The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 110 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 42 (please vote)

Zhang Chen said seriously:

As long as it doesn't break the law, I can help you. It doesn't have to be a big burden. We are not only customers, but also friends. When something happens, just say hello, even in the middle of the night. If you are tired, just stop, we are not bad at that. Money. He secretly used the word we.

Thank you. Tao Ran just pretended not to hear.

By the way, I've thought about it, aren't you going to treat me to dinner? Go to your parents' place to eat!

My grandpa is not here.

I want to go see your parents. I haven't seen them for a long time. Go say hello.


Tao Ran remembered that she had just seen two gift boxes in the trunk, a box of tea and a box of vitamins. Was she prepared in advance? …

In front of the hotel, Qiao Qiao was already waiting there.

Her hair has been styled and hung loosely on her shoulders. She is wearing a brand new dark pink skirt, brand new white high heels and bag. Although it is still a bit rustic, the configuration has a bit of a city person's taste. It is obvious that her image has been ruined. Less money.

Her appearance is still outstanding, and her bright eyes are lingering. She is the kind of pure and lustful image that men like most.

Ugly people often cause mischief! Zhang Chen cursed.

Don't say anything against your will.

Ding Yi is blind, but I am not. Zhang Chen glanced at Yang Yue. She's not as good as you!

What do you mean it's worse? Tao Ran hissed, Singles rely on their strength...

Seeing Ding Yi driving in high spirits, Qiao Qiao held up her skirt, smiled sweetly like a girl, and trotted towards him.



Tao Ran looked at Zhang Chen whose mouth corners were lowered, but couldn't help but laugh.

I haven't expressed my opinion yet, why should he be so indignant? …

Ding and Yi went straight to a nearby community.

There was already an agent waiting for them, so the two of them went directly to a unit to look at the apartment.

They were very efficient. After looking at three apartments, they quickly selected one of them and rented it.

Zhang Chen ordered his people to follow him throughout the process, and within a few minutes, the specific address of the small finely decorated apartment the two rented was in Tao Ran's hands.


A step to take revenge on the scumbag: drive him out of the house!

All beginnings are hard.

You know, at this point in the plot, nothing happened to Qiao Qiao.

That's why Tao Ran pushed the two people to cut things in advance and keep them in order.

Finally, Qiao Qiao succeeded in letting Ding Yi fall into it step by step.

After having the Golden House Cangjiao, the plan becomes simple!

Tao Ran felt happy, knowing that the opportunity she was waiting for would come soon.

After coming out of the rental house, Ding Yi took Qiao Qiao to a nearby supermarket and bought a lot of daily necessities, from pots and pans to pillows and bedding.

The two of them moved in and out sweetly, as if they were a couple.

Tao Ran took Zhang Chen's camera and clicked it repeatedly. From the hotel to the rental house to the supermarket, she took many beautiful photos that satisfied her...

I always feel that something is missing. It's a pity even though it's here. The shortcomings are huge! Practical! It’s a done deal!

They've all gone back to the house, what else do you have in mind?

I want to see what you are capable of.

You can't do anything illegal!

I won't trick you! Tao Ran narrowed his eyes. Let's go, those two people probably need to clean up first. Call your brothers who are following those two people, and I'll treat you to dinner. Those two people are so happy to have a love nest, they have to give them some time to be intimate with each other.

You did it on purpose, right? Didn't you mean to go to your parents' place for dinner? You don't want to? Zhang Chen couldn't hide his disappointment in his words.

There will be a chance in the future. I really don't want to. Tao Ran was not Yang Yue, and she didn't want to help Yang Yue make random choices. She couldn't give Zhang Chen hope randomly. Let Yang Yue decide whether to give Zhang Chen a chance or not.

Of course, besides this reason, she has more important things to do. After eating, we have to do some business!

After having a meal at a nearby restaurant, following Tao Ran's instructions, Zhang Chen's two brothers each changed into a set of clothes.

Zhang Chen's company's standard black security uniform is no different from the attire of ordinary community security guards.

After going to the printing shop to fill out the form and getting pen and paper, they knocked on the door of Qiao Qiao's rental house.

Who is it? Qiao Qiao's voice came three seconds later.

Community security, register.

Three minutes later, Qiao Qiao arrived at the door.

Register for what?

Hello, I heard that this apartment has been rented out. Let's do a population registration as usual.

This community is quite big, with four gates in the southeast, northwest, and dozens of security guards. Tao Ran was sure that no matter how she played, it would be difficult for Qiao Qiao to get a handle on her.

Wait a moment. Qiao Qiao opened the door as expected.

She had messy hair, a flushed face, messy clothes, and two red marks on her neck. It was clear what she was doing just now.

Register here. Qiao Qiao took the form and glanced at it without any doubts. She looked irritated, complaining that there was trouble in this city.

Can we go in? We also need to register your ID card and other materials. The two young men were already upright, but now they straightened their backs and looked very reliable. The Olympics are coming soon, and the control and security checks in and out of the capital are very strict. Please forgive me!

In this way, the two little brothers successfully entered the house.

After that, one of them pestered Qiao Qiao and asked questions, while the other looked around and quickly pressed the shutter button of the small camera in his hand.

The door is ajar, Ding Yi should be in the room.

Girl, you just said that this house is for one person? But why... The little brother fixed his eyes on the men's leather shoes at the door and the two fast food on the table.

Oh, and my...husband.

Qiao Qiao's face turned red again.

When the contract was signed today, a young man from upstairs came downstairs to buy food. When he saw that they were signing the contract with the agency, he came over to say hello and looked at her several times. Ding Yi was unhappy at the time, and later told her that by saying that she was married in front of outsiders, she could avoid a lot of trouble...

She thought the same thing. She had just arrived, and there was a lot of people around her. She was so young and beautiful, what if someone took advantage of her? Ding Yi couldn't always accompany her, so this status was more appropriate.

Then please, sir, please come out and register. The little brother shouted to the door and knocked on the door.

Ding Yi could only open the door and show up.

There was nothing but chaos in the room.

Ding Yi, on the other hand, was only wearing autumn clothes and long trousers. Like Qiao Qiao, he had a cot head, his face was still flushed, and his hair was a little wet.

I have a registered permanent residence in Beijing. I am not a foreigner. I don't need to register. He flashed his ID card.

Okay. The little brother looked at the ID card and nodded.

The two of them didn't stay long and left now...

A quarter of an hour later, the digital camera and voice recorder were in Tao Ran's hands.

She smiled brightly, and Zhang Chen was speechless.

Is this the feeling of having caught a traitor?

Tao Ran was really happy. Qiao Qiao and Ding Yi refer to each other as husband and wife in front of outsiders and have the fact of living together. Then they are one step closer to a true de facto marriage.

In a few days, she will drive the scumbag away completely!

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