The Hardest Opening System in History

Chapter 932: No Central Plains for the rest of my life


read2();   "Yeyue and a curtain of dreams, ten miles of tenderness in the spring breeze."

   Sixteen years ago, the seventy-fourth year of the Great Xia calendar, which is also the early spring of April, the catkins in the capital city are like snowflakes in the sky, flying with the wind.

   Then these playful catkins, accompanied by the soft spring breeze, slowly landed on the head of a woman who walked out of the boudoir, as if she had brought a fluffy flower hairpin.

Then, under the reflection of the catkins hairpin, the original rosy face became more matte, plus her delicate face like a carved jade, her graceful figure, from a distance, she looked like a person from the world. Fairy.

The woman who stepped out of the boudoir and walked to the attic balcony, listening to the magnetic verse in her ear, her pretty face became extremely red in an instant, and she wanted to go straight to the attic floor below her, and then she stopped where she was. , Staring at a tall and tall back figure in a white Confucian shirt in front of him, in his eyes, it seemed that he had lived for a whole spring.

  The spring breeze is rippling, catkins are flying, and the scholar leaning on the railing of the attic seems to feel something. He slowly turned around and looked at the girl standing not far away with steady and confident eyes. He beckoned and smiled and said:

   "It's still early, you should go to bed again."

   "I'm afraid that when I wake up, you will disappear and you will not sleep."

The girl’s response was extremely gentle, like a gentle breeze, with a heart-warming comfort. After she finished speaking, she lifted her footsteps and stepped forward to the railing, watching with the young scholars watching the blooming flowers below. The courtyard of flowers, and in the distance, you can still vaguely see the surrounding, the same magnificent generals' residences.

   This is the Willow Leaf Alley where most generals live in Shenjing City.

   "It is said that spring flowers are winter dreams. I am afraid that all these are dreams."

The soft voice of    continued to be heard from the woman's mouth, and then the young scholar gently held the right hand of the girl next to him, and the voice sounded again with a little smile:

   "Don't worry, this is not a dream. There are millions of spring flowers in the capital city, but I only want to lie down under yours. If you don't believe it, you can pinch it, how real it is."

   After finishing speaking, the scholar in white still scratched gently in the palm of the girl, causing the latter to let out a ring of laughter like a silver bell, making this remote courtyard more springy.

   For two people who are in love with each other, at this time, all this may be the so-called happiness in a lifetime.

  Then the young scholar held tightly the little hand of the girl next to him, raised his head, and stared at the sky of Yuanjuan Yunshu in front of Shenjing with a steady gaze. The voice came out again:

"Now the war outside Xijiang Pass is getting better, and Daxia is also developing vigorously in the country. When my three younger brothers are free, I will ask him to marry him, and then I will ask the master. If his old man speaks, your father Song Dajiang I don't want to be embarrassed."

   After the young scholar had finished speaking, his eyes were slightly lost, his smile even worse, his voice continued:

   "But you followed me. I don't know if it is fortunate or unfortunate. As the guard of His Royal Highness, the time I spend with you on weekdays is really short."

   "Since I was in a general's house, I have long been used to it. If I have children in the future, I won't be so lonely."

The response from the girl’s mouth is still as soft as ever, but it reveals sheer firmness. However, what the two Bi people who are cuddling in the corner do not know is that there is a turbulent undercurrent in the entire Shenjing City. It explodes from the inside out, like a mountain collapse and the ground cracks, and the angry sea roars!

The vermilion back door of General Yunhu Song's Mansion in Liuye Lane was slapped open by an old man wearing a black Confucian shirt. Then before the mansion house would react, the former turned into a black lightning and went straight to it. From a remote courtyard.

After a few breaths, the black-shirted old man directly shattered all the blooming flowers in the entire courtyard with a single kick. The next moment he appeared in front of the white-shirted scholar, grabbed the collar of the latter, and took it from the second floor attic Swipe hard to the ground.


With a loud noise, the ground of the entire Third-Rank Yunjun General's Mansion kept trembling, and a large hole suddenly appeared in the courtyard. The catkins all over the sky were directly torn into pieces by the howling energy, and then the black-shirted old man stretched out his hand to hold down the scholar 'S neckline, let out an angry shout:

"In the middle of the night yesterday, the Yulongguan Incident in the Endless Mountain, the former Marshal of Yulongguan Soldiers and Horses in the West Xinjiang had rebelled in the early autumn and directly took refuge in the Empire of the Sun. Fortunately, General Song Zhili found out in time. Under the sudden changes in the frontline, the outer three barriers are already in danger.

   "His Royal Highness has already rushed to the front with the Fourth Army overnight. I ask you, Sun Qian, as a guard of His Royal Highness, where was the person last night?"

As soon as this roar sounded, Sun Qian lying on his back on the ground, his pupils spread out, and then in the depths of the sea of ​​consciousness, there seemed to be a huge avalanche that was earth-shattering. At the beginning of the sun, it was difficult to look directly at it for a moment, and was in a daze.

   "What are you still stunned? The choice of the timing of this rebellion in early autumn happened to be the master's retreat. It can be said that it has been planned for a long time. Let me go to the Yunyu family's residence."

  The old man Dong Guo Lezheng dragged Sun Qian up from the ground, roaring again and again, showing the crisis of the external situation, and then Sun Qian, who had recovered, shook his head suddenly and spoke directly:

   "I'm going to the front line. I'm the guard of His Royal Highness. If it has been planned for a long time, then His Highness must be in danger. And inside this God Capital City, I hope you can bother you."

   "Since you have rebelled in early autumn, the entire endless mountain is no longer safe. If you go alone, I am afraid it will be difficult to catch up with your Highness."

   "As a guard, even if I die, I will die on the road."

Sun Qian's eyes were red, and he roared, then he turned his head and glanced at the crying pear-and-rain woman above, as if he wanted to engrave it in his mind. After a breath, Sun Qian's figure disappeared and disappeared into place .

   Looking back at this glance, it is the parting of more than ten years!

   Eight days later, when the scarred Sun Qian rushed to the Endless Mountain Jade Dragon Pass, what he saw was a not burly, but very stalwart back, alone guarding the endless mountain gate for three days!

   In front of that figure, the corpses of the foreign races of the Sun Empire piled up like a mountain, even higher than the gate of Jade Dragon Pass to pass the sky, including the empire's most respected prince.

   Then, until the incomparable figure, like a dam of heaven and earth, fell to the ground, the people of the Solar Empire did not dare to take a step forward for a long time.

   On the ninth day, Sun Qian and the You Wing Army in Yulong Pass desperately transported the corpse of Prince Zhao Jing back to the Central Plains. At the same time, they also brought back the dying sword holy yellow trick.

   After March, foreign races besieged the capital of the gods. At the time of crisis, Hou Linlang of Zhenyu and his wife came up in a different way, and the two princes of the sun empire were cut under the city of gods.

   One month later, the master left the customs and looked at the second disciple Sun Qian who was kneeling in front of him. He slammed a punch with anger, smashing the latter's teeth in half, and smashing the two realms at the same time.

   "To drive you out of the teacher's door for your teacher, go to the endless mountain pass to kill the alien race to atone for your sins, the alien race outside the pass will not stop for a day, and for the rest of your life, there will be no Central Plains!"


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