The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 120 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 52 (please vote)

Ding Yi handed Qiao Qiao three thousand yuan and started packing her luggage without her consent.

Are you going back to your hometown for a while? Come back in the autumn? Ding Yi felt relieved after saying this. I'll buy you a ticket.

I...have to leave today?

Ding Yi smiled, it's best to leave now! immediately!

Let's go today. Let his parents move in early, and he can save money on two rooms tonight. The recent housing prices are too high, so it’s worth saving a fortune. I'll book a ticket for you right away.

Ding Yi, are you treating me like this?

Don't make trouble. Isn't this something we can't do? You and I really love each other, so we can't live together here. Please help me. Please.

Seeing Ding Yi stuffing her clothes into the suitcase, Qiao Qiao's heart clenched.

Ding Yi was anxious to send her away, and it only took him ten minutes to pack all her luggage indiscriminately.

Qiao Qiao was almost dragged downstairs by him and pushed into the taxi.

She couldn't buy a train ticket for the same day, so he actually bought her a long-distance ticket to her hometown in the provincial capital and sent her to the station.

Qiao Qiao was shaking with anger. He, let her take that kind of car alone? He's not worried about her safety at all? What love? It's all bullshit!

The four members of the Ding family just moved into Qiao Qiao's rental house.

Although it is quite exquisite, it is a bit small after all, with only one room.

The four of them were very dissatisfied with this.

You know, when they came back to the capital, they lived in an old house with two bedrooms and one living room. It was fully equipped, not to mention how comfortable it was!

But now here, hey, there is only one air conditioner.

How can we make their stay comfortable?

That night, Ding's father and Ding's mother stayed in the room, while Ding Xia and her husband made a bed on the floor in the living room. The younger son sleeps on the sofa. Old Dingtou went to the toilet at night and stepped on Ding Xia, who was awakened by Old Dingtou and could not sleep.

When Ding's father and Ding's mother got up early in the morning, they woke up Ding Xia and three others who were still sleeping. In short, all five of them looked unhappy.

What might be done?

They can't just ask the village chief and his wife to get out and move space for them, right?

Besides being patient, I still have no choice but to endure.

Just as Mother Ding was about to get up to make breakfast, the doorbell rang.

Several people thought it was Ding Yi. They were about to say that the boy finally had some conscience and knew enough to invite them to breakfast, but Mother Ding who opened the door exploded.

She was dumbfounded as soon as she opened the door.

The person standing at the door was not his son, but Qiao Qiao.

Qiao Qiao, whom I haven’t seen in almost three months!

Qiao Qiao is standing at the door with full confidence!

Little bitch...

Just as she was about to curse, Qiao Qiao put her finger to her lips and shushed.

This is the capital, do you want to make the matter between me and Ding Yi known to everyone? I may not suffer, but he will!

Mother Ding had no choice but to swallow back the curses that came to her mouth.

what happened? Where did the little bitch come from? With luggage? Came today? What are you doing here? What is she planning? How did she know this place? How dare she come? Could it be that she contacted Ding Yi?

In just one second, Ding's mother's mind was filled with all kinds of questions.

If you don't want to be beaten, get out of here!

Don't get excited. I'll give you two choices. Qiao Qiao crossed her arms and laughed. Either you politely let me in. Or, I'll go directly to Ding Yi!

Mother Ding stretched out her hand and pinched it: I'm warning you, stay away from our Ding Yi, or I will kill you!

Qiao Qiao screamed in pain.

Say it again, get out!

Ah - she shouted louder.

Still not leaving? Mother Ding grabbed the broom. But before she made a move, the door opposite clicked and opened.

Xiao Qiao? What's wrong? A woman stuck her head out and looked at Mother Ding up and down.

Aunt Wang, it's okay. I'm sorry that I disturbed you. This is... my mother. She came from the country. She was just playing around with me.

Oh, okay. Keep your voices down! The woman retracted her head and closed the door.

Mother Ding was completely dumbfounded and froze on the spot.

Of course she saw something was wrong!

Does the neighbor of this rental house know Qiao Qiao? And call her Xiao Qiao?

Qiao Qiao often comes here?

Could it be that my son...has been hanging out with Qiao Qiao?

Could this be a place where these two people hang out?

No wonder the room smelled so good, the basins and footbaths were all pink, the sheets and quilt covers were either red or yellow, and even the sofa covers were made of lace. Her son said they were left by the landlord. She thought at the time that the landlord was very wealthy. , everything from grain and oil condiments to medicines, mosquito coils, and laundry detergents and soaps were left behind...

Thinking about it now, Mother Ding shuddered.


Two evildoers!

If you touch me again, I will call the police. The shameless person will definitely not be me! Qiao Qiao straightened her waist, knocked Ding's mother away, and walked into the house dragging the box with her feet...

Mother Ding was afraid that the cat's eyes on the opposite side were watching her, so she could only close the door quickly.

Ding Xia just finished washing up and exploded when she saw it was Qiao Qiao.

She was about to pounce, but Mother Ding pulled her away.

Mother Ding blocked Qiao Qiao at the door: What's going on? Tell me quickly!

Be polite to me. Qiao Qiao smiled. this is my house!

Fart! Although Mother Ding said something tough, she didn't have enough confidence.

See for yourself. Qiao Qiao threw her rental contract into Ding's mother's hands. I have rented this house for almost three months. I have already paid the rent for the next three months. You are living in my house.

When renting a house that day, Ding Yi was afraid of getting into trouble, so naturally he would not use his ID card. Therefore, the name of the renter has always been Qiao Qiao.

So if you dare to be arrogant again, I will beat you out with a Yaoyao Ling. If you break into a house without permission, you will be arrested. By then, you will have to spend a lot of money!

Qiao Qiao's words immediately made the four Ding family members who gathered around him take two steps back in shock, and all looked at the contract.

Qiao Qiao laughed. What do these people fear most?

She knew them, of course. Last time Ding Yi got into trouble and lost twenty thousand dollars. Hearing that they might be imprisoned was enough to frighten these people. As long as money is involved, it is their real weakness.

Mother Ding urged Ding Xia and his wife to read the contract carefully.

The contract procedures are complete, and a copy of the ID card is attached at the back, so there is indeed no problem.

Qiao Qiao raised her chin and sat down on the sofa.

If you want me to leave, it's not impossible. Give me the rent with three mortgages and one mortgage. By the way, it must be at the current market price! Otherwise, the initiative is in my hands, and I have the final say!

Several people were so angry that they could only gasp for air.

They heard yesterday that housing prices in Beijing have skyrocketed recently. Who can afford to rent a small apartment like this that costs several thousand a month?

Could this contract be forged by you? Let me tell you, this is illegal...

Just call the police and we'll find out.

Ding's father signaled to Ding Xia: Call your brother and tell that beast to get over here!

Wait a minute. Qiao Qiao stopped them. Before Ding Yi comes, we can talk.

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