The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 101 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 33

Ding Yi, who was being urged by the police, was very worried.

He didn't know who to ask for help.

He was afraid of losing face so he didn't dare to go to his neighbors.

He has always been the one being favored in front of his relatives and friends, so he doesn't want to find them.

The village chief is a suitable person, but the village chief was very disgusted with him after last night. Will calling the village chief make everyone in the village know?

At this moment, the cell phone rang.

Qiao Qiao!

It's Qiao Qiao calling!

At that time, Qiao Qiao fled all the way and finally caught a ride to the city. She heard from the village chief that Yang Yue was ill in the city hospital, so she wanted to try her luck to see if she could get close to Ding Yi.

She didn't expect that as soon as the call was dialed, the call was connected.

And Ding Yi anxiously begged her: Qiao, help me quickly.

At that time, Qiao Qiao was like a timely rain in Ding Yi's eyes.

Ding Yi is almost turning into a hot pot ant!

The driver refused to forgive him for beating him and defaulting on the bill. Ding Yi was wronged and if he wanted to reconcile, he would have to pay something.

The police left them to negotiate settlement terms themselves.

After the driver came back from the hospital for examination, his attitude was tough and he not only wanted an apology, but also asked for compensation.

The requirements include fares, inspection fees, medical fees, lost work fees, traffic fines, and mental damages! The driver Shi Zi opened his mouth and directly demanded 50,000 yuan in compensation.

After learning that Ding Yi worked in a good public institution in the capital, the driver actually threatened him that if he didn't resolve the matter quickly, he would call Ding Yi's unit in the capital to demand money and an explanation.

How does this work? Ding Yi almost fell to the ground! He is on the rise in his career and is expected to get a promotion and salary increase this year! If his employer knew that he was in the police station and had been charged with several crimes, his future would be in jeopardy not only this year but also in the future!

Ding Yi begged for a long time and promised to compensate for all losses, and then the other party agreed to wait for his family to arrive.

In addition, the police also showed him several penalty standards for disturbing order at the airport.

Although there is no need to keep a criminal record, in addition to the fine, you will have to be detained for a few days.

He has a very good attitude towards admitting his mistakes, so even though the assaulting the police item can be revoked, the others cannot.

Not only does he need someone to fish for him now, he also needs money and help.

Qiao Qiao's call came so well and so timely that it almost brought tears to his eyes.

Qiao Qiao, do you know where my parents are? Ding Yi didn't know that Qiao Qiao had left the village. I just called and they're not home.

Qiao Qiao heard Ding Yi's impatience, and her mind changed. Although she didn't know what had happened, this was a good opportunity for her to stand up and show off.

They are probably looking for Ding Xia? Brother Yi, if anything happens, just tell me and I can help you.


Brother Yi, can't you still trust me? If you have anything to say to me, I will definitely do it! Or, I can rush over right away. Where are you? I'll go right away!

There's no need to come over. You quickly find my parents and tell them that there's a misunderstanding here and I'm detained at the police station at the provincial capital airport. Ask them to bring money over quickly. Try to raise tens of thousands of yuan. In addition, let them quietly Go find Village Chief Lei and ask him to come with you. Quietly!

Okay. Don't worry, I will definitely deliver the letter.

Thank you, Qiao Qiao.

Brother Yi, nothing will happen to you.

Qiao Qiao, I...all rely on you here. My phone number... According to police regulations, you have to hand it over after contacting the person. My phone may be turned off soon. You must help me. Make sure my parents hurry up, okay?

Brother Yi, don't worry.

After hanging up the phone, Qiao Qiao immediately bought a ticket and went to the provincial capital.


She is not a heartless person.

Now she has almost nothing, she must catch Ding Yi!

Ding Yi needed help the most at this time, so she naturally did her part.

She had to let him know that she was more trustworthy and reliable than his relatives. She is the only one who can provide help in times of need. And the later his relatives come, the more they will show her value.

So, after the bus to the provincial capital departed, Qiao Qiao called the village.

She knew that Ding Xia was still in the neighboring village, so she called Ding Xia directly.

When there was no answer, she simply called Ding Xia and deliberately made it unclear.

Ding Xia was confused after hearing this, Emergency? detention? What's the mess?

After she found out that her brother and sister-in-law couldn't get through the phone, she suddenly became anxious. She could only call Qiao Qiao.

But this time, it was Qiao Qiao who didn't answer the phone.

Qiao Qiao still resented what happened last night, so she waited until Ding Xia called her for the tenth time before answering.

She forced Ding Xia to apologize again before telling her about Ding Yi.

By the time Ding Xia hurried back to the village, another half hour had passed.

Ding Xia, Ding's father and Ding's mother found Village Chief Lei again, and called the provincial police station to confirm the situation. Another half hour passed.

The Ding family began to raise funds, but this process wasted a lot of their time...

This money is not easy to borrow.

The reason still lies with Yang Yue.

The Ding family spent nearly 30,000 yuan on a banquet yesterday, and later gave Ding Xia another 24,000 yuan to fill the hole in Yang Yue's place, so that all the Ding family's cash was taken away. Now Ding Yi suddenly needs tens of thousands of yuan for an emergency. It's not that they don't have any, but that all their money is still deposited in the bank in town!

It was almost five o'clock in the afternoon when I received the news. By the time I got to the bank, it would be nearly six o'clock. Where could I withdraw the money?

Rural people like them use passbooks instead of bank cards, so they can't even use cash machines. Ding's father and Ding's mother could only borrow money from everywhere.

When they finally collected 20,000 yuan and the village chief helped rent a van in the town, Qiao Qiao had already arrived in the provincial capital...

In the police station, when the driver saw that it was getting dark, he was unwilling to wait any longer and refused to reconcile, saying that he would resolve the matter in his own way.

Ding Yi was trembling with anxiety and begged over and over again.

At this time, Qiao Qiao, panting and red-eyed, ran into the police station like an angel, giving Ding Yi something to rely on in his restless heart.

God knows how shocking that feeling is!

Ding Yi looked at Qiao Qiao with tears rolling down her face, and almost wanted to hold her head and cry.

Afterwards, Qiao Qiao bowed and apologized at the police station, while begging the driver to be magnanimous and helping the officers serve tea and water. She also praised Ding Yi for how upright and kind he was in the past and how he worked hard to make progress. A good young man who brought glory to his fellow villagers, a kind man who donated 30,000 yuan yesterday to help the children in the village... How could such a person refuse to pay for a few hundred yuan in fares? How could you intentionally hurt someone?

She squatted beside the driver and kept begging, and finally offered that she could give the driver 5,000 yuan for emergency medical treatment...

Ding Yi looked at her, then took out an envelope full of money and put it in front of the driver...

From the beginning to the end, she never asked Ding Yi for a single word.

The shock in Ding Yi's heart never stopped.

He knew that it was not easy for Qiao Qiao to make money, but she took out the hard-earned money without any complaints or demands?

What is this if not true love?

Have a nice weekend~

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