The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 123 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 55 (I love the extra update from Ren

Ding Yi had never been interested in those collections. He never knew that those old and broken-looking things were worth so much money!

If it weren't for the fact that the websites Yang Yue checked were all official authorities, he would just think it was all fantasy!

What? A broken blue and white bottle can be sold for 800,000 yuan?

What? A jet-black plate sold for three million?

Depend on! What kind of painting of flowers and birds was sold at auction for nine million?

crazy? What kind of jade ornaments, more than 30 million?

Even those tattered copper coins cost hundreds or thousands of dollars each. He knew that the old man had thrown several cans into his bookcase! …

At this moment, Ding Yi's heart was in turmoil.

Although the old man’s treasures may not be as old as those found online, they are all genuine. Judging from the appearance, it is similar to the picture shown online. I don’t know how much it can sell for.

Ding Yi took a big breath, he... I'm afraid he really has a golden mountain without knowing it, right?

That day, Ding Yi's heart could not calm down and was in a state of wild beating.

And Yang Yue, who came home that night, hid in the study after dinner as usual. Not long after, he heard Yang Yue talking on the phone. It took a long time.

Damn it, he can't hear clearly...

Ding Yi scratched his head and felt so uncomfortable that he finally found a broken mobile phone. After fully charging it, he turned on the recording button while Yang Yue went to the toilet, and secretly hid it behind some books in the study...

Yang Yue returned to the room after twelve o'clock.

At about one o'clock, Ding Yi sneaked into the study and took the phone back.

Soon, his heart started beating wildly again.

What he recorded was so informative!

Please, how's your business going?

Really? They charge everything?

My grandpa has quite a lot of these things. In the early years, there were quite a lot of them in my old house. Later, after my grandpa retired and had nothing to do, he liked to buy these things for fun. Who would have thought that I would accompany my grandpa at the street stall and buy them for fun. The rags have become treasures now!”

Well! In just twenty years of work, at least he turned dozens of somersaults. At that time, copper coins cost one yuan a handful, but now? A slightly rare copper coin costs hundreds or even thousands. The most exaggerated thing is that my grandfather I bought a Hetian jade incense burner for 100 yuan thirty years ago. Someone came to buy it last month, and the price was already 300,000 yuan. This is a direct increase of 1,500 times!

Isn't that right? He's not as good as a real estate speculator.

Yes, the most valuable thing in my grandpa's house has never been his courtyard house, but his collection. Yes, you can reassure them and keep it true!

How much did they pay for my jade buckle?

One hundred thousand? That's so much? I just took it.

“What do they most want to collect?”

Wait a minute, I'll take a note and take notes.

So general?

Do you think I really don't know? I've also heard that there are many treasure appraisal programs on TV recently, so many people follow the trend and collect. As long as the goods are genuine, they can sell them. Just the ones my grandfather has, People want what they have!”

What's the problem? I'll tell you the truth. I don't even have to tell the old man, just take it as you like. Although the old man likes these things, he is old and can't remember many things. If I take some away, he may not be able to When I found it, I thought I had thrown it away somewhere! But grandpa has long said that all his stuff was left to me. If I like anything, I can take it away at will.

Yeah, otherwise where do you think that jade buckle came from? I took it for fun last month. A month has passed and my grandfather didn't even ask.

Okay. While the market is good, I'll pick up some small items in the next few days and leave them to you first.

It's a deal. ... Well, within three days.

However, I don't want to bother with it, so I only accept payment and delivery. Is that okay?

Okay, let's contact you again.


Ding Yi understood.

He guessed correctly.

Yang Yue is interested in the old man's collection, so he has been studying the collection recently. Just to take advantage of the hot market, steal the old man’s antiques and resell them to make money!


Ding Yi's heart, pop, pop, pop...

It’s all huge sums of money!

Speaking of which, Yang Yue's money was his money, but she even deducted his salary, let alone these big money? Can he still expect her to share it with him?

This woman is too greedy!

While Ding Yi was jealous, he was also upset and couldn't sleep at night.

He couldn't help but think that every time Yang Yue made an antique now, he would have one less thing he could get in the future. Every time Yang Yue sells one piece, he will lose one piece of money in the future.

Whenever he thinks of this, his whole body feels as uncomfortable as being bitten by insects and ants...

In the next few days, Ding Yi's eyes were almost always fixed on Yang Yue.

It has to be said that she is busier than the past few days.

She goes to the courtyard every day. Twice, I went there when the old man was not around.

She had the key to the courtyard, so she opened the door directly and left gracefully. When I went in, I was empty-handed. When I came out, I picked up a bag and left at a trot. Haha, what is she doing, do you need to say? He sneaked into the house while the old man was not around. If he wasn't doing something shameful, he would be a ghost!

That day, Yang Yue wore sportswear and went out early in the morning, but it was not for running. Instead, he went to the courtyard while the old man was not at home.

After staying for less than five minutes, she came out again wearing a black nylon bag.

Ding Yi knew that she was going home to change clothes for work, so he took a taxi home first.

Sure enough, within five minutes of arriving home, Yang Yue came back.

She pretended as if nothing had happened, carried her bag directly into the study, and then heard only rustling in the room...

Ding Yi pretended to go to work and then returned home.

While Yang Yue had left, he entered the study. He wanted to see what she had taken.

Where is the black bag?

It can't be in the drawer, so, it can only be in the cabinet?

After some rummaging, the bag came out.

He was speechless for a moment.

Good weight!

There are two bags in the bag.

Each one was filled with copper coins. When I opened it, I saw that there were about fifty or sixty coins.

There was also a bag containing two pieces of jade.

Ding Yi thought for a while, and finally grabbed two of the most ordinary and inconspicuous ones from the copper coin bag.

Yang Yue had only been in the courtyard for five minutes in total, so he must not have had time to count. And with so many copper coins, she couldn't count them in a hurry, right? It wasn't that he was interested in these two copper coins, but he wanted to see if the old man's goods were worth anything.

On this day, Ding Yi directly asked for leave and didn't even go to work.

Taking two copper coins, he went to the antique market.

After searching a few stores, he went to ask about the prices.

Several stores told him it was genuine. receive! Ask him how much he is willing to pay?

How much are you willing to pay?

As a result, the prices offered by several stores were in the thousands, and every boss had an attitude that the price could be further negotiated.

Ding Yi took a breath.

Step on the horse! It’s too outrageous!

Just two steel drills, what about?

But the boss said, what does this mean? Last year, an auction house sold Xianfeng's baby Gong Dang for 50 yuan for a sky-high price of tens of millions!

Thanks to Bookstore Ayan for the daily corpse baby and Ren Xiaoyao for the reward. I love you all~

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