The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 106 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 38

That afternoon, Yang Yue's father went to Ding Yi's unit.

He had been there several times before, so everyone in Ding Yi's office knew him.

He went there confidently, saying frankly that his daughter was sick and hospitalized, and Ding Yi couldn't spare time, so he asked him to look for his daughter's medical insurance card in his desk.

The reason is legitimate and honest, and they are all a family. Who in the office will stop Father Yang?

Since neither Yang Yue nor Ding Yi had any other bank cards, Tao Ran guessed that Ding Yi's card passbook might be hidden in the office, so Yang's father came here.

After looking through it carefully, there was no such thing!

Even the locked drawers were pried open, but they were not found.

In the end, he didn't find anything. He found a ledger that recorded various expenses of Ding Yi and Yang Yue's family over the years...

After dinner, Tao Ran had nothing to do, so she started her fitness plan.

She found a gym nearby.

When she jumped off the treadmill panting, a bottle of water and a clean towel were handed to her.

As expected, we meet again.

Still Zhang Chen.

You actually have the habit of exercising? Zhang Chen laughed.

What do you call it?

Because you have been lazy since you were a child.

... Tao Ran clicked his tongue. He didn't speak well. No wonder his presence in Yang Yue's heart was so low. I'm not in good health and need to exercise. I had just run for three minutes, and my legs and feet were no longer in control.

I think so! Zhang Chen had seen her a long time ago. Shall I arrange a coach for you? It will be convenient for you to come often in the future.

It sounds like you own this restaurant.

I drove it.


Tao Ran remembered that the old man said that Zhang Chen did not follow his family's arrangements to work after he returned from the army, but chose to start his own business.

When she asked, she found out that in addition to this gym, Zhang Chen also ran a security company.

Security company? She became interested.

Yes. Do some work such as site security, security inspections, property escorts, rescue projects, conference activities and the protection of celebrities.

a good job!


Five minutes later, Tao Ran and Zhang Chen sat in the leisure area on the side and drank drinks.

After further questioning, it turned out that the employees in Zhang Chen's two companies were all brothers who retired from the army around the same time as him, and two of them were still special forces/soldiers. Many of them have poor family conditions and are anxious to change careers and find jobs. However, there are too few jobs for veterans, and most of them work as drivers and security guards. Zhang Chen feels that it is a pity.

Everyone has the ability. Instead of working for others, it is better to be your own boss. Zhang Chen had money, made investments, and promised to pay dividends to the brothers, so a group of brothers all followed him.

Zhang Chen handed over a business card.

The security company has just started, and there isn't much work, but the prospects are good. Everyone usually works out at this gym, and you can earn some money as a coach after working out. It's like killing two birds with one stone.

You're so generous! Tao Ran gave him a thumbs up.

They are professional counterparts. No wonder, the old man was so confident this morning that he even dared to deceive the liar. It turned out that the first-level security personnel was by his side.

Can we accept three small orders for the sake of our old neighbor? she asked with a smile.

Do you have a job?

hold head high.

If there's business, of course I'll take it. No matter how difficult your order is, I have to take it.

It's not difficult, it's very simple. But the third order may take a little time.

Tao Ran's heart immediately relaxed. In the plot, Yang Yue hired a private detective to investigate and collect evidence. But of those people, how could these veterans be so capable and reliable?

Veterans, ability, discipline and sense of justice are there. They are also acquaintances who know everything about them, and they can be relied on with peace of mind. That silly girl Yang Yue really has a lot of connections around her, but unfortunately, she has never noticed them.

So the next day, surveillance was installed on everything from the old man's courtyard house to Yang Yue's parents' apartment to Yang Yue's two apartments. The location was professionally debugged and covered up by Zhang Chen and others. It is quite hidden and cannot be found under normal circumstances.

This is the first order Tao Ran has placed.

The second order she placed was to ask Zhang Chen's people to come forward as soon as possible to do escort work according to her instructions when she was in need.

As for the third order, Zhang Chen's people are now watching Ding Yi's every move...

Regarding the third order, Zhang Chen frowned and said that his company was for security, not paparazzi.

Tao Ran said confidently: If business is not good, why don't you expand your business? What's more, following and defense are one and the same. Following the target is the best defense, right?

She spoke plausibly, and Zhang Chen nodded in response...

Soon, Tao Ran's dislike for Ding Yi reached a new level.

Because of scum.

After receiving the order, Zhang Chen's people went directly to the police station where Ding Yi was and started to keep a close eye on him.

But what did you notice?

As soon as the scumbag who had been squatting for three days came out of the police station, he hugged Qiao Qiao, who was waiting outside the police station with tears in his eyes. Both of them felt wronged and felt that the whole world had failed them. If it hadn't been for the scumbag's phone ringing, the two of them wouldn't have known how tired they were.

The two of them also went to a restaurant for a meal. During this period, Qiao Qiao kept crying. She grabbed the scumbag's hand and begged again and again. After hesitating for a long time, the scumbag finally nodded. Afterwards, the scumbag returned to his hometown to pack his luggage, while Qiao Qiao bought a lot of clothes and necessities in the provincial capital, and then waited at the station.

The scumbag returned to the provincial capital that night. It was already very late, so the two opened a hotel and stayed in the same room...

The next day, Tao Ran received a stack of photos from Zhang Chen.

Zhang Chen was cautious, fearing that Yang Yue would be upset, and even invited her to a restaurant with a nice atmosphere to treat her to dinner.

But he didn't expect that Yang Yue had no reaction after seeing the photo. Instead, there was a hint of relief on his face, which made him confused.

