, but for Yang Yue.

What kind of beast did she marry?

That day Yang Yue asked him to follow Ding Yi, but he just treated it as an ordinary extramarital affair to help. But the more he investigated, the more disgusting Ding Yi became.

But Yang Yue said that Ding Yi's shamelessness went far beyond that. It is said that his evil and viciousness have not yet been revealed.

Zhang Chen thought Yang Yue was just exaggerating.

But Yang Yue said that she wanted to set up a trap and asked him if he would cooperate. She wants Ding Yi to expose his vicious nature and use the law to punish him!

Therefore, everything was a plan set by Yang Yue, so that Ding Yi willingly exposed himself and took the initiative to enter the game.

Zhang Chen also followed Yang Yue's wishes and did not use all his strength against Ding Yi. Instead, he deliberately forced him to panic.

He prepared the fruit plate, he placed the fruit knife, and Ding Yi also deliberately pushed the coffee table with the knife on it. He wants to see this person's bottom line.

As a result, Yang Yue's speculation was true. In order not to be exposed, Ding Yi did not hesitate, and without any mental struggle, he actually took the knife and stabbed him...

Zhang Chen made up his mind that even for Yang Yue's safety, he had to deal with it with full vigor.

If such a beast is not trampled to death by him in one breath, then she will never be able to get rid of him! So for Yang Yue, he can't be soft!

So, seeing Ding Yi stabbing him for the second time, a cold light flashed in Zhang Chen's eyes, and his whole aura changed drastically.

He pulled forward and dragged Ding Yi to the ground. It seemed that he was completely suppressed by Ding Yi.

He was lying on his back, and Ding Yizheng pointed the knife at him.

Ding Yi's knife tip gradually approached: Give you one last chance, let me out, and I will let you go.

Don't even think about it!

Ding Yi gritted his teeth and looked ferocious.

He is a cautious person, and at this moment, he still does not want to kill someone openly. This method of killing is too blatant and risky. Therefore, his main purpose is to prevent this person from holding him back.

The reason why he dared to be violent was because he was wearing gloves and was not afraid of leaving fingerprints. As long as he leaves smoothly, he is still a good man! …

Of course Zhang Chen knew that Ding Yi was not taking his life. Unfortunately, the world may not think so.

From the corner of his eye, he glanced at the lamp in the corner of the ceiling. There was a probe he installed himself.

He knew that what was being captured by the camera was an absolutely brutal, shocking and thrilling scene - Ding Yi was killing him! And he, being pushed down, was struggling hard.

The probe is above, so naturally it cannot be photographed. Ding Yi is looking at Zhang Chen's expression, which is gradually as if he has seen a ghost, with a strange and frightened expression.

Because after he pinned the man in black down and raised the knife to threaten him, the actual control of the dagger was no longer in his hand - although he still held the dagger tightly!

He is being taken away by the man in black! He was controlled by the man in black in his current position!

It's not that the man below him is struggling, but that he can't get away now!

Even the distance between the tip of the knife and the neck of the man in black below is controlled by the other party!

He can't draw that knife away!

Why! What's the meaning?

Ding Yi was trembling all over...

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