The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 105 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 37

After dinner that day, Tao Ran called Huang Yaqin.

Huang Yaqin told her that it was almost dawn when they rushed back from the police station, and they did not return directly to the village after arriving in the town. Ding's father and Ding's mother went to the bank in town. The money they borrowed yesterday had to be repaid today, so they went to withdraw the money.

The village chief who followed him to the bank struck while the iron was hot and said that since the Ding family had money to save, they should quickly pay back the 30,000 yuan in the IOU so that he could do something for the children earlier.

Ding's father and Ding's mother said bluntly that they had no money, but they were so frightened that they hid their bankbooks.

Huang Yaqin pulled her husband and turned around to leave: Don't talk nonsense with them. Call Yang Yue later and ask her if she would like to find a solution.

Upon hearing this, the Ding family couldn't help but tremble. They were afraid that Huang Yaqin would talk nonsense to his daughter-in-law. They immediately followed him and said that they would pay back the money they owed when they returned to the village.

But back in the village, one of the two was invisible, and the other was pretending to be stupid and procrastinating. Until now, none of the arrears promised to be paid have been paid.

Sister, I have an idea. Just wait. Tao Ran gritted his teeth.

She originally planned to do something.

So, half an hour later, under Tao Ran's instruction, Father Yang made an angry phone call to Ding Yi's home.

Ding Yi fucking picked it up.

What's going on with your Ding family! Father Yang, who had always been elegant, roared, shocking Mother Ding. Where did Ding Yi go? Why can't he get through the phone? Tell him to answer the phone!

Xiao Yi...Xiao Yi is not here. His mobile phone seems to be broken. What else should I say? Do you really want to tell the Yang family that their son is squatting in the bureau?

Are you all still human? Why did you let my Xiaoyue come back alone? Why don't you ignore Xiaoyue when she is so sick? Why are you, the Ding family, so cruel? You ignore her and yet you dare to lock her in the house? Let me tell you , if anything happens to Xiao Yue, I want the entire Ding family to go to jail!

Mother Ding was completely panicked.

From yesterday to now, they have called Yang Yue at least hundreds of times throughout the day. But I just can't get through.

They wanted to call their in-laws, but they felt guilty! Yang Yue has already gone back, and she doesn't know how she complained to her in-laws! Have you exposed the incident between your son and Qiao Qiao? Moreover, the son is squatting now and cannot return to Beijing immediately. What should they say about this?

Therefore, even if they were concerned about Yang Yue's current situation, they could only endure it.

I thought Yang Yue was just making a scene, but who knew he was really sick?

Xiaoyue...what's wrong with her? How is her condition? Thinking that many people in front of the door yesterday said that Yang Yue was seriously ill, the Ding family became even more panicked.

I was carried almost all the way back to Beijing. Fortunately, I returned to Beijing in time, and I am still undergoing surgery. You probably don't know that if you delay for a while, Xiaoyue's life will be in danger! Tell me where Ding Yi is? Why is that kid using his cell phone? Shut down? Where did he go?

How did Mother Ding know that Father Yang was blushing and reading his daughter's manuscript from the paper...

Xiao Yi...Xiao Yi is also sick. He is in the town hospital! He has acute gastroenteritis and went to the emergency room at midnight last night.

Ding's mother was so anxious that she told lies casually. You can't say that if your son is arrested, he will have to stay in the police station for three days, right? The Yang family didn't want to see their son. They wanted to save face. If they knew about this, they would look down on their son even more. And will they go to the police station to ask? If this question reveals that Qiao Qiao also went there, wouldn't it be even more unclear?

Mother Ding sniffed: My Xiaoyi is too sick to even answer the phone. I definitely didn't mean to ignore Yueyue!

Gastroenteritis? What a coincidence?

Yang's father was already very angry, so he yelled out now, and the effect was pretty good.

I tell you, I don't believe it! Did that boy Ding Yi get up to something? So my little Yuecai would rather be sick than go back to Beijing alone? What happened to them in the countryside? Why did you lock her up? ?

Our Yang Yue will come out soon. Then I will ask clearly what you have done! With Ding Yi's current attitude, and your behavior of locking my Yang Yue at home, I can sue you! Sue you for illegal detention! If you are punished for multiple crimes, I want your whole family to be imprisoned for several years!

Mother Ding was still shouting misunderstanding over there, but Father Yang hung up the phone.

Tao Ran, on the other hand, was lying on the sofa eating fresh strawberries. Seeing Father Yang fuming, he took a strawberry and stuffed it into Father Yang's mouth.

Then, she sent another message to Huang Yaqin, telling her that there would be good news soon.

An hour later, Huang Yaqin's call came.

Yang Yue, you are so amazing! Just now Ding Yi took the initiative to come to my house, brought 10,000 yuan, and asked us to help her lie. She said that if Yang Yue called, she would say that Ding Yi was sick, and she would have to Help them hide Qiao Qiao's story.

My family doesn't know how to lie, so I became a bad person. I told them that everything was for the sake of the village. Since Ding Yi wanted to lie for them, Ding Yi had to do something. So they agreed to send another five thousand later. It can be regarded as Ding Yi’s personal assistance to the village!

Yeah. Sister, just keep it secret for them. I'll pretend I don't know what they're doing.

Yang Yue, it seems that the Ding family's money is about to bottom out.

Well, I guessed it, but how do you know?

Ding Xia's father and mother must have posted the money for the wine business. Including alcohol and tobacco, it would be 30,000 yuan. The night before yesterday, they helped Ding Xia pay 24,000 yuan. The provincial capital cost at least more than 20,000 yuan. In order to ensure stability, The village chief and his wife, who knew all of Ding Yi's scandals, had to cough up another fifteen thousand. Even so, they still owed Qiao Qiao more than five thousand. A rough calculation shows that in the past few days, nearly 100,000 yuan has been spent.

Although they were greedy for the Yang family's money, and Ding Yi had always subsidized them, in the past few years they had been able to work as leeches with peace of mind, their living standards had improved significantly, and they had spent a lot of money.

So regardless of whether Ding Yi's savings are in their hands or not, they will definitely suffer a lot this time.

Is there anything about this village that I don't know about?

Huang Yaqin laughed.

Ding Xia went back to her parents' house today to ask about Ding Yi. As a result, she and Ding's mother quarreled over money. What Ding's mother meant was that she held a wine party the day before yesterday to support her uncle's family. So whether it's according to reason or custom , this money should come from my uncle’s family.

Ding Xia was very angry as a man. The Ding family wanted to host the banquet in two places. They had agreed from the beginning that the woman would pay for the banquet, so they made a big show of extravagance and waste. There was no reason to ask for money from their family now, so I refused.

Ding's mother started to make a fuss, saying that her family had emptied her family's money in order to host a banquet for them, and asked Ding Xia to either give her the share money she received the day before yesterday, or take out the 24,000 she had given in advance the night before. In short, Ding Xia has to come up with some money.

Naturally, Ding Xia refused. At that time, mother and daughter were facing each other, crying and arguing. His sister-in-law next door went to call me, so I was the peacemaker again. Are you saying that I still don’t understand this matter?

Heh. Tao Ran smiled. Sure enough, sure enough. The most important thing in this family's eyes is money. As long as they grasp this, they will never be able to live in peace.

Where did we end up? Has the internal strife already begun? We’ll see! …

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