The heavens begin with the Dharma of absorbing power

Chapter 684 Evil Emperor Demon Seed, Broken Battle

It's really amazing!

A voice suddenly rang out between heaven and earth. Countless people looked up as if they were telepathic, and saw the evil emperor's relics that were blooming with infinite light undulating, and a figure gradually solidifying.

Several voices sounded at the gate of Taiji Palace. Shi Zhixuan and Song Que were not just two people. There was also a large group of people who entered the Chang'an Palace to join in the fun. The two sects of the Demon Sect, Liu Dao, and some others were all Xu Xin. The arrangement includes the four major disciples of Xieji Sect.


You Niaojuan, Ding Jiuzhong and the other four were shocked when they saw the figure clearly, and they felt their bodies fly forward uncontrollably.


Four figures fell under the vision of Nine Dragons competing for the Pearl at the same time, and countless rays of light instantly rose from their bodies, all of which were rushing towards the gradually solidifying figure in the sky.

Xiang Yutian!

Xu Xin's voice sounded, and the eyes of the ray of light that were difficult to distinguish between reality and reality became agile and looked towards Xu Xin's location.

Young man, you are strong.

Xiang Yutian's voice echoed in Tai Chi Hall.

The evil emperor's relics were refined into demon seeds by you. Once someone completely refines 100% of the essence, they might become your cauldron?

Also, the four of them can be considered your backup means, right?

You are really afraid of death! You have prepared so many backup plans.

So, what is behind the Immortal Sect? Is it the Paradise of Cave Heaven?

Xu Xin's voice sounded, and at this moment, the four members of the Xieji Sect, whose energy and spirit had completely dispersed, fell to the ground with only their dry remains. They were considered dead.

My memory is only before it was broken, and I don't know what happened after that.

However, if something happened to me, I would have woken up long ago. Why did you wake me up now?

Xiang Yutian's demon spirit shook his head. He was a means left behind by Xiang Yutian. This old monster who was afraid of death left many backup plans before he left, among which the Evil Emperor's relic was the most critical one.

The evil emperor's relics contain infinite essence. Any strong person who obtains it will find a way to take it as his own and refine all the essence. As for the method of extracting and refining the essence, he had already spread it before Shattering the Void. According to normal development, this backhand will definitely be effective.

But Xiang Yutian probably doesn't know what the protagonist's luck is. In the original work, Kou Zhong and Xu Ziling directly robbed 70% of the relic essence by chance. It was not refined according to the method taught by Xiang Yutian, so all his back-ups were destroyed. Didn't work.

But in this time and space, Xu Xin came, aware of the mystery of the Evil Emperor's relics, and naturally wanted to plunder a greater fortune, so he chose to arrange all this in order to awaken Xiang Yutian's demon seed.

Young man, I can feel that you are very ambitious.

Xiang Yutian looked down at Xu Xin, but the nine fighting golden dragons were unable to break through his defense, and the battle between the two was about to break out.

Xiang Yutian? And him? What kind of method is that to turn a dead thing into a living thing?

The three great masters, Song Que and Shi Zhixuan were the ones closest to the battlefield. Song Que closed his eyes and remained motionless. The three great masters were in a panic. Only Shi Zhixuan was in the best condition. He stared at the two people confronting each other in the void, his eyes full of curiosity. Desire and longing.

are you ready!

Xu Xin suddenly asked.

It seems like this battle is inevitable. I really don't want to die!

Xiang Yutian sighed, he was just a demonic seed left behind by the original body. If he followed the relic essence into other people's bodies, he could try to seize the body like a dove occupying a magpie's nest. But now that he is awakened like this, his ending will basically be It is destined to perish.

Xu Xin most likely wants to seize his power, and this demon will not sit still, so a battle between the two is inevitable.


A shrill demonic roar suddenly sounded from Xiang Yutian's mouth, and the next moment the dark wind roared, black clouds covered the Tai Chi Hall, and countless powers of heaven and earth attacked Xu Xin.

When masters compete, especially masters of this level like Xu Xin and Xiang Yutian, the biggest concern is that they must not let the other side see through, so Xiang Yutian uses extraordinary methods to strike first to gain the upper hand.

Xu Xin couldn't see through Xiang Yutian. Even if he could be broken at any time, he still couldn't see through Xiang Yutian's demon seed. After all, this old guy had been developing for more than two hundred years before he was broken, and his methods were astonishing.

But similarly, Xiang Yutian, who was left with only the demon species, couldn't see the real details of Xu Xin. In addition, he couldn't delay too much, so he used a powerful trick as soon as he made a move and didn't even test it.

At this time, Xu Xin's mind was as calm as still water, without joy or fear. He has far more trump cards than Xiang Yutian's demon seeds. In this fight to the end, he will definitely be the winner.


The void suddenly rippled, and a dazzling yellow crystal ball rushed out of the Kowloon surrounds and crashed into Xu Xin's position. At the same time, Xiang Yutian's figure also flew towards Xu Xinping.

The yellow crystal ball quickly approached, expanded, and turned into a black ball filling the sky. The momentum was extremely shocking.

Xu Xin finally understood how powerful the demon species was, and how it had the same effect as Sun En's Huangtian Dafa.

The method used by Xiang Yutian to release the Evil Emperor's relic was very shocking. It contained Xiang Yutian's whole body's energy and energy in one blow, locking Xu Xin tightly, making him unable to escape and had no choice but to fight back with all his strength.

Xu Xin remembered that the weapon Xiang Yutian was good at before was the chain iron ball, but now this move uses the relic as a ball, leaving no trace, fast and natural. It can be imagined how superb he is in this method. There are endless strange moves and unique skills, which is hard to resist. .

What surprised Xu Xin even more was that when the yellow crystal ball relic flew towards him, it was no longer a dead object, but seemed to come alive, full of magical and evil meaning; full of an astonishing feeling of blood and killing, as if Monsters from the devil world.

In the blink of an eye, the Evil Emperor's relics were about ten feet away, like a thunderbolt.

A cloud of water appeared in the palm of Xu Xin's hand, and circles of true energy swayed between his hands, forming one after another, balloons with the pure, yin-in-yin true qi condensing and spinning rapidly, facing upwards. Amada's powerful blow.

This is the power that contains the true water of Taiyin, which uses softness to overcome hardness to deal with Xiang Yutian.


With a thunderous explosion, Xiang Yutian Xieyi's relic crystal ball hit the first air ball shot out by Xu Xin's zhenqi.

The balloon shattered, roaring like firecrackers, and Xiang Yutian's Evil Emperor relic exploded seven air masses in a row. On the surface, it looked like a rainbow, but Xu Xin knew that the energy on Xiang Yutian's iron ball was unstoppable. It was eroded and dissipated by Taiyin's true energy, and the strength contained was weakened by nearly half, and it was no longer as brave as before.


When the Evil Emperor's relic rushed to Xu Xin, he was already at the end of his strength, and as the treasure was blasted away by Xu Xin, a shattering battle began.

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