The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 933: All the stars fall to dust


read2();  After Zhao Yu came out of the Zhenyu Gongfu in Liuye Lane, he was going to the Qiongjiang Restaurant on Qinglong Street to eat a bowl of noodle soup that had not been tasted for a long time, but the carriage had not yet driven out of this place. While in the alley, he ran into the old man Dongguo Lezheng, the current lord of the Great Summer Academy.

   Then on the carriage, Zhao Yu listened to it and told a story, a story about the second disciple of the Master, Sun Qian.

This story also involves the Zhao clan, so Dongguo Lezheng first came to Zhao Yu for instructions, and it just so happened that Zhao Yu was in Liuye Alley at this time, and was not even close to Sun Qian and Peng Mu. distant.

Zhao Yu’s deepest impression of this Master’s second disciple and his second brother was that he had lost half of his teeth and the nickname called a cockroach. In the battle reports from Xinjiang, this Sun Cockroach can always be on the battle list with an astonishing number of rescues.

   In the past decade or so, in order to redeem his sins, he has been shattered into two realms. Only Sun Qian, who has the cultivation base of the virtual realm, ran on the battlefield all day long, dragging wounded one after another, racing against death.

   "On the battlefield, killing the enemy is a merit, and saving people is also a great merit."

After the faint voice of the emperor came out, in the black and white world in the grove of Willow Lane, Zhao Yu, dressed in casual clothes, stared at the middle-aged soldier who was unwilling to get up on the inquiring stage in front of him. In his dark eyes, Complex colors flow.

Although Zhao Yu never had any communication with the father who died in the border after he was just born, but according to the description in the words of his mother and the others, it can be known that the former prince was benevolent and righteous in mind. A good monarch that everyone loves, so that night, Sun Qian, who was a guardian, went to find the woman with Zhao Jing's consent.

   Therefore, I can only say that all this is for good fortune.

"Now that the war in Western Xinjiang is over, I also represent the Zhao family and accept your atonement on the battlefield for more than ten years. Therefore, the second brother, after returning to the Central Plains, you will really have a lot of life in the future. long."

   After the calm emperor's voice came out from the young emperor's mouth again, Zhao Yu's figure also appeared on the interweaving black and white heart platform, and then sat cross-legged.

   At this moment, the disciples of the master's own lineage gathered on this questioning platform.

"The three brothers and I have a great age span. I want to get together in one place. It is difficult for thousands of years, but today they are reunited in one place by coincidence. If the master and the old man in the spirit of heaven can see this scene, I will definitely feel it. Comfortable."

The old man Dongguo Lezheng stroked the white beard on his chest, showing a heartfelt smile, and then Sun Qian slowly got up, his temperament became more and more calm, although the heart-asking platform under him was black, it was black and not cold. Ghosts, on the contrary, are like Moyu, with a strong and warm aura of righteousness.

   Then Sun Qian raised his hand forward and once again respectfully worshipped the old man, his voice faintly made his debut:

   "For more than ten years, I have been serving the respected master alone and guarding the Confucian school alone. I feel deeply guilty."

   "This is my duty as a brother. What is your guilt? Let me ask you, what are your plans for the future?"

   Dong Guo Lezheng's voice was heard, and Sun Qian's complexion condensed. After thinking for a long time, he softly responded:

"Since the war in Western Xinjiang is over, and according to my age, I am too old to be discharged from the Daxia Army. So in the future, maybe I will move around Daxia a lot. This Central Plains has changed too much. "

  Sun Qian finished speaking, and after uttering a sigh, the voice sounded again:

   "Guangguang, the capital city, has already undergone earth-shaking changes. Although I have heard a little bit in the military, I still can't believe it when I see it with my own eyes."

After the middle-aged soldier fell with a little air leakage, he grinned and revealed a rather scary smile. Then Dong Guo Le turned his head and stroked his beard and sighed. His old eyes looked at Sun Qian on the side, sighing. The color, then slowly spoke:

   "Second Junior Brother, I still can't forget that year when you scolded Fang Qiu during the Great Dynasty Examination, and won the first prize in one fell swoop with the scholar's twenty-four-character vision. What a spirit of excitement.

"On that day, you were sitting on a tall horse, leaping out from the Meridian Gate of the Baidi Palace, and galloping on the Central Street from Baiyu Avenue. On that day, the streets of Shenjing City were empty because of you. The city of Shenjing is boiling because of you alone. It can be said that the spring breeze is triumphant, and you can read the flowers of Shenjing in one day."

From the words of the old man Dongguo Lezheng, there seemed to be a slowly unfolding picture. At the center of the picture was a young man in white who was galloping freely on the street of Shenjing City. The steed made the tumbling robe of this young man like the banner flying back from victory on the battlefield.

The entire central avenue, which is wide and can pass by six carriages side by side at the same time, was completely vacated. A large number of people from the capital city gathered on both sides of the road, cheering and watching this literary star who is known as the most dazzling new star since the opening of the dynasty, especially that in the dynasty. The twenty-four-character vision that turned out on the test, after being spread, caused the entire Shenjing City to raise their arms and shout, and they used roars to express the infinite agitation in their hearts.

"The champion rides a horse parade, and thousands of people cheer and shout. This is a gorgeous scene. The old man never saw the scene of Shenjing City emptying alleys for a literati in his life, and I will never forget your face at that time. Smile."

   The old man Dongguo Lezheng raised the Rushan in his hand and wiped away the tears in his eyes without moving the dark color. Then Sun Cockroach, who had changed his appearance in front of him, suddenly grinned and said softly:

"When I was sleeping in the endless mountain camp, sometimes I would suddenly dream of a gray day, which is indeed like a dream. However, after more than ten years, I gradually understand whether I am a young champion riding a horse or endless Sun Cockroach, who runs tirelessly on the mountain battlefield, is actually the same in nature. As long as he lives, he can do meaningful things."

   At this point, Sun Qian's eyes gradually became plain, and then continued to speak softly:

   "As for the vision that I once said, the vision is ultimately just a vision."

   After Sun Qian’s voice fell, Zhao Yu, who had been sitting next to him and listening silently, raised his head slightly, and then looked forward, and then the steady voice of the emperor came out:

   "The twenty-four-word vow, I also heard about it, but I didn't expect that it was made by the second brother."

  The words of the young emperor fell. After a few breaths, Zhao Yu continued to speak slowly:

   "Establish a heart for the heaven and the earth, establish a life for the living and the people, for the sacred and inherit the best knowledge, and for the peace for all generations!"

After    Huanghuangdi's tone sounded, a surging color flashed in Zhao Yu's black eyes, and then the voice lingering around Shiye directly sounded again:

   "It is said that at the time when the dynasty tried, my father made this vow. As soon as this vow is published, the rest of the articles, such as the vast stars, are all reduced to dust!


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