The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 683: Asking questions about the sky, nine dragons competing for the pearl

The upper and lower parts have no form, so how can we examine them?

The three combinations of yin and yang, what is the origin and what is the transformation.

There are nine local rules, why should they be buried?

The ninth level of Zengcheng is several miles high.

How can there be a horned dragon carrying a bear to swim with?

A snake swallows an elephant, how big is it?

Heaven's style is horizontal, Yang is away from love and death.

Nuwa has a body, who is the craftsman?

If destiny goes against your will, there will be no punishment or blessing.

The Heavenly Sword Nine Questions, the Wenwen Sword, and the Wenwen Sword. Since the creation of the Heavenly Sword and the Ninth Question, Song Que has never had the opportunity to truly use the Ninth Sword with all his strength to reach the pinnacle moment of his life. Because there has never been an opponent who can push him to a desperate situation.

Song Que became famous twenty years ago. Not long after his debut, he became famous all over the world. He defeated the tyrant sword Yue Shan and became the new best swordsman in the world. In the following twenty years, he faced countless opponents without losing a single one, perfecting the Eight Heavenly Swordsmen. At the end of the day, he had defeated all the invincible opponents except Ning Daoqi.

Ning Daoqi was a very cautious person, probably because he had learned from the previous two indiscriminate attacks against Shi Zhixuan, so he did not rush into action like he did against Shi Zhixuan, but waited for Song Que to reveal a flaw like Shi Zhixuan did.

But Song Que was not Shi Zhixuan after all. Although he had regrets in love, he still succeeded in being promoted to Grand Master flawlessly.

It is easy for Grand Masters to decide between life and death, but it is difficult to decide victory or defeat, because everyone does not want to die without a life-or-death feud, and each has his own concerns. Therefore, since Song Que was promoted to Grand Master, both the White Dao and the Evil Dao only suppressed his reputation. But they dare not invade Lingnan again.

Lingnan has become a forbidden area for martial arts to a certain extent, and Song Que's reputation has been smeared. Many people know that he is no weaker than Ning Daoqi, but the number one person in the Central Plains has always been promoted as Ning Daoqi.

And Bai Daojianghu, headed by Cihang Jingzhai, also gave a good reason. Is Song Que too popular?

Of course, these are not the key points. The key point is that Song Que is still making progress after perfecting the Eight Heavenly Sword Techniques. Later, he developed the Nine Questions of the Heavenly Sword that emphasizes meaning rather than form.

The Nine Questions Heavenly Sword was a sword technique that Song Que had perfected in countless battles in the past, and was known as the undefeated sword in the world.

Not in its shape, not to mention the training method, only the intention of the sword.

Only when the mind is concentrated can one realize it, and only when one's intention is at hand can one speak the Dharma. Only when one has the Dharma and enters the realm of lawlessness can one begin to understand how to use the sword.

God is the mind, mind is the body and mind. Every time a sword is struck, the whole body follows, and the mind and spirit are unified.

To the state where the sword forgets the sword and the man and the sword become one.

It’s...the Heavenly Sword!

The Nine Questions of Heavenly Sword are asking about Tao and Heaven. Questioning Heaven is the true domineering and majestic domineering sword.

From the first cut: the top and bottom are not shaped, so why test it.

To the ninth sword: destiny goes against your will, no punishment or blessing.

It contains unparalleled sword intent, and it also contains Song Que's domineering desire to conquer the world.

What are the Nine Questions of Heavenly Sword?

This is a process of asking questions with a knife.


The cold sound of swords resounded through the Tai Chi Hall, and countless weapons in the Tai Chi Hall shook as if they were resonating and worshiping. Even Fu Cailin's Yi Sword trembled for a moment.

Song Que didn't draw his sword, but his face became extremely rosy and his eyes were as dark as black holes and abyss.

His whole body exuded an extremely wanton and domineering attitude.

From a kingly way to a domineering one, he is like an overlord coming to the world, looking down on all directions.

Dao Ben is domineering, this is the real Song Que.

Heavenly Sword Nine Questions, today, it’s time to take it out of its sheath.

This knife, ask the sky!

