The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 111 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 43 (please vote)

In the next few days, Tao Ran and Ding Yi had little interaction.

She felt disgusted with Ding Yi and was too lazy to socialize with him, so she tried to avoid him.

For several days, she stayed at her parents' home.

They ate well and drank well, enjoying family time during the day, and doing exercise and drinking in the evening. During this period, they had a dinner date with Hao Jiajia and her lawyer brother, and also went to a class reunion.

She spent all the money she recovered from Ding Yi on financial management. On the weekends, she took her family to stay at a farmhouse for two days, hiking and boating, and had a great time.

Yang's father, Yang's mother and the old man didn't have a good look on Ding Yi, so that several times when Ding Yi came to his door, they directly issued an eviction order without letting him in.

Yang Yue became more and more homeless. Ding Yi, who wanted to perform well, had nowhere to show his enthusiasm. After a few days, he no longer wanted to stay at home. No, for several days in a row, he stayed at Qiao Qiao's place until late at night before going home.

Qiao Qiao is so good, gentle, considerate and understanding.

As soon as he gets home, he gets his slippers, takes off his coat, the vegetables are cooked for him, and the rice is served for him. He doesn't need to wash the dishes. He even peels the apples and puts them in his mouth. He even gives him a back rub when he takes a bath. .

From the hall to the bed, he served me well.

Only with Qiao Qiao did he feel that he was an upright man!

Of course, there are things that make him unhappy.

For example, Qiao Qiao became more and more greedy and asked him several times when he was happiest, When will we get divorced?

divorce? What distance? He hasn't received the money yet. Now that he's divorced, won't all his efforts over the years be in vain? He still had to find a way to win the trust of the Yang family again and make Yang Yue calm down. He has paid so much, and the Yang family's property must be his!

Women, they have to step aside!

Wait a minute. You know, Yang Yue and I have a lot of joint property, many of which are my hard work. Now that we are divorced, half of it will be divided by Yang Yue. How can that be done? Give me some time, I have to take care of myself deal with.

How much is half...?

According to the current housing prices, Yang Yue would be worth one million or hundreds of thousands.

So many? Qiao Qiao gasped.

House prices were cheap the year we got married, and I had a good eye. The area I was interested in doubled in just four years...

Brother Yi, you are so awesome. Qiao Qiao looked admiring.

Ding Yi was very helpful. He never mentioned that he had not paid a penny for the house. He also completely forgot that the housing prices in the entire capital had almost doubled in the past few years, which had nothing to do with him.

You said, with so much money, you can't just get Yang Yue's advantage, right?

Well, Brother Yi's hard-earned money must be clearly divided.

So you have to wait for me with peace of mind.

for how long?

I'll take care of it as soon as possible.

Do you... still have feelings for Yang Yue?

She and I were just young and frivolous, impulsive. Now that I have woken up from the dream, I have you by my side, and I have no regrets in this life. You are the first woman I fell in love with, and the only woman I have ever loved in this life. Be good, everything I have is yours. I will be responsible for you, and I will definitely let you live a good life in the future, buy you a big house, buy a luxury car, let you eat well, wear good clothes, and enjoy being a young mistress... …”

Qiao Qiao was easy to manipulate. With a little coaxing from him, she fell in love with him even more and she fell in love with him...

In contrast, what worries Ding Yi even more is money.

It’s really not enough money!

The 20,000 yuan he gave to Qiao Qiao, after paying the rent with three mortgages and one mortgage, and purchasing daily necessities, there was basically not much left.

On the weekend, he dressed up in sequins and drove Qiao Qiao to Linxian County for a day. He went to the mall and watched movies, ate seafood and had sex. It was comfortable, but it also hurt his wallet!

There were more than three thousand left on him, but in the blink of an eye there was only one thousand left.

So in the past few days, Qiao Qiao asked to go out to play several times, but he always put him off. playing what? anything fun? Can’t you eat it at home? Isn’t it fun at home? Doesn't it cost money to drive?

So he spent thirty to buy two slices of steak, a cauliflower, a bottle of ketchup, and a handful of noodles from the market, and a bag of bread from the cake shop, and it was a so-called Western meal.

I added two flowers to the garden at work, brought candles from the last power outage, and bought a bottle of cocktail at the supermarket for ten yuan, and the mood was established. A pirated/copy disc was downloaded online, and the movie was also available.

This romantic candlelight dinner only cost less than fifty in total. Didn't it also coax that bumpkin Qiao Qiao to the point of hugging him and kissing him?

What a docile and lovely woman!

He pretended not to have a wallet with him that day, and Qiao Qiao gave him two thousand dollars as an emergency!

However, Qiao Qiao is easy to coax, but her mother at home and Huang Yaqin in the village are more difficult to deal with.

Especially Huang Yaqin, who not only called twice a day to ask for money, but even went to his house to ask for it. His mother called and cried, urging him to get the money out quickly, saying otherwise she would go to Beijing to hide from the debt.

Ding Yi was extremely irritable. In desperation, he had to borrow 20,000 yuan from his colleagues for emergency relief.

Ten thousand was given to Huang Yaqin, and five thousand was given to Ding's mother first, which stabilized them.

But after repaying Qiao Qiao two thousand yuan and buying a skirt for Qiao Qiao because of his inflated self-esteem, he found that he only had more than two thousand yuan left.

The weather was getting hotter and Qiao Qiao asked to buy an air conditioner. He opened his mouth but couldn't say no. You love her, but you don’t even buy her an air conditioner?

Qiao Qiao's small home was like a bottomless pit, with water, electricity and gas bills at one moment, and money for firewood, rice, oil and salt at another. Not to mention anything else, the food expenses are quite large.

He was a little depressed. He was living the same life as before, but why didn't he think that these trivial things were so expensive? Who can afford this expense?

For emergencies, Ding Yi could only go to the bank to apply for a credit card with a limit of 20,000, which finally relieved some pressure temporarily. He imitated those male protagonists in TV dramas and coolly put the card into Qiao Qiao's hands and asked her to spend it.

Qiao Qiao's adoring look once again made Ding Yi feel elated. He liked this feeling so much.

But the next day he started to feel uncomfortable.

From time to time, text messages pop up on my phone:

Your credit card with the last number xxxx spent an amount of 3080 at 09:15 on April 20...

10:00 consumption amount 300...

11:35 consumption amount 1580...

11:50 consumption amount 200...

The numbers that popped up from time to time stimulated his nerves repeatedly. Ding Yi couldn't pretend to ignore it. He couldn't help it, so he called Qiao Qiao and asked what he was doing.

I bought an air conditioner. I can install it tomorrow so it won't get too hot. The microwave at home broke, so I bought it together. You said the bed was too hard, so I bought a mattress and gave you two pillow.

I went to the shopping mall you said you would take me to last time. Didn’t you say that you like XXX brand the most and buy a set every season? I found that specialty store. They have new models and they have a set that will suit you.

It was supposed to be a 40% discount, but I spent an hour there, and finally bought it for you at a 55% discount. I also got a jacket and trousers and two pairs of socks. In the end, it only cost 1,580, which is better than what you wore last time you went back to your hometown. The set is much cheaper, and it will be more respectable to wear it...

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