The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 114 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 46 (more updates for those who are f

Qiao Qiao has been in a panic recently because Ding Yi has been avoiding her.

She was a little worried, afraid that she was just a toy that men would throw away after they tasted the taste.

Ding Yi hasn't been to her place this week.

He said that because he returned to his hometown a while ago, he had to put down a lot of work. Recently, he had a promotion opportunity, so he had to perform well and work overtime every day.

She's so bored. She was an unfamiliar place in the capital and had no one to talk to. Who else could she turn to besides Ding Yi?

Her residence was close to his work. No, on Monday she thought Ding Yi was working overtime and made dinner to surprise Ding Yi, but she walked around the parking lot and didn't see Ding Yi's car. She went to the doorman to ask. Although the doorman said he didn't know who Ding Yi was, he was sure no one was working overtime.

Therefore, it was Ding Yi who lied.

Qiao Qiao called Ding Yi, but Ding Yi didn't answer.

After an hour of anxiety, he texted her back and said he was busy working overtime.

Qiao Qiao's displeasure and sense of crisis arose again.

And in the next two days, Ding Yi didn't look for her. Especially after get off work, he doesn't even answer the phone. At noon on Wednesday, she blocked his way to work, and he came out to have lunch with her.

It was also a coincidence that while eating, Ding Yi's phone rang.

She saw the name, it was Yang Yue. But Ding Yi actually got up and went out to answer the phone! how? Is it inconvenient for her to hear you?

Qiao Qiao followed him out and heard Ding Yi asking what he wanted to eat at night. He will go shopping. What fruit does he want? The yogurt seems to be gone...

She was shocked at the time.

Didn't the relationship between Ding Yi and Yang Yue deteriorate? Ding Yi was caught by Yang Yue, and Yang Yue treated Ding Yi like that! How could they still reconcile? Why is Ding Yi so humble? Why does he love Yang Yue so much? More pampering than yourself? Didn't he say that he and Yang Yue were just having fun? Is he lying to Yang Yue or to himself?

Also, it’s impossible that Yang Yue didn’t notice what she did to the suitcase. Didn’t she lose her temper? No trouble? Not looking for trouble? How could Yang Yue be so calm?

That Yang Yue is too awesome, right?

It must be Yang Yue!

She didn't want to lose to herself, so she used some charming method to bewitch Ding Yi just like before.

Since ancient times, heroes have struggled with beauty. This is a war between two women!

Qiao Qiao himself imagined hundreds of thousands of words of the story...

If she didn't want to lose, she had to do something.

On Wednesday afternoon, Qiao Qiao went to Yang Yue's unit.

She originally wanted to wait for Yang Yue to show off her skills after get off work, but before she could wait for Yang Yue, she saw Ding Yi standing there holding a large bouquet of flowers to pick Yang Yue up from get off work. The two got into the car with a smile after being laughed at by a large group of people.

Ding Yi smiled with crow's feet and helped Yang Yue open and close the car door. He was extremely attentive and did not forget to say hello to Yang Yue's colleagues before leaving.

It's too glaring.

Qiao Qiao was hurt.

And Ding Yi lied to her that day and said he would continue to work overtime. He said that he would go to accompany her on the weekend.

Qiao Qiao was very sad, but she was hit by a strange man.

The man looked so good, but he was so mean when he spoke: Ugly people tend to do mischief! The contemptuous look in his eyes was exactly the same as when Yang Yue caught her and looked at her that day. What, she is ugly? What was wrong with her?

She grabbed the man and asked him why he said hurtful words?


earth? Are you calling her stupid?

Qiao Qiao couldn't help but reflect, is there really something wrong with her own image?

She immediately went to the mall.

She used her card to purchase two designer suits and a pair of high heels. While buying a complete set of makeup, she also asked the salesperson at the cosmetics counter to teach her how to put on beautiful makeup.

She made up her mind that from now on, she would shine brighter and surpass Yang Yue!

Also, she had to break up those two people no matter what.

