
read2();  , on the shore of the North Sea, on the side of Ao Jia’s Shen Xiancheng dock, with the complete eruption of the eyes of the demon **** on the Tianchi, a giant volcano appeared out of thin air.

   The whole body of the volcano is white like snow, but inside the crater, it is orange red that is difficult to look directly at.

   That is the eye of the most powerful demon **** in Jiuyou Underground.

   The eruption of volcanic lava means that the devil opened his eyes and the world will experience a catastrophe!

Then in the eyes of the demon god, waves of violent lava erupted outwards, with the power of melting and destroying all things, sweeping across the square, and at the same time, the smoke billowed into the sky, and even formed a huge plume of smoke reaching the sky, very far away All can be clearly seen.

The smoke column volleyed, causing countless monks in Shenxian City above Ao Jia to change their faces. They displayed their body skills and quickly gathered to the periphery of Shenxian City in an attempt to find out. The first big monk fight in Shenxian City in Beihai County was officially screened. Into everyone's eyes.

"Ye Yi, I think that this type of demon god's eye abilities displayed by the master of Tianchi, although not as good as the forbidden magical abilities possessed by the Wangjiang clan of Bei'an and the Japanese army, Da Ri is annihilated, but it has similarities and equal effects. After accumulating and accumulating momentum, the quantitative change reaches the qualitative change, and finally it is completely released, reaching a power far beyond the current state."

Beihai Tianqi is looking down at the eruption of the eyes of the devil below, and the lava-ravaged Yeyi's ear, the young voice from Xue Dao comes in, and then the cold face under the latter's robe reveals a hint of interest, continue Spread the sound with vitality:

"From point to surface, referring to our Jiang's supernatural powers, I estimate that the volcano below will have the last wave of more violent eruptions, and under the supernatural powers of this infinitely close to the land fairyland, it is in supernatural powers. The few people in the Qingzhi Kingdom in the center may not be able to resist, how can it be saved?

Xue Dao's voice fell, Ye Yi fell into silence, and the two men's pocket at this time was rising rapidly with the violent wings of the North Sea Mysterious Bird, and then Ye Yi raised her head slightly and looked down. Turning to the edge of Shenxian City above, he gently responded:

   "For a long time, you must be able to feel that Miss Qing Tian's body is vaguely shrouded in a vast will, and this will of existence, I have only felt it in your Majesty.

"Qingzhi Nation is one of the few upper kingdoms in the Taixuan land. Naturally, there is no need for me to wait for the rescue. What's more, among the great powers of the land gods who fought in the depths of the North Sea last night, one of them was the Qingzhi Nation. ."

  'S words fell, and the eyes under Yeda's robe were slightly narrowed, and he continued to look at the edge of Shenxian City above, and the voice continued:

   "Besides, I'm not the only one waiting for people who are hesitating to save or not."

  Yaichi's words have not yet settled, at the edge of Shenxiancheng, there are also two hidden thoughts communicating with each other, one of which is a very sweet female voice:

"Master, the dock below is the property of the Five Immortals. Now, most of it is destroyed by the explosion of supernatural powers. If we don't stop it, the other half will also be destroyed. Not to mention the loss of the ships inside, the dock is missing. , Our school will lose a lot of cents in income."

   After this pleasant questioning sound came out, a young response sounded immediately:

   "Sister Fu, what are the words from Master?"

   "There is no word, Master is taking Mr. Yan from the Rift Light Valley Human Race to enjoy tea in the teahouse in Wuxian City."

   "If the teacher doesn't spread the word, then I will wait for myself to be the master."

After he finished speaking, standing on the edge of Shenxian City, a white-robed senior brother Ao Bai of the Five Immortals Sect, his dark blue eyes stared at the raging hot lava below, his eyes were as cold as frost, with endless killing intent flowing. Its cold voice continued to sound:

   "This level of weakness is almost there, and if these people are allowed to presumptuously on the site where I am waiting, it will become more and more troublesome later."

After the young man Ao Bai finished speaking, he took out a palm-sized hill directly from his arms, and if he distinguished carefully, he would find that this hill was the five giant peaks in Shenxiancheng straight into the sky, one of which shrank countless times. After that, Ao Bai held the small mountain peak and slowly dropped it towards the volcano erupting below.

   Then this small mountain peak rose up against the storm, and a giant peak that plunged into the sky suddenly appeared on the entire sky beyond Ao Jia!

At the same time, Xue Daokou said that the last and strongest wave of magical powers from the Eye of the Demon God burst outwards, and the entire white snow-covered phantom outside the Tianchi Volcano began to rapidly turn into a dazzling orange red. Immediately burst.

   The huge peak fell and the volcano erupted. All of this made the mouths of the monks gathered on the periphery of Shenxian City not closed. Then seeing the last wave of the Tianchi volcano erupting outwards, no one inside the monks let out a roar:

   "Quickly disperse, quickly spread, this volcano is about to burst completely!"

   Under this roar, a large number of cultivators immediately turned around to avoid them. What's more, they came to the back of the bunker in three or two steps, waved their hands and placed a line of defensive magical powers that exuded light, holding their breath and concentrating, preparing to resist the impending impact of magical powers.

   But in the next breath, the violent shock wave that everyone thought did not come, and the imagined explosions, vigor, hot lava, and the violent collision between the hurricane and the volcano also did not happen.

The whole world fell directly into a very strange silence. After a long time, among the monks that Shen Xiancheng avoided, several bold men bowed and came back to the edge and looked down. Then these People's eyes widened, shocked.

I saw a tall mountain phantom standing proudly on more than half of the dock below. Below the peak, the volcano that was about to burst and erupt, fell on the victor’s side like a soldier who was defeated and killed. Underfoot, motionless.

   At the same time, the lava that raged and erupted before also disappeared. On the side of Ao Jia, only this huge peak that suppressed everything stood tall, looking down proudly.

   After that, more and more monks felt unusual, once again gathered around the edge of the armor and looked down, and then took a breath.

That type of demon god’s eye power is so powerful that even if everyone is at the top of Ao Armor far away from the eruption site, they can still clearly feel it, but it’s the shadow of the giant peak that is not very green and makes people feel extremely heavy. Suppress it completely between understatements. "

   "This, this should be the Wuxianzong's move, and the first move is this incredible method of repression of Jufeng. It seems that the Beihai sect, which is in a corner, is much stronger than we thought!"

   Some monks kept staring at the bottom and spoke in amazement, but then another voice sounded, sneeringly:

   "This Five Immortal Sect clearly has such a method, but he has to wait until he has to take action before stopping. With such a small courage, no matter how strong he is, it is no use!"

When the opinions were divergent, Ao Bai, a disciple of the Five Immortals Sect in white, waved his hand to retract the giant peak below, then snorted lightly, turned and headed towards the center of Shenxian City, and then a white-clothed dancing figure appeared beside him. The latter's sweet and smiling voice immediately sounded:

   "It seems that brother, you have achieved your goal of being able to stand up and confuse your eyes and ears!"

   "If it's not for being small and unbearable, the first thing I want to kill is this disgusting Tianchi Master!"


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