The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 112 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 44 (please vote)

Ding Yi has something to say.

A full stomach!

He wanted to say: Turn on the fan when the weather is hot! Just get used to the hard bed board! If the microwave breaks, fix it! I have clothes to wear! Who the hell asked you to spend this money? Don’t you know that money is hard to make?

But listening to Qiao Qiao's coquettish and begging for praise, he couldn't say any of these words and could only get stuck in his throat.

After all, it's all for him, isn't it?

After all, in her eyes, he was a successful person, so how could he blame her? She is a woman who cares for her wholeheartedly, and I cannot break her heart!

But, it’s so uncomfortable!

Heartache, want to cry!

Ding Yi never worried about spending money before because he knew he didn't need to worry about money.

He can eat and drink well because it is not his money. As for wearing famous brands...just occasionally, isn't that to save face? Most of his daily clothes were bought for him by Yang Yue and Yang's mother. Let him spend one or two thousand to buy a set of clothes? are you crazy? Are those clothes inlaid with gold? That's nearly half a month's salary!

Ding Yi hung up the phone in confusion and continued to do some mental construction for himself to calm down.

But the text message notification tone is still ringing.

Now three hundred, now two hundred, now five hundred.

He pressed the calculator on the table back and forth. The numbers jumped up, and his temples jumped with them.

Seeing that the number was about to exceed 10,000, he couldn't bear it anymore and called again.

It turned out that Qiao Qiao bought him another electric iron and bought a lot of things for herself.

After buying clothes and lipstick, sunglasses and shoes, I said I also bought two pairs of nice underwear to show him tonight.

However, Ding Yi's heart was not even a little bit charming.

He only felt pain!

What a coincidence, I'm very hungry now. No, no, no, it's not the kind of hunger you think. I'm really hungry. You go buy groceries. Tonight I want to eat stewed elbow, beef with soy sauce, and make some old duck soup. Here are two more vegetarian dishes, yes, I want them cooked by you, I really want to eat the dishes you cooked...

He just wanted to send Qiao Qiao home quickly and find something for her to do. Well, let her cook the hard dishes! While waiting for dinner, he would think of a way to educate her properly...

In this way, she won't have time to fuss about it, and her cell phone can always go away, right?

But why, the text messages on the mobile phone still jump every once in a while?

It turned out that she bought a pressure cooker, a casserole, a soup pot, and an induction cooker. She also said that since she was preparing so many dishes, she also needed a bottle of wine. Also talking about supermarket activities, recharge two thousand and get one hundred free. She went to apply for a local phone card, which cost two hundred, and asked him if he wanted to open the Internet for the rental house? …

He is still speechless!

Still open the Internet?

So what’s next? Does she also want to buy a laptop?

What can she do? Still playing computer games? Can't you watch TV?

Life is really expensive!

In this way, the quota of 20,000 yuan was used in just one day, and only more than 8,000 yuan was left.

Ding Yi felt so distressed that he was a little scared.

He felt slightly regretful.

He is too impulsive. Only now did he realize that he might not be able to support this Qiao Qiao. It’s all Yang Yue’s fault! Took away his savings! Otherwise, his life would be wonderful!

Qiao Qiao, I can't be with you at home every day. It's so boring for you to be alone. Do you want to find a job? That night, Ding Yi hinted at Qiao Qiao several times but didn't respond. He could only give his suggestions bluntly.

But Qiao Qiao shook his head.

I have no skills or a high degree. When I look for a job, I can only do manual labor. I can earn more than a thousand yuan a month. But Brother Yi, what you earn alone is worth ten to me.

Instead of going to work, I might as well take good care of you! right?

Ding Yi was choked.

Once again, he was speechless!

When he was at the police station a few days ago, he regarded Qiao Qiao as a life-saving straw, so he boasted that he had been promoted again and could now earn 10,000 yuan a month.

With a monthly income of ten thousand yuan, not only Qiao Qiao but also several police officers looked at him twice.

He is a man who spits and nails, how can he slap in the face in front of a weak woman who admires him?

So, looking at Qiao Qiao's innocent eyes and her white thighs that made his heart melt, he swallowed his words again...

Colleagues at work began to urge Ding Yi to pay back the money. In desperation, Ding Yi changed his bank and applied for a credit card.

After cashing out, he returned the money to his colleagues.

Ding Xia called him that day and said that she could no longer stay in her hometown. She was scolded by her mother's family and disliked by her husband's family, so she planned to bring her husband to the capital to find a job.

Ding Yi knew as soon as he heard that she was still doing it for money.

He and Yang Yue haven't reconciled yet, and Ding Xia's arrival won't do any good, not even a place to live. When the time comes, he can't just ignore the young couple, right? But if he took care of it, wouldn't it cost a lot of money? If they find Qiao Qiao... this will be even more troublesome.

Depressed, Ding Yi could only give Ding Xia two thousand yuan, which temporarily appeased her.

He has no money again.

Why is this money just like running water?

The family and the village are still asking for money, and Ding Yi is under increasing pressure.

This was not the way to go. Thinking that the company would pay wages in a few days, Ding Yi decided that he had to coax Yang Yue into peace quickly.

He knew that Yang Yue had recovered enough to go to work these days.

Although he hardly sees Yang Yue when he is at home, he can go to her work to block people!

On this day, when Yang Yue and her colleagues just walked out of the office building after get off work, they saw Ding Yi waiting there holding a large bouquet of roses.

Yueyue, I'm here to pick you up. He said affectionately.

Yang Yue's colleagues all cheered.

Yang Yue smiled, said goodbye to everyone, and got into Ding Yi's car.

Ding Yi was a little proud. He knew that Yang Yue wanted to save face. In front of so many people, no matter how reluctant you are, you will endure it and not make others laugh.

No, it’s done!

Yang Yue didn't say he was going to his parents' place, so Ding Yi drove the car home directly.

Although Yang Yue ignored Ding Yi along the way, he felt satisfied. This was already a good start.

After arriving home, Ding Yi took the initiative to buy food and cook.

Tao Ran directly ordered a takeaway.

By the time Ding Yi arrived home from shopping for groceries, Tao Ran had already finished eating, locked the door and returned to her room, and warned Ding Yi that she had not been sleeping well recently and not to disturb her by making noises.

Ding Yi was angry, but he didn't dare to show it.

After simply eating a bowl of instant noodles, he didn't even dare to watch TV.

He didn't dare to answer Qiao Qiao's call, so he could only press send message to explain.

Lonely and hateful, he didn't dare to go out, so he just slept in the guest room for another night.

The night passed.

When Ding Yi prepared breakfast the next day, Tao Ran had already returned from running and told him that he had eaten.

She was still cold, but she didn't refuse Ding Yi to send her to work.

I'll pick you up after get off work.

Tao Ran still didn't refuse.

When he got off work, Ding Yi bought flowers again and waited downstairs.

Amid the cheers from their colleagues, the two went home together.

Although Yang Yue still refused to eat the food cooked by Ding Yi and still entered the room early, her attitude was a little gentler than the day before yesterday. The two finally had a few words of conversation. She also watched TV for a while in the living room.

Ding Yi felt that the relationship between the two was slowly repairing, and he was becoming more active and well-behaved...

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