Song Quefu reached his heart and suddenly opened his eyes, his eyes bursting with immeasurable light. The heavenly sword was instantly unsheathed and appeared in his hand.

Draw the sword, draw the sword.

Done in one go.

With one strike.

Wenwen Wentian's ninth sword came out, and the extremely violent sword energy contained a domineering and wanton spirit that dominated the world. Just the sword was released, causing the ground of Taiji Hall to crack open and spread a very deep ravine, directly blasting towards the standing man. The immobile Xu Xin position.

Xu Xin couldn't move at this moment, because Shi Zhixuan gathered everyone's power to attack, so he couldn't underestimate it and could only take it hard.

Shi Zhixuan's prowess was indeed beyond Xu Xin's expectation. This guy was indeed one of the most talented and talented people in the past hundred years.

The Yin-Yang double-polarity path is more difficult to follow than pure unipolarity, but similarly, if you take this path, you will have more fighting methods at the same level and theoretically have stronger combat power.

Just like the three great masters, Ning Daoqi is slightly stronger than Bi Xuan and Fu Cailin, while Shi Zhixuan is better than the others in terms of whimsy and realm in this regard.

His Immortal Seal, the cycle of life and death, the combination of virtual and real changes, has the ability to leverage the infinite changes of reincarnation, and use the power of others to transform his own attack. The previous attack that gathered four people, including Song Que, Bi Xuan, and others, had an extreme nature It was so complicated that even Xu Xin’s blood boiled when he answered it.

However, he was able to resolve it in the end, but the Ninth Heavenly Sword that followed, the real Heavenly Sword, really surprised him.


Almost silent, only a clear cry sounded in the Tai Chi Hall. Xu Xin's eyes flashed with a trace of confusion, and then returned to this world and looked at the Heavenly Sword Song Que who was facing him.

The sword just now allowed him to see the heaven, earth, universe, and everything in the world. It was a very extreme and pure sword that could cut off the heaven and earth, but it was blocked by him in the end.

Congratulations, you hurt me.

Xu Xin looked at the bloody knife mark on his palm, and his expression became a little strange. The King Kong's indestructible magical skill had been broken. As expected, you have to be careful when practicing hard skills. You can't just pick up other people's swords casually because you are confident that hard skills are invincible.

Hahaha...thank you...

Song Que's smile was perfect. The moment he put away the sword, the heavenly sword in his hand seemed to be unable to withstand the violent aura, and it shattered inch by inch.

Song Que seemed to have no feeling. He held the handle of the knife, closed his eyes, and meditated quietly. His whole person seemed to have entered some special state. When the handle of the knife he held drooped, the sky fell downwards. The knife fragments magically flew up.


Song Que's temperament suddenly changed, as if he had returned to his original nature and merged into the world. The broken heavenly sword reunited on the handle. Although it looked extremely broken and could be broken at any time, no one would think that he could not cut it. people.

Xu Xin glanced at Song Que, nodded in approval, and then turned his gaze to the rest of the people. Wherever his eyes swept, including the three great masters and Shi Zhixuan, they couldn't help but look away.

Amitabha! Good! Good!

At this time, another call of the Buddha resounded through the Taiji Hall, but it was the smile on the face of the Dharma Protector Mantra. In the sound of countless monks sitting cross-legged chanting sutras, countless Buddha lights emerged from Mantra's body.

Golden Buddha's Light rippled all over his body, which was extremely pure Qi. Under his control and guidance, those Qi poured into the Evil Emperor's relics, stimulating a different kind of change.

call out!

The evil emperor's relic's yellow light shines brightly, surging with Buddha's light, and then instantly flies up, creating a myriad of phenomena.

Countless people grabbed their attention for it, showing expressions of greed and desire.

The flying dragon is in the sky!

At this time, Xu Xin raised his injured right hand, and rushed in all directions with traces of blood. The relief golden dragon on the eaves and pillars of the Tai Chi Hall came to life in an instant. In an instant, the nine dragons ascended to the sky, and went towards the evil emperor's relic with open teeth and claws. , showing a strange scene of nine dragons competing for the pearl.

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