The heroine who wears fast is really a boss

Chapter 103 The black-hearted son-in-law wants to cause trouble 35

The two were talking when they heard a commotion not far away.

Some people are making trouble, and some are begging.

They all heard that the sharp voice belonged to Ding's mother, and the cry and begging came from Qiao Qiao.

Sister, go and have a look.

Tao Ran once again regretted that the useless mobile phones of this era could not broadcast the live broadcast to her, so she could only rely on listening and thinking. She pressed the record button casually, not knowing what she could record.

It turned out that for the sake of her son's big future, Ding's mother found Qiao Qiao waiting on the bench outside the bathroom, and then slapped her out with a big photon. She had already said that she would hit her every time she saw him. She still didn't believe it, this fly couldn't be driven away!

But she never expected that the little bitch would point to the surveillance camera in the corridor and said that if she dared to do anything again, he would directly call the police officer to arrest her.

Mother Ding didn't want to listen to her, Arrest me? Then you can't even do sex with my Xiao Yi!

Mother Ding grabbed Qiao Qiao's hair again.

My Ding Yi is a filial son. If you think he will break up with the family for you, you might as well give it a try! If she weren't afraid of being entangled with this damn bitch, Ding's mother would only wish to scratch her face so that she would never be able to seduce her. people.

Qiao Qiao was in pain and couldn't help shouting, which attracted the police officers to come and separate the two.

If you do anything at the police station, you want to go to jail, right?

No, no, we were joking. Officer, I'm sorry, we made a little too much noise. Mother Ding apologized with a fake smile, Isn't that right? Miss Qiao?

Yes... I'm sorry, we were joking. Qiao Qiao lowered her head.

The two of them didn't dare to cause trouble anymore, so Huang Yaqin took the initiative to be the peacemaker and pulled the two of them aside.

Ding's mother changed her strategy: Qiao Qiao, if you don't stay away from Ding Yi, don't even think about getting back the five thousand you spent on Ding Yi today!

Qiao Qiao sneered: If Ding Yi uses my money and kicks me away, then of course I have to follow him all the time in order to survive!

Both of them are not good at each other. They are at odds with each other and refuse to admit defeat.

There was almost going to be another commotion here, but Ding's father came over in a hurry: What time is it? Ding Yi's punishment has come down, and someone from the driver's family is here too! Please calm down!

Ding Yi disrupted the security order at the airport, attracted onlookers, and caused chaos in the security check. According to regulations, not only would he be fined, but he would also be detained for three to five days.

However, since Ding Yi had a good attitude in admitting his mistakes and had no criminal record, he was finally ordered to be detained for three days, which was regarded as a warning.

Village Chief Lei was very helpful and kept busy. Finally, the police station did not pursue any further charges.

So what they have to deal with now is mainly the driver.

Ding Yi and the village chief talked with him for a long time in a sincere manner.

The driver injured his hand, so according to the examination report issued by the hospital, it was recommended that he rest for a week. Therefore, Ding Yi needs to pay the driver's medical expenses, physical examination fees, nutritional expenses, round-trip travel expenses to the hospital, one week's lost work expenses and compensation for this week. This amount totals ten thousand.

Including Ding Yilai's fare to the airport, the fines, towing fees, etc., it was another two thousand yuan.

The driver's family also rushed over. After hearing that Ding's mother was bragging about how her son had donated money to charity in the past two days and what an aspiring young man he was, they suddenly felt that the compensation was not enough.

They said that they did not rule out that the driver's hands would have sequelae in the future, so they were not satisfied with the compensation result. In addition, the Ding family had to pay for their travel expenses to the provincial capital and lost work expenses.

Ding Mubie is not good at it, but when it comes to money, she is better than a monkey.

She had already paid a security fine just now, and the thought of paying more than five thousand to Qiao Qiao was already painful. Now the other party still wants the lion to open his mouth, how can he agree to this?

And she only brought more than 20,000 yuan in total. If this continues, wouldn't it all be wasted?

She was unhappy at the time and started a quarrel with the driver's family, scolding them for being greedy.

It's okay if it doesn't make any noise, but if it does, the driver won't be happy either.

Together with his family, he expressed dissatisfaction with Ding Yi's attitude. Not only did he double the amount of the claim, he also demanded severe punishment for Ding Yi.

The Ding family didn't take it seriously at first. Is it they who have the final say on the severe punishment? There must be a standard for compensation, right?

However, the other party said bluntly that they had plenty of time and planned to sue Ding Yi.

This time, Ding Yi panicked.

Although he knew that the other party was deliberately threatening, he couldn't be stubborn.

Who has the time? He still has to go to work! Who has the time and energy to litigate? If he really wants to go to court, the fine may not be less than it is now, and he will have to pay more court fees. If his employer finds out, will his iron job be affected?

No matter how aggrieved the Ding family was, they had to swallow their anger.

An hour later, Tao Ran received a message from Huang Yaqin, saying that in the end the Ding family agreed to pay a compensation of 20,000 yuan in one lump sum before the driver was willing to sign the settlement...

She couldn't help but laugh.

Therefore, evil people will be punished by evil people, and if their character is not good, they will be punished wherever they go!

Tao Ran: Has Mother Ding returned Qiao Qiao's money to her?

Huang Yaqin: After paying the fine, the driver's compensation, and the round-trip fare, they didn't have enough money to pay Qiao Qiao, so they still owe it.

Ding Yi will be detained for three days?

Yes, three days. So we went back first. Originally, Ding's mother wanted to take Qiao Qiao back to the village, but the girl ran away and disappeared for some reason. We searched around but couldn't find anyone. She was obviously hiding. We still want to stay by Ding Yi’s side. Because the rental car is paid based on time, Ding Yi’s parents are reluctant to part with the money, so they can only warn Ding Yi, and now they are ready to go back to the village with us.

Tao Ran is happy.

Ding Yi will be detained for three days. He does not have an ID card and cannot fly. His registered permanent residence is in Beijing, so it is difficult to apply for a temporary ID card. Of course, he lost a lot of money this time, and he probably couldn't bear to part with the thousand-yuan ticket. He can only take the bus.

Therefore, she would have at least five or six days without seeing the scumbag.

Tao Ran slept comfortably.

As a female star, she has always been self-disciplined. She woke up at six in the morning.

The elders of the Yang family still don't know that she has returned to Beijing, so today, she wants to invite the Yang family to dinner and talk about her and Ding Yi.

It was still early, so she planned to exercise and run to find the old man for breakfast.

But as a patient, she disliked Yang Yue's current physical condition.

too weak!

Not only does he not have the power to restrain a chicken, but he can't even kick the scumbag out of bed, so how can he have the power to defend himself? No wonder the scumbag in the story can easily take care of her by himself. And she was imprisoned in the courtyard for so many days, but she didn't even have the strength to escape. Really...

Tao Ran had learned some self-defense techniques and practiced free fighting in order to film martial arts scenes, but if his foundation was poor, everything would be in vain.

So she had to help Yang Yue practice quickly!

Just do it, she decided to start with a morning run.

Tao Ran knew that the old man would be in the park in the morning, and it was only a few kilometers away from Yang Yue's house, not far.

But she still overestimated the quality of this body.

She was already running slowly enough, but when she finally got to the park, she was still dizzy and panting, her hands and feet were weak and she couldn't keep up. Stomach acid surged up, and she couldn't help but go to the trash can and vomit.

She vomited and sighed, determined to make a quick physical plan for this body.

Thanks to Kavin Kasei and Xiaoyu for the reward~

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