Ding Yi must be divorced quickly!

For property and other things, just half.

Half of it could be more than a million!

As long as those who guard Ding Yi can make money later. That Yang Yue, let her take advantage.

Last time Yang Yue made such a fuss in the countryside, his temper was evident. Qiao Qiao felt that as long as she stood in front of Yang Yue like that, even if she did nothing, Yang Yue would definitely explode, definitely make trouble, and definitely not give up on Ding Yi!

On Thursday and Friday, Qiao Qiao dressed up beautifully and fashionably for two consecutive days to stimulate Yang Yue. But Ding Yi actually went to pick up Yang Yue every day. She had absolutely no chance to show up.

Until this morning, she received a call from Ding Yi.

He said that he had to go on a business trip over the weekend and had no time to come to her and asked her to find something to do on her own.

Qiao Qiao was furious and deliberately said that she was sick and wanted to see him.

But Ding Yi said that there was a pharmacy downstairs and asked her to buy some medicine. He also said that he had no time, not even time to eat.

Later, when Qiao Qiao called him, he stopped answering.

She couldn't stand it anymore.

It must be stopped immediately!

When she was off work and there was no one around, she would go there at noon.

So, today she is here.

Everything is going smooth.

I just didn't expect that Yang Yue didn't take her seriously at all.

And the call she couldn't get through to Yang Yue only rang twice before the guy answered it.

Ding Yi's joyful voice came through the loudspeaker:

Yueyue, I just wanted to call you. I was looking at the information about the farmhouse! Should we stay in the same hotel these two days or two separate hotels? I saw a pretty good hot spring hotel. Let's go there for a day. Let's just relax. There is a sea of ​​flowers around there, and I'm going to take pictures of you. Do you still remember that photo of you wearing a garland when you were a sophomore in college, and that photo of me falling in love with you at first sight? I miss that time so much...

It's up to you to decide this kind of thing. Tao Ran was very indifferent, while Qiao Qiao's face turned pale.

The person on the other end of the phone is still mean.

Yueyue, what else do you want me to arrange? Tell me, I'll take care of it all! His flattering tone made Qiao Qiao even more stunned.

Nothing, I just wanted to ask if you have eaten?

You haven't eaten yet? What do you want to eat? I'll come over and eat with you. Wait for me there at the cafe downstairs in your unit. I'll be right away.

I want to eat Wangji Dessert on the street next to your workplace.

I'm going to line up now.

But we have to wait in line for half an hour, right?

It's only half an hour! As long as you want to eat, I have to wait all day long. Just wait for me.

But we have eighty minutes to go to work. We can't eat together after you finish shopping, and you will still be late.

It's okay! I'm asking for leave. Work is not as important as my wife! I bought it and sent it over. It only takes an hour at most. It doesn't matter if we can't eat together, as long as you are full and happy.

By the way, the flying girls in the office asked, where did the cake you bought yesterday come from?

Do you like it? Then I will bring it with you. Tell Sister Fei that I will invite them to have afternoon tea together today.


Yueyue, I miss you. I bought you a small gift. I really want to see you now.


Yang Yue hung up the phone, looked at Qiao Qiao who was shaking with anger, and smiled: See? Does this man look like my dog?

Thank you everyone for your monthly votes, you all saw it~, thank you babies.

Also, let me thank you for the reward.

The newly added I love Ren Xiaoyao leader, no matter who he is, thank you leader, thank you.

Thanks to Sister Xue for the two rewards, thanks to Xiaoyaodiannu and Shucheng for one reward each, thanks to the two big rewards from the book friend whose last number is 22955, and thanks to Tian Ruoqing, who has the last number of the book friend Er'er 57 Six, the book friend’s tail number is 51201, Zhuzhu Sandy, Hongchen Yixiao, the book friend’s tail number is 42702, Lililou, Xie 70, Apple, the book friend’s tail number is 00116, Xiaobaiwen , Qingqingchi and other babies’ rewards. Love you~

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