The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 121 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 53 (please vote)

Afterwards, Qiao Qiao and Ding's mother went to the room to chat privately.

Qiao Qiao directly threw out her B-ultrasound form and medical record card.

Ding's mother almost fell down when she saw that she was more than forty days pregnant.

Well, your grandson is in my belly.

I'll beat you to death! Mother Ding was about to pounce on her again. My son is confused! Can't you handle this well? It's over, it's over, Lao Ding's golden mountain is going to fly! Mother Ding really wanted to sit on the ground and cry!

Don't get excited! Qiao Qiao raised her phone. If you dare to touch me, I will not only let Yang Yue know about your son's scandal, but his work unit will also know about it, and I will also call the police!

... Mother Ding gasped in anger, waving her hand in the air but unable to pull it down.

Listen to me!

Qiao Qiao shared the results of the night's thinking:

We can live in peace. Yang Yue doesn't know anything about Ding Yi and me. Yang Yue doesn't want to see Ding Yi. Sooner or later, they will get divorced. But after the divorce, your eldest grandson will definitely not be awarded to Ding Yi. Yes. Don’t you want Ding Yi to have a child? Don’t you want the Ding family’s bloodline to continue? Now I have a ready-made one in my belly, isn’t it just right?”

Qiao Qiao thought for a long time.

She can't go home. If she goes back, she will definitely be beaten to death by her father, and the child will not be saved. And she couldn't leave even though she was pregnant with the child. It's not only inconvenient, but also afraid that if I leave, what will happen if the child Ding Yi doesn't recognize him?

It took a lot of effort for her to get pregnant and get to where she is now, how could she fall short? So she must not leave Beijing.

She sat at the station all night last night.

In the end, she decided that instead of letting herself be manipulated, she might as well give it a try!

Ding Yi didn't want to admit her, but she wanted to do the opposite! She had to force him to admit it! As long as the Ding family recognizes her, Ding Yi will naturally not let her leave again. As soon as the child stabilized, she went to have a showdown with Yang Yue to see if Yang Yue dared to make fun of her and act blindly! If it still doesn't work, she will go to Yang Yue's work to see if Yang Yue has that face!

So, after making a plan, Qiao Qiao went to the door without telling Ding Yi...

At the same time, Ding's mother was also making plans in her mind.

She also didn't expect that Qiao Qiao was so devoted to her son that she would be willing to conceive a child for him. After all, the one in the belly is his grandson! She hates Qiao Qiao, but she is pleasantly surprised by her grandson's existence.

God knows how much she and her husband wanted a grandson. It's a pity that the eldest grandson has become a grandson. He is neither related to the Ding family nor takes the Ding family's surname. Even if you can fight for it back in the future, you may not be able to raise it properly! This always made her feel unhappy.

And Qiao Qiao was right about one thing.

The son is definitely going to divorce Yang Yue, it's just a matter of time. What if this process takes a long time? The way Yang Yue looked yesterday clearly showed that he has not forgiven Ding Yi yet, so his son's plan to make money will take many years. If this time is too long, won’t it be my son who is delayed? Wouldn’t it be that the grandson belonging to the Ding family is missing?

They are no longer young and cannot afford to wait.

Mother Ding couldn't help but look at Qiao Qiao's belly. It's rare for a fool to be willing to give birth to a son. That’s not a bad thing!

This Qiao Qiao is naturally not worthy of her son, and she won't be able to marry her when her son becomes successful in the future, but that doesn't stop him from coaxing this fool into giving birth to a son for the Ding family now, right? Isn't she determined? Then let her give birth! After giving birth to one, two will be born. Anyway, she is willing to do it herself, so it will be easy to break up in the future. At most, give me some money and kick him out...

Both of them have their own hidden agendas.

Finally, after Qiao Qiao said Mom——, the two finally reached a cooperation.

Ding's mother promised not to embarrass Qiao Qiao again and recognized her relationship with Ding Yi. Qiao Qiao promised to give birth to a fat grandson for their family.

The Ding family held a small meeting.

Ding Xia objected: Mom, are you crazy? You can't agree! If my sister-in-law finds out, everything will be over. The relationship between brother and sister-in-law has not been repaired yet, so there is no need to take this risk again.

I think it's okay. Mother Ding shook her head. There are so many of us, but we can't stand Qiao Qiao? The capital is so big, it's impossible for Yang Yue to know that she exists.

Yes! Next month, after seeing the Olympics, your mother and I will go back to our hometown and take Qiao Qiao with us! We will take her back to our hometown to give birth. Then we won't be afraid of being discovered by the Yang family. Father Ding also has an idea. When she gives birth to the child, we will take the child with her and let her go.

So when Ding Yi came over, what he saw was Qiao Qiao and his family enjoying themselves.

Qiao Qiao, why didn't you leave? He was a little angry. He always thought Qiao Qiao was obedient and obedient, but it turns out he wasn't?

Brother Yi, I can't leave. Qiao Qiao cried so hard.

She has it, don't you know? Ding Xia threw the case out.

Ding Yi felt as if he was struck by lightning and immediately shook his head.


He had taken measures before, but Qiao Qiao had been taking medicine. How could she become pregnant?

I didn't expect it either. But the doctor said that measures can only reduce the probability and are not 100% safe.

Why didn't you tell me?

I...I'm scared, I don't dare... Qiao Qiao burst into tears. I want to find a suitable opportunity to tell you...

No! Ding Yi came to his senses, went up and dragged Qiao Qiao to take her to abort the child.

But this time, Ding Mu and Qiao Qiao burst into tears together. Mother Ding kept talking about descendants, bloodline and grandson. Qiao Qiao repeatedly asked, Are you going to kill the crystallization of our love?

Ding Yi was also confused.

Reason told him that he could not keep this child, and it was best to drive Qiao Qiao away.


Like his parents, having a wife is a thorn in his side.

He also wants a child belonging to the Ding family.

After being held back by two women on the left and right, and scolded by his father, he could only agree and think about it...

He put the matter aside for the time being, fearing that clues would be discovered, so he focused all his energy on observing Yang Yue for several days.

And Yang Yue is very regular every day. I run in the morning and then go to work. After get off work, I go to Yang’s father and mother’s place or go to the courtyard to see the old man. He works out when he has free time, has dinner together on weekends, and doesn't care about him and the Ding family at all.

He followed Yang Yue for three days, and found someone to follow Yang Yue for a whole week. Except for the message Same as yesterday, he found nothing, and he also found out more than a thousand.

But this also gave him reassurance.

She didn't care about him at all, how could she discover his secret?

That’s it, Qiao Qiao’s place, that’s it.

People, that's it. Once you accept the setting, most of the time you will just keep going down and not easily overthrow it and start over.

Ding Yi thinks this is not bad. Seeing Qiao Qiao's belly getting bigger day by day, he also felt a little hopeful.

That day, he specially took Qiao Qiao on a date. When the woman was happiest, he made a request.

Go back to your hometown next month to raise the baby. You are too heavy and I can't take care of you. I can't worry about you either. Can you come back to Beijing after the baby is born? By then, I can confidently divorce Yang Yueti …”

Qiao Qiao clenched her molars, hiding her unwillingness and resentment, and sweetly replied Okay...

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