The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 991: Unique advantage


read2();  The wind of April, with the fragrance of grass-growing warblers, with the chirping chirping of newly born chicks, and with a very warm breath, and recently this is the capital of God The spring breeze blowing inside is slightly different from the past.

   "Listen, Your Majesty, there are still loud readings in this wind!"

Above the pavilion of the Great Lake of the Summer Palace of the Baidi Palace, the silk cloth flying around in the spring breeze is like a graceful figure of a dancing girl, and then in the pavilion, Zhao Yu, who is resting on his rouge legs with his eyes closed, did not open his eyes. He opened his eyes, but opened his lips slightly, and responded:

   "Even I haven't heard clearly, rouge, you are truly hearing everything."

   Zhao Yu's voice came out with a hint of joking, and he was looking down at the former's majestic, handsome face's rouge. The corners of his mouth were bent and a smile appeared, and he responded:

   "Your Majesty, you don't know that the plants in the entire Baidi Palace are the ears of the courtiers. They are willing to tell them what they have seen and heard."

   "The rouge, do you know what this little guy is doing at this time?"

   As soon as the gentle questioning of the young emperor came out, Rouge lightly pressed Zhao Yu's head with his hands and stopped, then closed his eyes and listened carefully. After a while, Rouge opened his eyes again and said:

   "Back to your Majesty, the flowers outside the Yuhuayuan told the concubine that the fish fry at this time was teasing the little pig and brutal beast puppet she had just acquired among the flowers."

   At this point, Rouge once again showed a very bright smile, and the gentle and beautiful laughter sounded again:

   "And the little guy, the fish fry, is not particularly happy now. It is probably because this little pig puppet is not smart enough and too stupid.

As soon as Rouge said this, Zhao Yu opened his closed eyes, and then a surprised expression appeared on his face. But he remembered that when he walked out of his own garden, he did see a white-clothed fish fry, squatting on the lawn. , Lowered his head to tease something, and then the young emperor said with joy from the heart:

   "My queen is the lord of the flowers!"

   "Where is the lord of the flowers, the concubines are just friends with them."

After    Rouge finished speaking, he continued to reach out and gently press Zhao Yu's head, but the smile on his face all the time indicated that the pregnant mother of Daxia was in a very good mood.

At the next breath, all the plants in the entire Baidi Palace began to sway with the joy of rouge, as if they were cheering, especially the flowers in the imperial garden, which are precious in the vast land of China. They all competed together. The phase blooms, and the fragrance is exuded from the effort.

   The strange sight of thousands of flowers in full bloom caused the palace ladies who were walking in the imperial garden to raise their hands to cover their extremely attractive red lips, their eyes widened, and they let out an exclaim.

   Then, within the spring breeze blowing towards the Summer Palace of the Baidi Palace, there was a refreshing floral fragrance, which was rich and rich, as if to make people completely drunk in it.

   Every move, the mood fluctuates and affects everything. This is already a very high level of cultivation, but Rouge has no trace of vitality in his body, just an ordinary person without cultivation.

   Sometimes it is too ordinary, it is an extraordinary.

For Zhao Yu, who is in charge of the vast land of China, it does not matter at all whether Rouge is in the body. However, whether the latter is happy or not is what the young emperor cares about, so he feels Rouge's cheerful mood. Zhao Yu also raised the corners of his mouth, closed his eyes slightly, and continued to take a nap.

   Time seems to be overwhelmed by the warm pair of Bi people, the speed of slowly passing forward becomes slower, and the flower-scented wind also becomes cautious and can't bear to disturb.

   Rouge lowered his head and stared at Zhao Yu's face, without moving away for a moment, then the gentle color in his eyes became more and more intense, and he made a soft call:

   "Your Majesty, you are a little unsure because of tomorrow's death, right?"

  As soon as he said this, Zhao Yu's slightly closed eyes opened slowly, raised his hand and gently stroked Rouge's pretty face, and then slowly responded:

"For example, the people of the older generation such as King Bei'an are treasures left by Grandpa Taizu to Daxia and for the descendants of the Zhao clan. They are also the pillars of the sky that support my Daxia's thousands of miles, but they are after all Be old."

The young emperor said this with a strong sorrow, and then Zhao Yu frowned, and the bright red **** four-road cinnabar pattern on his brow suddenly formed a blazing fireworks of heaven, and the steady voice of the emperor continued to sound here. Inside the small pavilion:

"For those major practitioners whose life is approaching, when they foresee that the five decays of heaven and man are about to come, they will have the final impact on the bridge of the Queen of Nine Heavens, but for the three kings and one prince of Daxia, To die for the country is the most glorious passing away, especially when the land of the Supreme Profound Realm is about to be born, so the old King Bei'an is the first, but it will not be the last."

   Zhao Yu’s faint voice contained a sense of sorrow. There are not many old people who survived Da Xia’s self-determination era. Every time one passed away, it was the loss of Da Xia’s countless people.

   "Your Majesty is worried. Once I wait for the vast land of Shenzhou to be born in the land of Taixuan, then perhaps these old people will collectively use the last light of their lives to open up a broad road for Daxia?"

After    Rouge's empathetic words fell, Zhao Yu stood upright, then gently nodded and said:

   "As the lord of Daxia, I really can't bear to see these national pillars spilling blood on the battlefield. This is also one of the reasons why I am urgent and eager to make Daxia stronger."

   "Your Majesty, you have done very well. It will be soon."

   Rouge stretched out his right hand and gently grasped the corner of Zhao Yu's robe, his voice continued:

   "Although the concubines live in the palace, they can also feel the rapid changes in the whole country. Therefore, your majesty is not anxious, and in the eyes of the concubines, your majesty is the most indifferent and calmest person in the vast land of China."

After    Rouge finished speaking, the big eyes watching Zhao Yu's face narrowed, and continued to speak gently:

"I heard the old man say such a sentence before, the world is not as simple as black and white, so my concubine thinks that this mysterious place is definitely not monolithic. Daxia has a unique advantage. It is our Shenzhou vast 36 states, and now we have to add the northern snowfields in the north, with a voice and will.

   "That is your Majesty!"

   Rouge's decisive voice fell, and Zhao Yu's ebony black eyes were filled with deep thoughts. Then he took Rouge into his arms, kissed Rouge's forehead, and then slowly stood up.

As the young emperor stood up, the entire huge summer palace lake below began to boil slightly, as if there was an unimaginable majesty, attracting the world and everything, immediately on the bridge, Liang Po's burly body from afar Walked, came under the pavilion, bowed and said:

   "Your Majesty, it's time to go to Tianmen closed!"


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