The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 109 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 41 (please vote)

Ding Yi clenched his fists and gritted his teeth at Yang Yue's door.


Anyway, I have endured it for so many years.

Entering the guest room, he almost had a heart attack.

All his belongings were stuffed into two snakeskin bags - the kind that hold fertilizer. What do you think of him? This family is so abominable!

One day, he will have them all kneel at his feet, crying and begging him...

After confirming that Ding Yi had gone to the bathroom, Tao Ran opened the door and took his suitcase back to the room.

As soon as she opened the box, she couldn't help but sneer.

Someone declared war on her!

On the top layer of her clothes in the box, there was a slender hair, long and straight, black, and it was not hers.

In the box, the fragrance is fragrant.

There was lipstick on her white shirt.

The scent was the same as that in Qiao Qiao's room that night, and the lipstick was Barbie pink.

Besides that Qiao Qiao, who else could be the person who left these traces?

She really took a lot of trouble to let herself identify them at a glance.

Thinking about it, most of these were the malicious behaviors she had done with Qiao Qiao in the hotel that night with the scumbag Chunxiao.

The scumbag only cares about stealing food and never thinks that the person next to him also has Xiao Jiujiu in his heart.

Obviously, Miss Qiao Qiao hasn't seen through Ding Yi's nature of being a soft-boiler and a hard-boiler, so she wants to break into the house, and she can't wait to take revenge by replacing Yang Yue!

Just imagine how furious Yang Yue would be when she saw that her underwear was contaminated by San'er? The most basic thing is to have a big quarrel with Ding Yi, right? Due to the events of the past few days, her relationship with Ding Yi was already in jeopardy. Another blow would undoubtedly make things worse.

If Qiao Qiao is lucky enough and Yang Yue and Ding Yi divorce, she will achieve her wish. Even if it fails, if this thorn is buried, it will grow into a cancer sooner or later.

And those two people had already had an affair, and their relationship had progressed further. They had physical and mental communication, and Qiao Qiao had gained confidence.

With this in mind, Qiao Qiao sent this gift.

She dared to do this, and she was not afraid of being questioned by Ding Yi. Anyway, it’s Bai Lian. When the time comes, she can just wipe her tears and say she was careless...


Tao Ran sighed.

What a pity these clothes are.

Can’t have it!

According to her intention, she wanted to throw them all away, but no!

Not only did she not throw it away, she also had to keep it well!

Moreover, she didn't plan to confront Ding Yi!

How could she get what Qiao Qiao wanted? Qiao Qiao wants her to make trouble, but she won't! If she just pressed the button without sending a message, then the plan would fail and Qiao Qiao would be left scratching her head and feeling uncomfortable, right?

Little trick!

Not on the stage!

Tao Ran suddenly thought of Yang Yue's memory. Was it not a coincidence that he found Qiao Qiao when he returned to his old house? Could it be that Qiao Qiao, who was pregnant and couldn't wait, deliberately let Yang Yue find out that Ding Yi had a third son like her, and wanted to use this method to provoke Yang Yue's anger and force Ding Yi to fight quickly?

This kind of conjecture is a bit chilling.

But regardless of whether the speculation is true or false, there is no doubt that Ding Yi, his family, and Qiao Qiao are all scum that needs to be dealt with!

After Ding Yi went to work the next day, Tao Ran walked out of the room.

She asked Yang Yue for five more days of sick leave, so she still had a rest today.

After locking the door, she went for a morning run as she did the previous few days.

Over the past few days, she has been able to run to the park in one breath.

Play a sword game with the old man, take the old man to buy groceries with him, and then go to Yang's father and mother's place to teach and amuse the children and have dinner with the family... The life is very comfortable, which is what Tao Ran likes.

She has never had parents since she can remember, so she has never experienced the joy of four generations living under the same roof. She is willing to stay with the Yang family every day, even if all she can do is wash vegetables and dishes, scramble an egg, boil water and make tea, tell a joke... and secretly enjoy the doting love from her parents and relatives.

She envied Yang Yue so much.

Even if Yang Yue didn't ask for this kind of beauty, she still wanted to protect it!

After her child took a nap in the afternoon, she went to the gym to practice for a while.

While she was practicing strength, the scumbag got a message and asked her what she wanted to eat tonight and wanted to cook her dinner.

I'm eating at my parents' place.

I also……

Don't come, we won't be able to eat if you come.

...Then I will pick you up and take you home tonight.

No, I won't go back if it's too late.

She directly hung up the call from the scumbag.

After Tao Ran went to wash up, he knocked on the door of Zhang Chen's office.


If you invite me to dinner or have business to do, then I don't need to be busy. The man smiled brightly.

I can treat you to dinner. But there are conditions in exchange.

Ten minutes later, Tao Ran sat in Zhang Chen's car.

Anyway, she had nothing to do. She planned to go to the private meeting of the doggy couple and inspect the work of these professionals.

Zhang Chen is an off-road vehicle, the kind that doesn't look ostentatious but has very good actual performance. Equipped with coated glass, she can see outside, but cannot see inside, so she can safely follow her in the car.

The car is fully equipped with food and supplies, the passenger drawer is open, and everything from a flashlight to a walkie-talkie to a telescope is ready. In the trunk, there are boxes of purified water instant noodles. From professional photography equipment, headphones to small DV, everything is fully equipped.

Are you still satisfied?

It's pretty good. It's more professional than the paparazzi's outfit.

Thank you for the compliment! Don't worry? We will serve you well. Zhang Chen's driving skills are also very good, not fancy but practical. He reversed the car in place and accurately parked downstairs of Ding Yi's unit. But are you sure Ding Yi will go find Qiao Qiao today?

Yes. When the love was getting stronger, the scumbag didn't have to go home to socialize with her, so he naturally went to Jie Yuhua to relieve his worries. As for San'er, who has just arrived and is unfamiliar with the place, he will definitely try his best to make the scumbag addicted to food...

Qiao Qiao has been following Xiao Wu. She walked around Ding Yi's workplace for a while at noon today, and then went to the supermarket. She is still in the hotel. Ding Yi is about to get off work...

Half an hour later, Ding Yi drove out of the unit.

Zhang Chen frowned and followed Ding Yi's car. Sure enough, the guy was not heading home, but to the hotel where Qiao Qiao was staying two streets away.

Zhang Chen felt sick: Why did you leave the car to him?

Tao Ran smiled lightly:

If we don't leave it to him, how can we let him establish an elite image in front of San'er? How can San'er be so determined to follow him? I'll give them this advantage. It won't last long anyway.

Now Ding Yi still has a few small coins on hand. When he can't even afford to fill up the tank, he will naturally be reluctant to drive. Moreover, there will be disappointment if there is a gap. The greater Qiao Qiao's hope for a better and happy life now, the more painful it will be when she is knocked back to her original shape in the future.

Looking at you like this, do you plan to take a long-term approach to catch big fish? Zhang Chen took a deep look at the people around him.

A society ruled by law... No matter how angry I am, I can't kill people and set fires. Those people caused Yang Yue's family to be destroyed. Ordinary methods are not considered revenge at all against them.

“Besides, what’s the point of just fishing?”

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