The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 122 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 54 (please vote)

Ding Yi's problem was solved, but he didn't feel happy.

On the contrary, he was bored to death.

In a rented house with one bedroom and one living room, there are six people, two couples and three generations, and one is a pregnant woman. How can it be good to live together?

Qiao Qiao definitely couldn't sleep on the floor, so she could only sleep on the bed.

Therefore, the distribution of residence can only be based on men and women.

The women sleep in the room, and the men make the floor in the living room.

You can imagine how uncomfortable it was to sleep three people on a 1.5-meter-wide bed. Qiao Qiao was not feeling well. She would vomit several times a night and could not sleep well after tossing and turning all night. Ding's mother doesn't sleep well, but Ding Xia likes to sleep. The three of them were tired of each other and all had an uncomfortable sleep.

The same goes for the three people working on the floor. Ding's father was snoring loudly, Ding Er was not a good sleeper, and the Ding family's son-in-law couldn't sleep well. Sometimes he pushed his snoring father-in-law, and sometimes he threw away his brother-in-law's legs. This tossing and turning made all three of them restless.

So, in just three days, everyone expressed their dissatisfaction with the living conditions.

And this pressure naturally transferred to Ding Yi.

Either change the place to live, or find a job for Ding Xia and his wife.

Changing residence is certainly out of the question. He doesn't have that much money to build. Since all his family members were here these days, he applied for a credit card and cashed out all the money.

As for finding a job... he didn't have a wide network of contacts, so he could only get help through a labor service company. Ding Xia and her husband both have junior high school diplomas, so it is indeed difficult for them to find jobs with good conditions in all aspects.

So Ding Xia begged him to find the Yang family for help every day.

When he got home that day, Ding Yi mentioned the matter to his wife.

Help me.

It's not difficult! But if someone arranges for them to join the unit, they will definitely need to pay for the benefits. Will you pay for it?

Excuse me, please. Ding Yi didn't expect Yang Yue to be so easy to talk to.

Of course Tao Ran is easy to talk to. If someone brings money to her door, of course she has to earn it. The person she said wanted benefits was naturally herself!

Don’t waste this money!

She can donate it if she doesn't want it, right?

Ding Yi's requirements are: a public institution, including food and accommodation, preferably in a clean environment, and no insurance is required, but the income and benefits cannot be low, and it is best to be a regular employee who can sign a contract.

Tao Ran chuckled in his heart, is the company owned by her family?

Okay. But her face was still calm.

A week later, she found a job.

In the state-owned canteen, I will help with food and miscellaneous tasks. Food and accommodation are included. No insurance will be paid for two thousand two hundred and two months. Do you want to do it?

Do it! Ding Yi agreed.

You know, the average job in my hometown is about one thousand yuan a month. As an undergraduate, he only earns more than 4,000 yuan a month in a public institution. My sister and brother-in-law can still earn so much without any skills. This job is great.

For a job like this, you must be eager to get into it. After all, it is a state-owned enterprise! That is to say, the Yang family has such a great reputation.

Thank you, Yueyue.

Oh, by the way, two thousand two thousand is the income after becoming a full-time employee. During the probationary period, it is only eight hundred. It will take at least three months before the full-time contract can be signed. Ask Ding Xia if she can accept it.

Ding Yi only thought for two seconds and nodded for Ding Xia.

They are almost dying in the rental house. As long as they can move out quickly, the salary for the first three months will be less.

Then you ask them to behave well.

Don't worry, both Ding Xia and Ding Xia can work hard and be honest. The employer will definitely be satisfied.

Yeah. It's true that he's capable, but he's honest... let's forget it, right? Also, there is a hard-earned fee of three thousand yuan. The middleman wants it. Can you accept it?

Okay, I'll deliver it tomorrow.

Ding Yi happily called to announce the good news, while Tao Ran raised his eyebrows.

Why is it so easy to find such a good unit? No one needs interviews? Or is she using favors to help?

No, no, of course not.

Because Yang Yue told the recruiter: They will never make it three months, so there is no possibility of becoming a regular employee. But they are hardworking and can do any hard work!

In other words, using 800 per month in exchange for two active and capable laborers, without giving up the opportunity to become a full-time employee in the future, this is equivalent to indirect savings and disguised oppression! The employer is naturally willing and wishes that there were more such workers.

You know, the labor force within the capital is now at least one thousand two thousand or more per month.

Tao Ran felt at ease that he had earned these three thousand.

And it was Ding Yi who finally took out the three thousand. Ding Xia begged him for a long time, saying that she would pay him back when she earned the money. What else could he do?

After Ding Xia and his wife moved out, the rental house became much more spacious.

Qiao Qiao has always been obedient and obedient, and Mother Ding is a little more pleased with her.

In July, Ding Yi received one thousand two from Yang Yue.

Yang Yue said that when the Ding family came, his expenses were high, so he gave him an extra hundred.

He sneered, did he still have to thank you?

However, Ding Yi also discovered that Yang Yue was really in a good mood recently.

She would occasionally buy some flowers and put them in a vase at home, and she would also sing a little song from time to time.

In addition, Ding Yi also noticed that Yang Yue started to become very busy. He spent more time at home and became busy after returning home. Sometimes he could stay in the study until midnight.

This is almost something that has never happened to Ding Yi since he met Yang Yue.

He asked twice, but Yang Yue only said check the information.

Her work is very leisurely, and it is definitely not work-related.

What could that be?

That day, while Yang Yue was not at home, the curious Ding Yi went into the study to look through it.

There are many books on the professional study of antiques on the table.

Yang Yue is not a person who likes reading.

He flipped through it and found that many places in the book had been sketched by Yang Yue. He looked carefully. The agate elephant, filigree figure, enamel pen holder, and some coins sketched in the book all looked so familiar.

He remembered.

There seems to be a lot of similar collections in the old man's courtyard of the Yang family?

No wonder the things Yang Yue circled looked familiar to him. No matter how you look at it, they all look the same.

Looking at the detailed introduction in the book, Ding Yi was a little shocked.

He knew the old man’s stuff was good, but he didn’t know it was so good!

He probably still underestimated the old man!

He also remembered that last year, the old man also held a position in an antique protection association? At that time, several old men from their association visited the courtyard house and were full of praise for the collections. It was he and Yang Yue who went to pick people up and drop them off!

Ding Yi suddenly became interested.

The old man only has a granddaughter. As his grandson-in-law, isn’t he his son? After all, those things will belong to him from now on! Since it is all his wealth, he naturally has to care a little, right?

Ding Yi turned on the computer.

Then he checked the computer's history and found that Yang Yue had been searching and querying.

The website she opened was either an antique website or an auction house. She was inquiring about the value and price of those antiques.

Ding Yi clicked on the search records and then opened his mouth in surprise!

Be good!

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