The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 125 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 57 (please vote)

Ding Yi listened to the recording carefully and breathed a sigh of relief.

Sure enough, Yang Yue had no idea that he took away two coins.

And as he listened, he was shocked again.


Is there really something in the old man's place that can cost over a million at a random price?

Did the old man deliberately not have an attack when he found something missing?

The old man already knew that his granddaughter took the things, so he turned a blind eye?

After putting the above three items in front of his eyes, Ding Yi naturally came up with an idea... So, if he could secretly take away a little bit of the old man's things, they wouldn't find out, right? The old man would only think that Yang Yue took it and wouldn't even mention it. And how can the old man remember so many things clearly?

Of course, what if they find that something is missing?

As long as his hands and feet are clean enough, they will only assume that the thing cannot be found or lost, and they will not suspect him. Yes or no?

As soon as this idea came up, it was out of control.

Rather than let those good things fall into Yang Yue's hands and be wasted by her, which made him feel uncomfortable, why not get some first and solve his urgent need? Then, he can buy a house or rent another one, and his parents and Qiao Qiao won't have to fight anymore...

He can also fill in the holes in his credit card...

With money, he doesn't have to worry. While he is waiting for his son to be born with a beautiful woman in his arms, he can coax his wife back with certainty. Both his wife and sister will obey him as they did before. He can live a good and carefree life again...

Ding Yi, who was recently forced to do nothing by life, suddenly had an idea. After thinking about it for a while, he could no longer control his thoughts and started his plan...

In order to investigate Yang Yue's affairs, Ding Yi had hardly set foot in the rental house except for sending money once this week.

As long as Ding's father and Ding's mother had money to spend, it didn't matter, but Qiao Qiao was unhappy. Not only did she see that Ding Yi was perfunctory and impatient with her, but she was also a little dissatisfied with her.

She was so wronged.

What did she do wrong?

Why is he so cold?

It had been so long, and he hadn't even taken the initiative to hold her hand, let alone show proper tenderness.

Qiao Qiao was sad and even more uneasy. She has promised to go back to the countryside with Father Ding and Mother Ding next month. Originally, she wanted to try to use her children to keep Ding Yi's heart, but let alone the children, he had recently ignored his parents in order to be with Yang Yue every day. Qiao Qiao was worried that his old relationship with Yang Yue would rekindle.

Probably because she was afraid that Yang Yue would find out about them, Qiao Qiao had been closely watched by the Ding family for more than a month, and she was not even allowed to step out of the house.

How could Qiao Qiao not panic?

If he is like this when she is pregnant, what about the future?

She was afraid that Ding Yi was still thinking about Yang Yue, that Ding Yi was just new to her, that Ding Yi would give up on her, that Ding Yi didn't plan to divorce at all.

So, isn't she trying to get nothing out of a bamboo basket?

She also has a child, what will she do in the future?

The child is a loser, can she find someone better than Ding Yi?

She doesn't have that confidence.

Can I be the third son for the rest of my life?

That's not what she wants!

She also wants to achieve great success and be admired by others!

no. Absolutely not.

Unable to sit still, Qiao Qiao successfully walked out of the rental house with a little trick and found Yang Yue one noon.

Ding Yi refused to leave, so she forced Yang Yue!

She touched her increasingly rounded belly:

See? Ding Yi loved me and gave me a child. He said that when I give birth to a child, he will divorce you. This child is the fruit of our love, and he likes it.

Do you know who is taking care of me these days? It's his parents! They all like me and the baby in my belly, and are waiting for the baby to arrive. They already recognized me. Yang Yue, give up. Ding Yi will never come back to you again.

Tao Ran chuckled: Unfortunately, your words don't count.

Ding Yi said...

It doesn't matter what Ding Yi says! Everything between me and him, and between you and him, is all my decision! Her smile suddenly deepened, and she turned around and left.

Qiao Qiao followed a few steps and threatened:

Yang Yue, I'll give you three days to think about it. If you still don't let go, then I will go to your unit leader to make the decision. If you don't want to make the entire unit known, embarrassed, and lose face, If you don’t want me to make trouble at your grandpa’s house or your parents’ house, you’d better exit quickly and swiftly.”

Qiao Qiao heard that the Yang family was both orthodox and conservative, and they valued face. Although they were local snakes, they were afraid of being embarrassed. The more famous they were in the local area, the more they were afraid of losing face. She didn't believe that Yang Yue could still die without getting divorced!

Tao Ran didn't even turn around: You can just make up your own mind. Because it was impossible for this situation to happen...

She took out her phone and secretly paused the construction.

What a bold San'er, come to provoke? Tsk!

She had known for a long time that Qiao Qiao was coming to her door. That being the case, she's happy to oblige!

It’s almost time to close the network!

That weekend was the day when Tao Ran took his family on a short trip.

Their plan was to leave on Friday afternoon and return on Monday morning.

It was two o'clock in the middle of the night on Friday, when the moon was dark and the wind was high, everyone was sleeping soundly and no one was around.

A battery car stopped at the intersection not far from the courtyard.

Two people got out of the car.

Both of them were wearing hoodies and masks, and they were completely unrecognizable. They walked quickly and arrived outside the courtyard in a minute.

The two people had obviously divided their labors. One stood at the entrance of the alley, looking left and right, doing the job of looking out for the wind.

The other one was holding a bag in one hand and taking out a bunch of keys from his pocket with the other hand...

The lock cylinder turned, and the courtyard door opened with a slight creak.

The person who opened the door made a gesture and then flashed in. The door closes again...

If this person is not Ding Yi, who is he?

As for the one looking out, it was his father.

Ding Yi has been worried a lot lately, so Ding's mother asked more questions.

Ding Yi was afraid of damaging his image in front of Qiao Qiao, so he quietly revealed the antique to Ding's mother.

After hearing this, Ding's mother was as excited as Ding Yi was that day.

Son, since this is a foolproof thing, what are you afraid of! Your relationship with Yang Yue has not been able to get any closer in recent months. You don't know how long it will take to get back to the past. You want to use the Yang family's money? I don’t know how long we have to wait. Instead of doing that, we might as well seize what is in front of us. Otherwise, if we continue to waste our family like Yang Yue, we don’t know what will be left for you in the future!

Ding's mother was heartbroken when she thought that Yang Yue had a package worth tens of thousands.

This prodigal daughter-in-law!

It depends on how you deal with her in the future!

Let's put it all together, even if we only take away one or two things, that's fine, right?

Mother Ding's idea is to sell only a few items worth 100,000 to 80,000 yuan, and let the number in the passbook increase first.

In fact, Ding Yi thought so too.

He is so short of money.

Just relieve the financial pressure and have enough money, that's all.

In this way, Ding's father, who also agreed, became Ding Yi's helper.

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