The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 107 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 39

Ding Yi came back on the fifth day after Yang Yue arrived home.

When he stepped into the house, he was unshaven, looked haggard, and looked pitiful.

However, Tao Ran received the news as soon as the dog man and woman arrived in Beijing, and she was even in control of the fact that Qiao Qiao was temporarily settled in a hotel not far from Ding Yi's unit...

She also knew that Ding Yi made a special trip to his work before returning home, then went to a private bank's cash machine to withdraw money, sent Qiao Qiao to the supermarket, and returned to his work again before hurriedly going home...

Therefore, the scumbag really not only has other bank cards, but he should also have hidden them in his work unit...

Ding Yi thought about it all the way before opening the door.

He had planned to act in a scene of bitter love, but his scene never came to fruition.

Because from the moment he set foot in the house, the low pressure at home scared him.

Opening the door, three pairs of eyes stared at him.

Yang Yue was lying weakly on the sofa, with a pale face and hatred in her eyes. It looked like she had not recovered from a serious illness.

Ding Yi was shocked and felt guilty.

He had always been doubtful about Yang Yue's surgery, but now it seemed that it was true.

Yueyue, I'm back, how are you?

But as soon as he took two steps forward with a caring look on his face, a soup bowl and a purple clay pot both shattered at his feet.

The soup bowl was thrown by Yang's mother who had just come out of the kitchen, and it bruised his leg. The scalding hot soup scalded a layer of his leg skin, making him grit his teeth in pain.

The purple clay pot was smashed by Father Yang who was sitting at the table. This hit hit Ding Yi right in the heart. His pot!

This pot costs six thousand!

I bought it specially to gain favor with the old man and to improve myself. This is almost the most expensive thing he bought after his marriage.

Gone...just gone...

Stay away from Xiaoyue! Father Yang and Mother Yang said in unison.

Yeah. Tao Ran agreed. dirty.

Ding Yi was panicked. Father Yang and Mother Yang are different from his parents. They are intellectuals and always talk about quality, so Ding Yi has never seen them lose their temper in many years. This is the first time.

So at this moment, Ding Yi still hid his anger, put aside his self-esteem, and looked deeply at his wife.

Yueyue, have you had surgery? Are you discharged from the hospital? You...

What! It's been five days and I still can't be discharged from the hospital? Do you want me to die in the hospital?

I do not……

Ding Yi, you bastard! Yang's father yelled angrily, then grabbed Ding Yi's water glass and smashed it.

I provide you with food, housing, and work. Xiaoyue is so kind to you. You are doing mischief outside, defrauding your family of money, and you dare to lock Xiaoyue at home and almost kill her! Are you still a human being? Do you know that for what you did, not only can we drive you out, but your behavior of seeking wealth and murder can even put you in jail for several years?

The words seeking wealth and killing made Ding Yi almost jump.

Get a divorce! Yang Yue said calmly without waiting for Ding Yi to explain. Divorce by agreement or divorce by lawsuit, you choose one.

These words are naturally meant to scare.

divorce? never! She hasn't caught Ding Yi's real handle yet, so there's no reason to give Ding Yi the property and car so that he and San'er can happily spend the Yang family's money?

Ding Yi was frightened.

He doesn't want a divorce!

After a divorce, all his hard work over the years would have been in vain! He wants to be a master! He would never have such a smooth sailing opportunity again!

He was afraid that the Yang family would really sue him, sue him for detention, and sue him for seeking wealth and murder. The capital is the territory of the Yang family, how can he, a foreigner, fight against it? He will have nothing, right?

Even his job will be lost! If Yang Yue's father could get him into the unit, he would naturally have a way to get him out, or let him stay at the bottom of the unit for the rest of his life.

In jail? No no no!

Whenever he thinks about the past few days of being detained... the hairs on his back stand up.

He was locked up with a bunch of local gangsters. Those people were so scary. He never wanted to go into that kind of place again in his life!

Thinking this, his knees weakened.

With a pop, the scumbag finally knelt down, and then started to cry bitterly and began to explain, began to beg, began to express his deep love for Yang Yue, and said that everything was a misunderstanding...

After begging for a while, he knelt down in front of Father Yang and Mother Yang, made promises one after another, moved the children out, and wiped away tears after tears...

Nagging, nagging...

Tao Ran felt sleepy after hearing this.

Yang's father and Yang's mother saw that they were almost the same, so they pretended to persuade Yang Yue.

Ding Yi also said that as long as Yang Yue takes a step back, he will agree to anything.

Tao Ran took a deep breath and then reluctantly.

Two conditions. If you agree...

I promise.

First, I will keep your salary card from now on. You will receive living expenses from me every month.


Second, bring over the family's savings over the past few years and I'll keep them for safekeeping! Tao Ran didn't plan to look for his savings all over the world anymore, he still had to force him to come up with it himself.


Ding Yi hesitated.

How does this work?

His face twitched slightly.

All his confidence comes from this money! Otherwise, would he have had to try so hard to coax Yang Yue into handing over his salary card and let him take care of the money? This money has long been regarded as his own private property and his own possessions!

Yueyue, you are not short of money either...

Yes, just because I'm not short of money, it makes more sense for me to manage the money, right? Don't worry, I won't spend it arbitrarily. Otherwise, I have to worry all the time that you will use the money from the family on San'er.

Yueyue, I have never spent money on other women, and I swear, I will never...

If you don't want a divorce, just stop talking nonsense. I'm tired and need to rest. Just one sentence, yes or no?

Ding Yi opened his mouth, he didn't want to respond, he didn't want to, he didn't want to, he didn't want to, he didn't want to! All this money was saved by him. Is it easy for him? Taking out this sum would be as satisfying as digging out a piece of his flesh!

But he didn't dare to refuse.

What can be done?

Bear with it!

He had endured the marriage before and even knelt on his knees. Is this still missing? As long as he gets through this crisis, he will always rise again! The days are long, and one day, they will have to repay the humiliation today in full! No, repay it a hundred times!

Ding Yi took a few deep breaths and nodded in agreement to these two items.

Tao Ran struck while the iron was hot and threw his ID card directly to Ding Yi, asking him to quickly convert his deposit into cash and get it.

Now? So urgent? Ding Yi's mouth twitched.

Yes, it's so urgent. What if you are lying to me?

Ding Yi choked and interrupted with a smile:

Yueyue, what did you do with my ID card?

I was sick at the time and needed money for medical treatment. I took your card to withdraw money. To avoid disputes, it makes sense to bring your ID card, right?

Then why don't you answer my call?

I didn't care about it at first, but then the battery ran out. Is there any problem? If not, go back quickly. Get all your deposits quickly!

It will be on the shelves tomorrow, please subscribe and vote monthly, I love you~

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