
read2();   the vast land of China, the warm sun of summer and spring floods the entire northwestern capital city, covering the throbbing heart of the dynasty under a faint golden light.

   The temperature is pleasant and everything is resurrected. It is the most comfortable spring in all seasons.

   In the spring afternoon under the sun, Sidai Sicheng Yuanbai, who had just had lunch, walked out of the inner room and lay down on the rocking chair in the yard. He squinted his eyes and gently shook the chair with a calm face.

Compared with when he first came to the capital city, Yuan Bai’s complexion was darker at this time, but his whole person was also much more mature. At this time, he was not wearing a teleportation robes, but a very simple scholar. From a distance, the robe looks like an ordinary scholar going to Beijing for an exam.

This description is correct, because the young scholar born in Fuzhou, the southernmost of the arrogant summer, went all the way to the northwest, first to Yinma Town in Youzhou, and then to the current Shenjing City, although he was already under the rich holy family. Ranked as the representative of the fifth-grade transmission division, but it is also about to participate in the great summer test soon.

At this time, there were countless scholars in Shenjing City who came from all over the place to rush for the exam, but there were not many other than Sima Annan who enjoyed the spring as pleasant as Yuan Bai, and then the scholar in white who gently rocked the recliner couldn't bear it. After yawning, he raised his hand to wipe the tears from the corner of his eyes and tilted his head slightly, watching the fast green plants that have recently grown from the corner of the yard and the red apricot tree that began to bloom, and he sighed:

   "Shenjing gradually realized that the scenery is good, and the wrinkles and ripples welcome the guests. The green poplar smoke is cold and the red apricot branches are in spring. It is still good in spring, warm and not cold."

   Although Yuan Bai has lived in Shenjing City for a while, he is still extremely afraid of the cold. At this time, seeing the temperature rise sharply, he is naturally happy.

However, Yuan Bai’s heartfelt sigh has not yet subsided, and the young woman who stepped out of the kitchen holding a pot of hot tea has a cold face, frowning and coming to the former’s side, putting the teapot in her hand heavily towards the recliner. Putting it on the desk, he slowly said:

   "My husband has been very sentimental recently. Could it be that this spring day has come, and looking at the red apricots that are about to bloom, I feel a sense of feeling? No wonder you have very few days at home this month."

   As soon as Li Yue'e said the words, Yuan Bai’s sleepiness disappeared, and he immediately sat up on the recliner. Without saying a word, he took the former who was about to pour the tea to sit down, and then asked for mercy:

"Lady, how dare I, this month I will be like an ant on a hot pot, busy going round and round. Your Majesty's forefoot has just established the Department of Observation and Tour, and the Department of Observation and Tour of the back leg is about to open the eight forbidden areas in the depths of the Nanban jungle. One of them is the Valley of Giants, so our Teleportation Department needs to cooperate fully."

   At this point, Yuan Bai’s young face suddenly felt bitter, and he continued to speak:

   "Madame, these days I didn't even go to my hometown in Fuzhou, and I was busy in the deserted town. If you don't believe me, you can ask Mr. Sisi Chengsun, who is also here."

After an anxious explanation, next to Yuan Bai, wearing a simple cloth, with her hair curled up, and a nice face, looked at her nervously-faced husband, chuckles, and then she gently stretched out her hand to caress. Flatten the folds on the shoulders of the latter, and said:

   "I know the concubine, the husband is working hard, I will buy an old hen to stew for the husband later, and the grandfather will participate in the dynasty test in a few days, and this time can't be too tired."

   After speaking, Li Yuee picked up the teapot, poured a cup of tea, raised the teacup, flush with her eyebrows, and continued to speak:

   "Sang Gong, please use tea!"

   "Thank you lady."

   Yuanbai took the tea cup handed over by Li Yue'e, then bowed his eyebrows, opened his mouth and drank it, then put the tea cup down, as if he had thought of something, and said softly:

   "Madam, tomorrow the Great Xia court will hold a national memorial at Tianmen Pass in Northern Xinjiang. All court officials will attend. Therefore, I am no exception. You will help me prepare some clothes later."

   "Is that the romantic King Beian?"

   After Li Yue'e's faint inquiries fell, Yuan Bai nodded, his expression solemn, and slowly responded word by word:

   "It's the old prince. Merry is just one of them. Everyone should remember that he was the Optimus Prime of the North!"

In the summer hall of the Baidi Palace, the gentle spring breeze blows on the crescent-shaped lake in the palace, wrinkling the spring water of the pond, forming ripples and flowing on the lake, and at the same time, the fish in the lake surfaced. , Spit out one bubble after another.

Above the summer palace lake, there is an embankment bridge that traverses the entire lake. At the center of the embankment bridge, a small pavilion is built. The pavilion is covered with soft silk cloth to keep out the wind. Dancing around.

   Inside the pavilion, there is a soft collapse with a large area, and on top of the soft collapse, there is a lady in palace dress resting her head and closing her eyes.

The gentle spring breeze came slowly from the lake. It first blew over the silk cloth outside the pavilion, and then weakened the momentum a little, then gently brushed it on the woman’s white and delicate face, bringing the latter’s long eyelashes and soft Blow gently with her long hair.

  The hands are like catkins, the skin is like fat, the collar is like grubs, the teeth are like rhinoceros, and the eyebrows of the heads. This is a beautiful picture that even the Creator can't bear to disturb!

   Closed eyes rouge for a nap, her pretty face is slightly rounder than before, and her lips, like her name, are the most beautiful rouge in the world.

   Perhaps it was a feeling in my heart. After a while, Rouge's eyelashes moved, and then she opened her eyes gently, and then a straight figure came into view.

   Yanzhi silently stared at the figure in front of her, an indescribable sense of security emerged spontaneously, and then she showed a smile that was enough to surprise the whole world, and gently opened her mouth and said:

   "Your Majesty, why are you here?"

Rouge's words of joy fell, and Zhao Yu, who was feeding the fish softly by the pavilion, waved his hand and sprinkled all the bait into the lake below. Then the young emperor slowly turned around and looked at him with a smile. The rouge, the handsome and majestic face, also with a smile, responded:

   "I have been busy these days, remembering that I haven't been with you for a long time, so I came here to see you and accompany the children in my stomach."

After finishing the words, Zhao Yu came forward to sit down beside Ruansu, and slowly put the rouge in his arms. He just wanted to speak, but was gently pressed by the rouge's outstretched hand on her mouth. 'S voice sounded:

   "National affairs matter. This simple principle will naturally be understood by the ministers. Please do not feel guilty in your heart."

   Rouge finished speaking, slowly stood up, raised his hand and patted his thigh gently, blinked his eyes to signal Zhao Yu to lie down, and then the young emperor showed a smile, slowly lying sideways on Rouge's soft legs, closing his eyes and taking a nap.

After Zhao Yu lay down, Rouge stretched out her hand and gently pressed the young emperor’s head. Then she looked down at Zhao Yu’s tired face, a trace of pain flashed in her eyes, her red lips lightly opened, and she spoke slowly. Road:

   "Your Majesty will carry the whole world on your shoulders. It's very hard, right?"

   "It is more than the kindness of the heart, even though he has died nine times, he has not regretted it!"


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