The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 113 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 45 (please subscribe)

On the third day, it was still the same.

Ding Yi struck while the iron was hot and showed enthusiasm. He even bought snacks and fruit takeaways for everyone in Yang Yue's office. In front of everyone, Yang Yue's attitude became better again. At least she ate an orange from Ding Yimai.

On the fourth day, Yang Yue drank Ding Yimai's yogurt, asked him a few questions about Ding Xia and Ding's parents, and said I'm sorry.

The two of them went in and out together, and Ding Yi spent almost all his time after work on Yang Yue.

The fifth day was the weekend. When sending Yang Yue to work in the morning, Ding Yi asked tentatively, saying that they hadn't dated for a long time. Would they like to go out to dinner and watch a movie tonight?

Yang Yue looked at him for a while and raised his eyebrows.

You haven't played with your children for a long time, haven't you?

Yeah, I miss Xiaorui so much.

Take Xiao Rui for a walk. Drive to the countryside, find a farmhouse, bring my parents and stay for two nights.

Okay! I'll make the arrangements! I'll make sure everyone is happy! It's a worthwhile trip!

The ice and snow in his wife's attitude gradually melted, and Ding Yi suddenly became happy. This is his chance to perform. As long as the Yang family calms down, everything will return to where it started. Very good!

At noon that day, Yang Yue and her colleagues were returning to their work after dinner, when they met a slim, good-looking, fashionably dressed woman.

Here you go, the fish you caught is finally hooked!

Yang Yue didn't squint his eyes, just pretended he hadn't seen her and passed her by.

Obviously, the woman was very unhappy and actually chased after him, blocking Yang Yue, and then showed a provocative smile.

Who else could this person be besides Qiao Qiao?

Yang Yue, long time no see.

Who do I think I am! I haven't seen you for a few days, and the village girl has turned into a young lady?

Tao Ran couldn't help but laugh. Well, not a fake smile, a real smile. Finally here. It was not in vain that she had endured the scumbag for a week, but San'er finally couldn't hold it in any longer.

Tao Ran motioned to his colleagues to go back first. Qiao Qiao saw this and couldn't help but ridicule.

You're just a talker. If you weren't afraid, why were you so anxious to get rid of your colleagues? Sure enough, city people are hypocritical and want to save face. The grassland above them could only swallow their anger.

Stop talking nonsense, what are you talking about in front of me? Didn't you get beaten enough last time? Haven't you learned enough to remember it?

Tsk, tsk! Qiao Qiao clapped her hands with a proud look on her face.

Although the capital is Yang Yue's territory, the wider Yang Yue's connections here, the more restrained he is for the sake of face. I was bullied by her before, and now it's time to take it back on my own behalf.

I know you are thick-skinned and lie without drafting, but I didn't expect that your psychological quality is so good! Your man has given you such a cuckold, and you are still so calm? After all, you are from the city, you can really bear it! You want to save face. It’s a pitiful person who has to suffer! Hey, you want to hit me? Come on! I’m standing here and you hit me! Do you dare?”

Beat her. If you beat her, it will cause a big fuss. She will call the police. She will cry and make a fuss in front of Yang Yue's company to see who is shameless! Let’s see if they get divorced!

Tao Ran looked at Qiao Qiao's stupid look and found it really funny. You really want me to hit you? But I am a reasonable person, why should I hit you?

Aren't you really curious why I am in the capital? It was Ding Yi who brought me here. He said he couldn't live without me and begged me to be with him forever. What should I do? We are each other's first love and have always loved each other deeply. I don’t know if you understand it, but I must tell you that love is the most uncontrollable, unconstrained, and most reckless and involuntary thing in the world.”

So you can do anything in the name of love? Tao Ranhehe. How many romance novels, movies, and TV dramas have these three children seen to be able to say such things? How many children have been poisoned by those plays?

Qiao Qiao wanted to see Yang Yue's painful and resentful expression, and even deliberately turned around in a circle.

Look, does my dress look good? One thousand and eighty, Ding Yi bought it. My perfume, from France, costs eight hundred for a small bottle. What is the color of my hair? Ding Yi said that this color suits me very well...

Qiao Qiao has been observing Yang Yue.

She was a little confused.

When Yang Yue saw herself, she wasn't surprised or nervous. Why did she still not react when she heard that he was so stimulating to her? Won't she be angry? This shouldn't be the case!

This bracelet was a gift from Ding Yi. He said it was a token of love! I said it was too wasteful, but he said he would buy me one with diamonds when my salary rises. Do you think he is too extravagant? Already?

He was afraid that I wouldn't have money to spend, so he specially applied for a card for me and let me swipe as I pleased while he paid.

My bag was given by Ding Yi. It was bought from Hong Kong. It's a big brand. Do you know it?

This necklace... She pulled at her collar, revealing several red marks gnawed by dogs.


Qiao Qiao's goal was never achieved, and Yang Yue acted calmly from the beginning to the end, and it had nothing to do with him.


Aren't you angry?

I understand. Are you so arrogant, don't you just want to prove that he paid the money and you sold your body? So what are you showing off? Are you deliberately provoking me in the hope that I will call the police and arrest you?

Yang Yue, what are you pretending to be! Are you so angry that you are going to die? You can really bear it! I thought you were so noble, but you turned out to be so hypocritical. Ding Yi said that the only one he loves in his life is me. You But what should I do? You are so nonsense, so arrogant, so willful, and so rampant, what man can tolerate you?...

Tao Ran smiled.

Please take the trouble! Who am I has nothing to do with you! Since you like to point fingers at me so much, let me remind you. Let me put it this way, in my opinion, the relationship between you and Ding Yi is just a piece of shit. A dog relationship.

No matter how smelly the shit is, if you see it on the road, the dog will inevitably get angry. This is instinct, nature, and the instinct to subconsciously take possession of it. Just like a dog who wants to urinate and occupy a territory when he sees a telephone pole, it's just greed in his bones. It doesn't mean how delicious the shit is. Do you understand?

Qiao Qiao was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, but she squeezed her fists to force herself to calm down, and then laughed:

Pfft! Ding Yi is a dog, what are you? This is the first time I heard someone put himself...

I'm just a dog owner! Ding Yi is the dog I raise! That's all!


Qiao Qiao really didn't expect Yang Yue to say that. Ding Yi, such a capable and outstanding person, was belittled by this woman. Yang Yue, how can you, a college student, say such things about your husband? It's really...

Don't believe me? Wait! While there is still time, I will let you see if my dog ​​is obedient! How he pleases his master!

Tao Ran dialed Ding Yi's side and pressed the speakerphone.

In less than three seconds, the call was connected.

Qiao Qiao's eyes widened and she was no longer calm...

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