The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 126 The evil son-in-law wants to cause trouble 58

Ding Yi felt that he was very lucky.

Look, isn't this, the opportunity has come?

The Yang family is going on a short trip again!

I’m leaving for three nights this time!

All he has is time.

So Ding Yi decided to check it out tonight, take a few things to check the situation, and then go to the antique market tomorrow to decide whether the things he got can be sold. If the value is similar, he will take action quickly!

If it doesn't work, he can come again tomorrow night and make a new choice, right?

So, after confirming that Yang Yue and the others had arrived at their destination and checked into the hotel, their actions began.

Ding Yi was in charge of the operation, while Ding's father helped lookout.

Ding Yi knew that Yang Yue came here every day recently, so when the old man found something missing, he would only think that it was taken away by his granddaughter. So he is still very confident.

Of course, just in case, he had prepared an alibi...

After successfully entering the courtyard, the surroundings were pitch dark, and he raised his lips.

He doesn't have the key to the courtyard, so who can doubt him?

Ding Yi held a flashlight and took the key to open the door of the main room and smiled.

That day, while Yang Yueren was on the phone in the study, he quietly entered Yang Yue's bedroom, found her bag, and took her key chain from inside.

He ran as fast as he could to the market locksmith and asked for a key.

Originally, he only wanted to match the keys to the courtyard, but he had an idea and asked the locksmith to match the entire set of keys. It’s good to have a key! With the key, he can go in and out of Yang's father and Yang's mother's house at will in the future, and he can also go to Yang Yue's unit, which will save him a lot of hands and feet.

After getting the keys and going home smoothly, Yang Yue was still in the study, unaware of it, but he was very happy...

The door to the main room opened.

Ding Yi took a deep breath and suddenly became excited.

As soon as the flashlight is turned on, the action begins.

There are famous paintings and many bottles and jars in the living room, but the things on them are too conspicuous, and Ding Yi dare not touch them.

He strode into the house, went straight to the study, and then began to rummage through the cabinets...

He skipped all the ones that were locked, contained in exquisite brocade gift boxes, and looked familiar in the past, without even looking at them. He also omitted all the larger bottles and jars and bulky items because they were difficult to carry.

There are also some things that are suspected to be of high value, such as calligraphy and painting seals with the names of famous people, but he doesn't look at them at all, because he is afraid that he will not be able to take action.

What he wants to take are those inconspicuous, smaller, and lighter things that are thrown away in corners and corners. It may take a long time for them to be seen, thought of, or found lost, and no one even knows they are lost. of those things.

There is ample time.

Today is a start, it’s better to be safe!

He quickly found what he was looking for.

In the bottom corner of the bookcase, there is something wrapped in cloth, with a layer of dust on it.

The dusty things in the cupboard haven't been touched at least for three to five years, right? safe!

When he opened it, he saw an exquisite jade piece, the size of a palm.

That’s it!

If everything goes well, I won't even notice that this thing is missing within a year or so!

Ding Yi smiled, rolled up the things in bubble wrap, and stuffed them into a bag that was already filled with cotton. He turned around and caught two more in a jar full of jade beads.

You're already here, how about... grabbing a few more copper coins?

Didn't Yang Yue say that the old man just found someone in the countryside to collect a batch of dozens of coins a few days ago?

Will not be discovered.

Yang Yue seemed to say that her jade button was taken from the wooden box in the sample cabinet, and he had to take a look.

Open it and take a look, oh, there are seven or eight jade rings inside?

Then he...gets one too?

No, who would notice such a small thing? Take two!

In this way, Ding Yi walked around a lot and collected dozens of things here and there. His father was so anxious that he kept imitating bird calls outside, so he hurried out.

All goes well!

That's it for today.

Wait for him to go get the appraisal first, and come back tomorrow night at worst!

I walked out of the house and gently closed the door. Just as the latch was closing, a strong gust of wind blew from behind.

Ding Yi was hit on the lower back and felt a sudden pain, causing him to fall forward.

The wooden door that had just been closed opened when he bumped into it.

With a thud, Ding Yi jumped forward and hit the ground hard.

Then, the lights in the main hall came on.

At this moment, Ding Yi's head buzzed, and he wanted to die! He's been discovered! Is the old man at home? Is the old man so strong? Is it Father Yang?

He was trembling and subconsciously wanted to beg.

How brave! came a cold voice.

Ding Yi, who was holding his waist, was stunned.

Whose voice is this?

Only then did he follow the sound.

In the shadow beside the door, a tall man dressed in black stood there with his chest crossed, looking at him.

Not the old man, nor Father Yang!

There was only that man, no one else inside or outside the house!

The man arrived in front of Ding Yi in three steps and two steps at a time, and grabbed the bag that fell to the ground.

Ding Yi panicked and quickly reached out to grab it.

The two of them grabbed the bag together.

I want to see what you, the thief, stole!

You are the thief!

Ding Yi didn't recognize the person in front of him at all. Within a few seconds, many thoughts flashed through Ding Yi's mind. This man was unfamiliar, he must have never seen him before.

So this person is definitely not a relative of the Yang family, nor does he often interact with the Yang family. Then why was he at Yang's house in the middle of the night? How did he get in? If the Yang family is not here, what is he doing here?

Is there... only one situation that can explain this possibility? He has the same purpose as himself...?

He also knew that the Yang family was not at home... so he came to steal?

Although Ding Yi thought it was ridiculous and too coincidental, he couldn't think of any other possibility.

Let go of my bag, this is mine!

Yours? A sneaky person who doesn't even want to show his face?

I belong to this family! I haven't asked you who you are yet! You are the thief! What are you doing in my house! How did you get in! Ding Yi had already gotten up and punched the man out.

However, the man's hand grabbing the bag was the first to use force, and Ding Yi was pulled by him. Not to mention hitting him, he even twisted his direction. Ding Yi's punch was empty, but he asked the man to lift his knee and hit him on the waist.

A terrible soreness suddenly swept through his body. Ding Yi shuddered, and all his strength seemed to be drained away.

The man pushed again, and Ding Yi staggered, his legs went weak, and he knelt down.

The bag was already in the man's hands, while Ding Yi was holding his sore waist and couldn't even stand up...

You thief... Ding Yi gritted his teeth, I want to call the police! He took out his cell phone, trying to scare him.

Oh. Please! But the man was unmoved.

Not only that, he also directly picked up the bag and poured out all the contents on the table.

Looking at dozens of carefully wrapped things, the man was amused and angry.

It’s really man-made and money-killing!

Ding Yi saw that he couldn't beat him, and that the other party was not even afraid of calling the police. Now he only had one thought in his mind: run!

He rolled and crawled towards the door.

Please give me your monthly ticket~~~ (づ ̄3 ̄)づ╭~

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