They... after last night, their relationship took a step further, and then they bought a ticket to the capital. They are already on the way. They will arrive tomorrow.


Tao Ran guessed it.

Whether Qiao Qiao is for love, profit, revenge, or money, Ding Yi is what she must grasp. Ding Yi was moved by Qiao Qiao several times, and what he needed most now, after being frustrated, was an interpretive flower, a warm embrace, and a woman who admired him so that his damaged self-esteem could be rebuilt.

So it was inevitable that the two people who had known each other for a long time would get together.

Eat more dishes. Zhang Chen ordered a table of dishes, which were spicy. Don't be too sad, and don't keep it in your heart. Eat more and drink more, and don't treat yourself badly. This boiled beef is good. You liked chicken wings when you were a kid, try this, cumin...

He carefully picked up food for Yang Yue.

I'm fine.

You said it was okay! You don't look like you these days. Zhang Chen muttered.

Tao Ran raised his eyebrows.

This boy really has Yang Yue in his heart! After not seeing each other for so many years, he still kept Yang Yue's character in mind. Maybe she thought she was holding back the pain and forcing a smile?

Tao Ran took another look at him and saw the concern in his eyes. Yang Yue wants to live a new life, but she wonders if Zhang Chen can be used as a reference?

Tao Ran simply helped Yang Yue test Zhang Chen.

She deliberately ordered a drink, drank several glasses of wine, and then became unconscious.

Zhang Chen didn't take advantage of anyone's danger. He hurriedly called for the waiter to pour her honey water, begged the waiter to help her to the car, and then sent her to the gym. He asked someone at the front desk to help her to the lounge, and the whole process was continuous. She didn't even touch it.

Later Yang Yue asked, Why don't you send me home?

He said, You are in a special period. If someone sees you being sent home by a foreigner, you will easily get into trouble and it will not be good for you.

Why don't you send me to my parents?

It's late, they should rest. And if you drink to drown your sorrows, they will be sad if they see you. The gym is a public place, so this is the best place.

Tao Ran was very satisfied with this trial. This person is quite attentive.

If Yang Yue is attracted to him in the future, it will be a good choice...

Soon, Huang Yaqin also called.

She guessed that Ding Yi must be anxious to return to Beijing, so she blocked him on the day when Ding Yi returned to his hometown to pack his luggage.

She secretly threatened Ding Yi and forced him to promise to pay off the remaining 20,000 yuan in the IOU within three days after returning to Beijing.

Before Ding Yi left, he was stopped by Ding Xia.

Ding's mother kept asking Ding Xia for money in those days. Ding Xia was forced to have no choice but to give her mother Ding a share of 10,000 yuan after a quarrel. For this reason, her husband's family and her husband were very angry, thinking that her family was acting nonsense. But Mother Ding was still not satisfied and was still forcing her to get at least another ten thousand.

Ding Xia was furious when she heard that her brother and Qiao Qiao were hooking up. She is dissatisfied everywhere, and the root cause lies with Qiao Qiao! I don’t respect myself, so why should she, the most innocent person, be the unluckiest?

She directly asked Ding Yi for her share of the money and the money taken away by Ding's mother.

Ding Yi had no money, so he naturally refused.

The two quarreled, and Ding Yi, who was down on his luck, felt unhappy. He believed that the source of his recent bad luck was that the girl didn't watch the door carefully that night. The girl was too ignorant and deserved everything. When he became angry, he slapped Ding Xia in the face and said that they could have no contact with each other in the future.

Ding Yi, on the other hand, was penniless, had no card, no money, and no ID card, so he had no choice but to ask his parents for money. Ding's father scolded, Ding's mother cried, Ding Xia made trouble, and the whole family was in a state of panic.

Ding's mother gave Ding Yi two thousand for travel expenses, but Ding Yi thought that both he and Qiao Qiao had to return to Beijing. How could this little money be enough? In addition, he owed Qiao Qiao more than five thousand, and the money had to be repaid, so he asked his parents directly for twenty thousand.

All the money they had saved for several years had been wiped out in the past few days. For Ding's father and Ding's mother, such expenditure was like a life-threatening expense.

When they heard that their son wanted 20,000 yuan, the two of them immediately became wary.

I’m just going back to Beijing, not by plane, by train or bus, having more than three hundred is always enough. They only wanted to give him one thousand, but after all, their son was a decent man and not too shabby, so they gritted their teeth and gave him two thousand.

This guy has money since he returned to Beijing. Why does he need so much money now?

After some questioning, Ding Yi hesitated.

The Ding family knew something was wrong and guessed that it must be related to Qiao Qiao. At that time, they patted their thighs and went to get the kitchen knife. They bluntly said that if their son continued to act like crazy, they would not survive.

Huang Yaqin: At that time, I happened to ask Ding Yi about the IOU, and I ran into that scene. The Ding family has always been willing to take risks. Ding Yi's mother's kitchen knife was placed on his neck, and he made a big gash. There were beads of blood He came out immediately. Ding Yi was so frightened that he repeatedly waved his hands and said he didn't want 20,000 yuan, and then he was willing to put down the kitchen knife. In the end, Ding Yi only got 5,000 yuan from his parents.

Tao Ran smiled.

Therefore, Ding Yi still couldn't pay Qiao Qiao's money.

Really...very good!

It would be better if he and Qiao Qiao are not involved!

As long as the Ding family's savings figures don't go up, they will never stop.

I think in a few days, this family will also make trouble in Beijing!

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I Love You〆(*)

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