The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 108 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 40 (first order requested)

An hour later, Ding Yi, who had withdrawn the money, returned home, but only brought 50,000 yuan.

Are you kidding us? Everyone in the Yang family was speechless.

Ding Yi said solemnly:

In the past few years, this is all we have saved. We have spent a lot of money, and we also have to maintain a car and raise a child, so this is all we have.

Tao Ran waved his hand and threw Ding Yi's account book directly in his face.

Ding Yi's expression suddenly changed: You... went to my office to look through things? Do you want to lose face?

Don't accuse me unjustly!

Father Yang spoke loudly and said his daughter's story seriously: I went to your office and I said hello to your boss. You kept Yang Yue's cards! That day she went to the hospital for urgent surgery. , we couldn’t find the medical insurance card, so we had to go to your office to look for it.

I saw this account book locked in the drawer by you, and I thought it was strange, so I took it back. how? Can't you see this ledger? Are you hiding a secret or planning to hide some private money?

How come... Just look at it... there is no secret! Ding Yi clenched his fists.

That'll do!

Mother Yang threw out another prepared account. We help you simply summarize the expenses in the ledger.

Because of his background, Ding Yi has always been careful with his calculations, so he has the habit of keeping accounts. The ledger found on his desk came in handy.

Over the years, he has kept records of his daily expenses. They had nothing to do for a few days, which was enough for Tao Ran and them to calculate a rough account.

The accounts are simple. After deducting living expenses, expenses for festivals and other miscellaneous favor expenses from the two people's salary after marriage, there should be a balance of about 200,000.

So obviously, Ding Yi only took out these 50,000, which seemed outrageous.

Ding Yi, are you trying to swallow money? Don't you have a big appetite? Yang's father's eyes became sharp. You know that, right? It's illegal to transfer and conceal marital property!

Ding Yi was so angry that his shoulders were shaking.

I didn't swallow the money. Yueyue, you forgot that I had 20,000 yuan in my salary card, and you also took the money in my wallet.

He gets angry when he talks about it. As soon as he was arrested and taken to the police station, he called to check the balance of his bank card. It showed that the balance was only in single digits. Is this true? Yang Yue is so hateful! If she hadn't taken all the money from him, would he have been caught?

I was in a hurry to get into the hospital. I had no money, so I had to take yours. Thanks to these 30,000 yuan, otherwise I would have died! Tao Ran said seriously.

So I recognize the 30,000 yuan! Then, after deducting the 30,000 yuan I need for emergency use from the 200,000 yuan, you can give me the remaining 170,000 yuan now!

... Ding Yi bit his lip.

Where did he get 170,000?

Yang Yue never cared about money. He always used the money as his own savings. Who would have thought that this family was so despicable that they would check his accounts.

He was afraid that someone would see the account book, so he hid it in his office and locked it. Who would have thought that they would go to his office to pick the lock! This family is so disgusting! He deserves to be exterminated! What a scholarly family, bah! Not as good as bullshit!

yes! Logically, he should have two hundred thousand.

But over the years, he has been trying different ways to secretly support his family, hasn't he? A subsidy of 20,000 yuan a year will be 80,000 yuan in four years. When he went home a few days ago, he originally thought that his father-in-law and mother-in-law would reimburse him, so he took out 50,000 yuan in one go for expenses, but who knew that it would be in vain? …

After arriving in Beijing today, he also gave Qiao Qiao 20,000 yuan. Five thousand was paid back to her, and the remaining money allowed her to rent a house and buy some daily necessities in the past few days... He had to spend this money.

In addition, he also promised his family that he would use 30,000 yuan in the next few days to make up for the money spent on the banquet a few days ago, and also promised the village to settle the IOU...

Originally, he was thinking of using the savings in his account to fill the hole first, so that he could barely use it.

But who would have thought that as soon as he got home, without even taking a breath, the Yang family would start asking for money?

After returning to his hometown and withdrawing 50,000 yuan, his account only had more than 70,000 yuan left.

After giving Qiao Qiao 20,000 yuan, there was less than 60,000 yuan left.

He was heartbroken. If this money is given to Yang Yue, then the money he promised to his family and the village will not be paid for the time being!

But just now he took them all out and brought them to Yang Yue.

How shameful that the Yang family is still not satisfied!

The remaining savings are not as much as 170,000...a lot of odds and ends, I didn't keep the accounts.

The odds and ends are worth 10,000 to you, and you can take out 160,000.


What? You can't get it out? Where's the money? Did you swallow it? Transfer it? Or did you raise three children?

Yueyue, you also know that I have been learning how to invest from the people in the office. So you take the 50,000 yuan and the remaining money, and I will give it to you after I withdraw the money from the investment. Okay. ?

Ding Yi could only say this.

Yang Yue already knew that his parents were greedy for money to repair the house. If he knew that he had spent all his savings to support the family over the years, he would definitely continue to refuse and accuse their family of fraud! At that time, we still have to force him to go home and ask for money.

He could no longer make Yang Yue angry or add fuel to the fire.

So the top priority is to appease.

Ding Yi comforted himself, just be patient and get through this period of time.

How much money did you invest? One hundred thousand?

Almost... almost.

When can we withdraw?

As soon as possible.

Write me a note.

Write again?

As long as you make a promise. Tao Ran's eyes flashed slightly.

Ding Yi was secretly relieved. No need to write a deadline or a reason? What's so scary about that!

Okay. I'll write it now.

Then it's settled. You put your money together and give me 60,000 today. The remaining 100,000 will be given to me when your investment money comes out.

Ding Yi gritted his teeth.

Sixty thousand? This meant that all the money he and his mother received the day before yesterday had to be put in.

How could this damn woman be so sure of how much money he had on him? If all the money is taken out, wouldn't he be back before liberation overnight? Wasn't his past few years in vain?

Moreover, the five thousand given by his mother was promised to be borrowed by him, and he promised to pay it back this week. If this is not enough... the family will be in trouble!

Ding Yi was upset.

Forget it, we have already come this far, so we can only go on bravely!

Yueyue, I will let you see my sincerity.

Ding Yi brought 60,000 yuan to his wife.

Tao Ran was very satisfied and gave the money directly to his parents and asked them to save it on their behalf. That's right, she has only been here a few days, and she has already helped Yang Yue get back hundreds of thousands in debt that was impossible to get back in the first place. She needs to keep up her efforts!

Yang's father and Yang's mother got up and went home. Ding Yi pretended to stay. After a few more scoldings, he finally sent his father-in-law and mother-in-law away...

Ding Yi originally planned to coax Yang Yue, but there was a sound behind him and his wife had already entered the house and locked the door.

Yueyue, why did you lock the door? You had an operation, let me take care of you.

No, I'm afraid I won't be able to sleep when I see you. Stay away from me!

But I have to get my clothes and take a shower. Open the door and I won't disturb you. I'll cook for you after I take a shower.

I forgot to tell you that all your things are in the guest room. Just sleep in the guest room.

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