The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 102 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 34

Ding Yi looked at Qiao Qiao, then thought about his wife, and couldn't help but sneer.

Yang Yue? Where are you now and what have you done?

He immediately sent a message to Yang Yue asking her to contact the police station as soon as possible, but at this time, his so-called good wife had not made any movement.

As for the girl in front of him, he clearly betrayed her and never gave her anything or promised anything, but she came here alone and as fast as possible, more reliable than his relatives. She was humble and bowed and apologized to strangers in this police station. She was doing it all for him!

Let me ask, can Yang Yue do this?

And what is the most shocking thing? It's that trust! She believed in him unconditionally! How valuable! …

Qiao Qiao begged hard, and the driver finally agreed to extend the final payment time for the compensation amount by another two hours.

For Ding Yi, this biggest problem has been solved. Otherwise, if the driver continues to cause trouble, his job will be in jeopardy.

I'm sorry. He thought of his unfeeling towards Qiao Qiao last night and said such hurtful words. Ding Yi felt that he had to apologize to Qiao Qiao.

Brother Yi, please stop saying such things. The top priority is to help you solve your difficulties. Qiao Qiao shed two lines of tears. It's a pity that I don't have enough money...

You've helped me enough. Have you... eaten?

I...I forgot.

Ding Yi was deeply moved again. So Qiao Qiao...has been hungry all day?

Under Ding Yi's persuasion, Qiao Qiao agreed to go eat.

A quarter of an hour later, Qiao Qiao bought more than a dozen cups of milk tea and distributed them to the police station staff. She also brought a delicious and delicious late-night snack to the driver and Ding Yi.

As for herself, she only bought a steamed bun and ate it, saying she wasn't too hungry.

Ding Yi's conscience became increasingly difficult to deal with, and he pushed out the late-night snack that Qiao Qiao bought for him, insisting that if Qiao Qiao didn't eat it, he wouldn't eat it either.

So, when Ding's father, Ding's mother, and the village chief arrived in a hurry, what they saw was Ding Yi Qiaoqiao eating a boxed lunch together with a piece of ribs in it, pushing each other!

Huang Yaqin called her shameless and dirty at that time.

Mother Ding was also angry. At this time, her son was still hooking up with the vixen. It was over, it was over, it was over! If this continues, all the plans of their Lao Ding family will be ruined!

Mother Ding rushed up, grabbed Qiao Qiao's hair from behind, slapped her in the face, and called her a bitch and a vixen.

But this time, Ding Yi stepped forward, stopped Ding's mother sternly, and protected Qiao Qiao behind him.

Feeling Qiao Qiao holding his lower back and shivering, Ding Yi's heroic spirit rose and his back straightened up. He must protect the woman who loves him.

Ding's mother almost died when she saw this. At that time, she slapped her thighs in the police station and cried, You have committed evil. The good son she raised ended up being lost in the hands of a useless vixen. He studied in vain for so many years and spent so much money in vain. What evil had the Old Ding family done? How could they honor their ancestors?

The police station was no place for them to run wild. The police officers came over and warned that anyone who made trouble again would be locked up together.

Mother Ding slowly stopped talking.

Huang Yaqin felt aggrieved for Yang Yue and was just about to call Qiao Qiao's father when Ding Yi came and asked, saying that Qiao Qiao was just here to help. He immediately persuaded Qiao Qiao to leave and asked Ding's mother to give Qiao Qiao 5,500 yuan first. skillful.

The five thousand is the money she helped pay the driver, and the other five hundred is the round trip fare and expenses.

Mother Ding held her pocket and cursed in her heart: The little bitch wants to stick it out by herself, why should she pay it back? Who wants her to step in? The money was not enough in the first place, but an extra five hundred was found inexplicably. This Qiao Qiao is indeed the god of plague!

Mother Ding thought about it several times, and finally asked Qiao Qiao to wait for her outside.

Ding Yi knew that Huang Yaqin had a good relationship with Yang Yue, so he quickly asked Huang Yaqin to keep the fact that Qiao Qiao came to the police station a secret for the sake of his marriage to Yang Yue.

At that time, Huang Yaqin did not agree immediately. While the victim driver, the village chief and others were negotiating with the police on the solution, she came out and made this call to Yang Yue.

That scumbag is shameless! Bah! Protect marriage? Protect marriage and hide it from you? Yang Yue, no matter what, I will always be by your side. What do you want to do? Do you want me to help you take care of Qiao Qiao? Or give it to Ding Do you want them to take care of the family pressure? Just tell me, sister will help you handle it.

Me... Tao Ran thought for a while. Sister, please stop being a bad person.

What do you mean? Let them go?

Yes, let them be.


It's natural for dogs to eat shit. If I stop him from eating once, I can't stop him the next time. If he wants to eat, let him eat. If he doesn't eat in secret, how can she get evidence? If she didn't let him go, why would he make more and more mistakes? What she wanted was not a divorce, nor was she just asking him to cleanse himself and leave the house, but she wanted him to vomit out everything he had swallowed, and finally be punished with his pigu naked.

However, we can't let him take advantage of it in vain. Since he ate it secretly, he must pay a price. Sister, why don't you represent the village and make some conditions with him?

What? You... please make it clear.

Don't the village need charity funds? Let Ding Yi donate! He is a child raised by the village, so he has to do his duty, right? The village chief and you run for him and keep secrets for him, so does he also have to do it for the village? Do you want something? He had to pay for it no matter what.

Hush money?

What do you call sealing? This is charity! This is what he should do!

I'm afraid my old Lei won't be able to do it.

Isn't he begging you? Then come forward and talk to him! You can keep today's affairs a secret or not call Dad Qiao, but he must also do something good. We are justified, right? Don't worry, he has Money. All his money is kept in the Ding family!

Huang Yaqin burst out laughing.

You really think so?


Ding Yi and the Ding family love money and are afraid of poverty, so perhaps the best way to deal with them is to start with money. When Ding Yi is completely destitute, can the whole family still work together? When Ding Yi loses everything, can Qiao Qiao's love for him last forever?

But Ding Yi's money is also yours.

Sister, I want him to suffer a little bit. I don't feel bad at all if the money is used for good deeds. It's much better than staying in the hands of a white-eyed wolf.


Huang Yaqin thinks it's pretty good. Then let's do it.

By the way, sister, are you sure that Qiao Qiao has broken up with her family?

Yes. Qiao Qiao just hugged me and cried, begging me not to call her father. She said that even if she died, she would never go home or marry the man at the head of the village. She was very decisive like that. Her father He was also very angry and publicly said that if he found her, he would break her legs and break away from her father-daughter relationship.

Oh? That's better. For his own sake and for Qiao Qiao's sake, Ding Yi has to let you and the village chief keep it a secret. You can speak out as a matter of course.

Xiao Yue, what I'm worried about is that Qiao Qiao won't let go of your servant Ding Yi. You have to be more careful about this matter.

Yes, I understand. Thank you, sister.

Tao Ran couldn't get it.

Qiao Qiao's piece of dog-skin plaster is what she needs right now. As long as she uses it properly, it is a sharp tool that can help her get twice the result with half the effort.

Thanks to Xiaoyao and Shucheng Ayan for the reward of the daily corpse baby. I love you and thank you all for your monthly votes~~~

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