The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 682: Nine Questions of the Heavenly Sword, the Sword of Heaven and Man


Xu Xinyi swept away Fu Cailin's sword and Bi Xuan's fist, and then Ning Daoqi came to the front again.

He had no trouble during the fight and maintained a leisurely and natural state, but this suddenly changed.

Ning Daoqi opened his arms like a bird pecking his hands in a posture. Although it was beautiful and beautiful, it was still weak and not in line with his previous imitation of Lao Zhuang's pure and inactive style. He also took the initiative to ask Xu Xin to make a move, which seemed to be contrary to the law. His style.

He fluttered his clothes and started to move. From being still to moving, he also became extreme. His hands turned into two playful birds, fighting and chasing each other in front of him. You pounced on me and pecked me. They had a great time fighting, and they penetrated Xu Xin's big holes all over his body. Forced to go.

Xu Xin's response was even more simple and crude. He was just fighting with his true energy. He didn't care about his method of combining virtuality and reality, and simply used strength to overcome cleverness.

Ning Daoqi could no longer maintain the innocent expression on his face, like a child playing with birds. With his hands looking left and right, all the imaginary birds were killed.

At this time, the wind howled, and Song Que moved sideways, dragging his knife and slashing at him.

Every part of Song Que's Heavenly Sword has become a tool for defeating and turning enemies into enemies. The hilt, blade, and hilt can be used to cut out that shocking sword in any way that no one has thought of.

At this time, several phantoms that were difficult to distinguish appeared around Ning Daoqi and Song Que. Shi Zhixuan was involved in their offensive, but they did not finally make a move.

It seems that his attacks have no effect, but he always uses illusions to affect Xu Xin's spiritual sense and restrain Xu Xin's mind. The perfect combination of the phantom body technique and the Immortal Seal technique, as well as the wonderful use of virtual and real changes and the cycle of life and death, make it difficult to tell where his move will end up.


Xu Xin took Song Que's blow forcefully again. To be honest, most of the credit for this was Shi Zhixuan and Ning Daoqi. They contained Xu Xin's offensive and counterattacks, allowing Song Que and Fu Cailin, who were more aggressive, to deal with the damage, especially Song Que, every sword strike has the potential to kill the great master.


Song Que, who was knocked to the ground, was still in the scabbard, his face and hands were drooping, and he naturally produced a huge momentum that tightly enveloped the opponent. Even if he was not an expert, he knew that when Song Que's Heavenly Sword was unsheathed again, it would be indestructible. A shocking and terrifying attack.


Bi Xuan, who was as violent and terrifying as a demon god, came with endless heat waves. Like a desert demon god, his fiery fists hit Xu Xin's chest one after another, shaking the latter's figure. Finally, with a flying kick, he was even more... The kick made Xu Xin stagger his steps.

Bi Xuan's whole body was filled with billowing heat, his eyes were blazing with flames, and his hair was flying like burning sun fire, like a demon god walking out of the flames.

In this state, with his spirit, energy and spirit mixed together, he has definitely reached his peak, and it is also the moment when he is most likely to be promoted to heaven. If he can defeat Xu Xin head-on, there is a great possibility, but the reality is cruel, there is no if.


Xu Xin's body was shaken and he quickly stood up. Bi Xuan who stepped on his chest was ejected like a cannonball and flew out again.

The heat wave between heaven and earth has subsided, but the cold aura of the approaching rain and wind is even more terrifying.


When the Heavenly Sword was unsheathed, everything could only be described as fast, and it happened at a high speed that was difficult to see clearly with the naked eye.

Many master-level masters felt that when Song Que drew his sword, the heavenly sword had already left its sheath and struck out, turning into a lightning-like rainbow, streaking across the void of several feet, and struck Xu Xin.

Shi Zhixuan, who was moving in the shadows in unison, raised his brows. He felt keenly that all the air and life around him seemed to have been sucked away by Song Que's earth-shattering knife. Every vitality was completely wiped out, and the terrifying effects of death and murder were revealed. Taste.

This old enemy is indeed an extremely terrifying figure. When you are not in good condition, you are right to avoid him. To deal with such a blow, if it were Shi Zhixuan, you would have to fight hard. However, the Evil King, who had a flaw in his soul, had a head-to-head fight with the Heavenly Sword, and the chance of winning was less than 30%.


The energy surged across the sky, and Song Que retreated like an electric shock. Shi Zhixuan landed on him just in time and kicked him, dispelling all the death energy in his body. Song Que took advantage of the momentum and made a spin, and the Heavenly Sword struck Xu Xin again without any surprises. Go, it's a move called sweeping thousands of armies, but it's actually a move that cuts through Mount Huashan.

Song Que's sword combines speed and slowness, great skill and clumsiness. Although there is no change, all kinds of changes are contained in it, just like the infinity of heaven and earth, and the endless end of the universe.

Song Que made a move, and Ning Daoqi on the other side also changed. He suddenly straightened his immortal bones, his robes and sleeves moved freely without wind, his beard and eyebrows were widened, and his appearance became powerful and unrivaled. He was not inferior to Song Que who looked like a god. , punching out, continuously making mysterious and wonderful changes that are beyond any description.

His series of movements were extremely weird, ever-changing movements, seeming to advance and retreat, wanting to go up and down. His hands used mysterious techniques, but they all hit the air. There was at least three feet between him and Xu Xin. However, Xu Xin's body made constant clanging sounds when he performed this set of moves.

What Ning Daoqi used was actually a magical move remotely controlled from a distance. It seemed that it could not pose any threat to Xu Xin, but in fact it affected everything in the world and affected Xu Xin's response and offensive.

Each technique uses pure and divine innate Qigong to hit Xu Xin from a distance first, weaving an invisible but tangible Qi network, like silkworms spinning silk, which is bound to entangle Xu Xin to death and bring Song to Song Dynasty. What's missing is the opportunity to kill with a single blow that reaches the peak of the explosion.


Xu Xin did not use his fist to hit it this time, but put his hands together with great difficulty, and almost miraculously caught Song Que's blade.

Time seemed to stand still, and the two masters stood still in opposition. Everything around them seemed to have turned into lifeless sculptures at this moment.

Good knife! But not enough.

When Xu Xin's voice came out, he let go of Song Que's Heavenly Saber. The Heavenly Saber did not fall, but flew up strangely. Anyone with a discerning eye could see that Xu Xin changed the trajectory of the Heavenly Saber to eliminate the sword. .

Hahaha... look at the knife again...

Song Que let out a long laugh, and when the heavenly sword pointed straight at the night sky above his head, he held the sword with both hands and struck with lightning.

This sword was unstoppable, and just the wind blowing from the sword made the Tai Chi Hall sway endlessly.


But such a decisive attack still failed. Xu Xin didn't even take the initiative like before. He just gathered the innate energy at one point, and boundless golden light bloomed from the top of his head, which shook Song Que away.

Song Que's sword strike had no effect, but he spun around in mid-air and struck out with another strike. At this time, Fu Cailin's sword, Bi Xuan's fist, Ning Daoqi's palm, and Shi Zhixuan who came to Xu Xin's head launched a siege and kill at the same time.


Xu Xin's body glowed with an indescribable golden light. No matter how terrifying the five people's attacks were, they could not break Xu Xin's innate aura that combined with heaven and earth. At this moment, the five of them were not fighting Xu Xin, but Attacking heaven and earth.

One more knife!

Song Que fired several swords in succession and then decisively gave up. Instead, he flew back and closed his eyes, preparing for the final blow.

The Heavenly Sword has nine questions, nine questions and one sword. The last sword must be... the sword of heaven and man.

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